#i've tried adding it or substituting it in other places too but nothing changed so i left those as they were except in those two points
The Mayor of NYC just announced about the closing of the school year and how they tried to bridge the,gap for inequality for 6 years
I'm being honest and I'm not talking shit about him or any administration
I'm talking shit about people
This happens all the time. In elementary schools I shit you Not it happened in a 5th grade class room at La Promosa when I was substituting.
Fights and arguments were more common in high schools
In the middle school in 2016 the first month of classes there was 338 fights before classes started. And teachers trying to break it up got hit.
Im not kidding you. I don't live in the ghetto. I live ina community where they pride themselves on being the best and one of the most upper in all ways of the entire state. Where the government and schools work hard for this. They have won all kinds of awards that had absolutely nothing to do with me
I don't do that kind of system. As you see i do equality for police i do earning by deserving by showing workmanship.
But i don't do favor awards because of where i live. I was against Facebook coming to Los Lunas because we don't have a good traffic system. We have extra bad rush hour traffic that can take 3 hours to go 2 miles. So i was against Facebook coming and causing more traffic through town.
But they came and that had absolutely nothing to do with me. No shame. I don't work in the government. And they're only using solar electricity. So im not gonna bitch about it. It is good for the jobs and so on.
I'm just saying i was against it.
Because the point no matter how hard we try for our community or our schools
There's people that will fight for no reason.
So Mayor Bill while you find it painful, you may be saving some people some pain. Children being bullied. Fights such as these being hidden in school bathrooms. And so much more.
Schools were initially designed to be a safe place
But they aren't any more.
So i just wanted to explain that to all of you.
Seriously the middle school in 2016 had in the 2016 to 2017 school year, 74225 fights/arguments of high intensity that caused disruption in the hearts.
My primary school before i became unable to walk was the middle school. But it was heartbreaking.
What I saw was children coming from a home environment with one teacher and a playground.
Now our elementary schools do a block to prepare them for middle school because the change is so disruptive. So starting in 4th to 6th they change classes for certain subjects. But its only about 4 teachers per grade. So and if one is sick or has a sub or something or the teachers decide they don't want to for special projects they stay in their regular class.
Every thing else they had their whole life. Music and art and PE teachers.
Then thrown into 7 different teachers. No play ground. No desks to keep their things. No lockers. Every one new including the school grounds. They have to carry all their stuff all day in book bags.
It is the most inhumane treatment in the world.
And to make matters worse it's when they go through puberty.
I went to that school over all the schools in the district because i knew they needed me. Because they broke my heart. Because they had a constant cloud of darkness over their school.
Because they were in Hell.
Things were so used to. Things we survived. That we dont have the time to take to realize how much trouble the future of our children are in.
Just the way the school system is organized. Elementary. Middle/Intermediate/Jr High. High school.
I saw memes about zombies wanted in this WWIII
Look into the eyes of a child in Jr high. You'll see the walking dead.
I'm not kidding yoh. They tore my soul apart and broke my heart.
Every day i had to go Just to be there. Just to absorb the air. To make it cleaner for another day for them.
Turn out one set of lights. Open the blinds for the sun to come in. Do what i could to allow their brains to receive oxygen
And not neon fluorescent tube light's radiation.
Let their lungs expand and breathe so they could learn.
That is just is a basic.
It didn't help long term. Just a basic band aid.
Then allow them a voice. Allow them to speak on their own.
So, my choice to pay governments to shut down schools of 5 Billion dollars NYC will get...
It is for a reason.
My choice to have children at home worldwide
Is because i saw the suicidal desire in children's eyes. Because just of the change of the ways school systems are established.
Those children need to be home to recover.
They need more help than you will ever know.
They need more hugs and love and home cooked suppers and Happy Meals than you can imagine.
I care about those kids. I care about their parents and guardians. I care if they're homeless and on their own.
I worked plenty of special ed as well as regular education. Special ed was my favorite because they tried to blow through that black cloud every day and they also did it for the people around them
While they're termed stupid and dumb because of their lack of reading or math ability, most are the strongest of all the schools to bring light into the lives of others.
I remember this girl. She looked so dead inside. She walked up to me slow and in pain. "Idk what to do today I can't concentrate. I just don't feel right"
I looked around the room..
"Do you need the nurse?"
"Well I think you're not going to be okay take your things and go sit over my John. So I don't have to keep yelling at him for talking. Tell him I said to talk to you. He's the kid in the back from here against the wall three seats or rows back however you call them"
At that time i didn't know he was in reading special ed. I had not done his class period yet.
But i felt the most positive energy coming from his area of the room and he looked like the leader of that zone. I worried it was a mistake. That he could lead her astray.
I saw the darkness deepen "i said for her to go over there" the cloud prevented their brains from hearing and processing "HEY! YOU WANNA TALK? TALK TO HER! BECAUSE I SAID OR ILL SEND YOU TO THE PRINCIPAL. OR HEY COME HERE AND ILL EXPLAIN SOMETHING TO YOU"
So he came up "what? Im trying to be good. And she told me i had to talk to her"
"Am i here every day? No I'm not. There's something wrong with her. Its probably something at home that has nothing to do with you. Or maybe her and her friends got into a fight. Whatever. But what i do know is you like being the center of attention and talking a lot. So what i need you to do is talk to her. Not solely but include her in your group. Can you look st her please? Tell me what you see."
"Like she wants to die or some one to take her out and shoot her in the street"
My tears prevented me from saying more "then i think you know how to handle her without doing that. Do you play a lot of video games?"
"I used to. But my mom and dad kept taking it away for me being bad in school. I have it now though i just haven't played in years"
"Well i tell you, John, i think you should start playing more as a reward from me for helping her. And you should tell your parents you're doing well socially. And she should change her seat"
"What do you think has happened to her? Something bad or...?"
"I think she's just alone. Maybe just this class or. What this is right after lunch? She may just being of a social anxiety for leaving her friends from the cafeteria"
His eyes light up "I've been in special ed all my life!! I know exactly what that is!! I can help!! Thank you Miss Teach!!"
I never saw that girl again. She ceased to exist. That class never existed again. It transformed completely into a smiling sunny happy class room. It didn't matter if all the lights were off.
Each and every single child in that room shone with brightness...
It wasn't over night. It took Team Work.
But they worked it. And it worked.
Im not talking shit about the teachers. The teacher gave them work i didn't need to teach. Just work they already knew how. Which gave me the opportunity to look and view the students in a way she didn't have the time or freedom of mind to. A lot of time she just gave them a "catch up day" catch up on old assignments and homework they hadn't turned in. She gave them one every 2 weeks so she didn't have to fail them. So she just added one in or switched it from the regular day. And she had extra credit worksheets for them to do when they finished.
So no matter what you do. There's always gonna be a problem.
Our problem for Quarentine is Essiential workers. They can't stay home. They can't give nor receive the special attention their family and friends deserve.
This is why worldwide people are saluting and applauding and thanking and doing charity for them.
This is why we set aside special vacations and money for them and their families.
Yes you, too, my store workers. Including Wal-Mart. I got shamed yesterday by one of my stout workers i always see in Wal-Mart that goes the extra mile. "What about us. Ain't no one said shit especially you"
He didn't say the word shit but... You know what i mean. It's what i heard.
Which is funny cause the last time i saw him he was stocking toilet paper.
So understand why shutting down the schools is so essiential. Why communities are being paid so much. No community school district is being paid less than $6 million to shut down for the school year.
I want you to understand why.
Because its out of control. Its dangerous. And it is damaging our humans and aliens. And it is damaging our future on Earth to be successful.
So you stressed out moms.. Chill the fuck out.
Please. Please for the love of God.
Assualt your child with a hug. Just grab them and say "i didn't know. I'm here for all those moments you felt alone. Just come and find me and ask to do something together"
Assault them with love.
This is World War 3 people. Get into action!!!
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