miscellaneous-oxy · 5 years
steady. (Aug 2018)
English translation of the article in steady. (Aug 2018) (6 July 2018 on sale)
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steady. August 2018
 Acting: Which scene in your previous works made your heart flutter the most?
To me, there isn’t any scene that does it. I’m sometimes surprised at my own acting when I watch myself on TV, though, as it happens that I don’t remember why I did what I did in such a way.
 Bond: When did you feel the bonds among 2PM members?
The moment the last stage of 6nights concert in Korea finished, we spontaneously hugged each other and started crying. Everything that happened over the decade came back to us, and with our fans calling out our names, we couldn’t help but get emotional.
 Chansung: What kind of person is Chansung?
Though he’s the maknae, he has profound thoughts. But he thinks and worries too much, too. (laugh) I’d say he’s a lot mature for his age.
 Desire: What is your desire?
It’s more like a dream than a desire, but I’d like to live on like this – singing, acting, and being loved by you. I guess you can say I have a massive desire in a sense.
 Eat: What is your favourite food?
Now I’m into having Thai food delivered. Once I like something, I tend to keep on eating the same thing. (laugh) I’ve always had Chansung grill meat for me, for I felt even that was too much of a bother, but I’ve learned to cook at last to prepare for the role of a chef for the drama Wok of Love. I’m pretty good at making fried rice!
 Future: How would you be 10 years from now?
I really don’t want to think about it. Not yet.
 Graduate: What do you want to quit doing?
(the term “graduate” is used metaphorically)
I’d like to put an end to my tendency to get addicted to things. It goes for my eating Thai food all the time now, and the same goes for my choosing the same clothes to wear even though I have tons of other clothes. It’s even a mystery to me, too, why I’m like this. (laugh)
 Hottest: What do fans mean to you?
They are the best. I’ve been trying to be more active on social media so I can communicate with my fans.
 Impact: Was there anything that shocked you recently?
While I was preparing for my tour in Japan, Chansung dropped by with some chicken for me without notice.
 Junho: What kind of person are you?
(after giving it some thought . . . ) I suppose I’m not bad. I can’t say I’m a good person, but I’m not that bad either. (laugh)
 Jun. K: What kind of person is Jun. K?
He is a “kawaii” person in many ways. (laugh) He shows his emotions and affections openly, but he also demands us of the same show of affection.
 Love: What are your views on love?
Love is something with no answer. (Love is something from which you shouldn’t expect results.) It means you love this person unconditionally. When you fall in love, you experience a change in your character. You become someone “no one has ever seen before.” (laugh) I don’t know how I would be myself.
 Moment: Which moment left you a strong impression on you?
There are many moments, but I’d say the moment when we went on stage at Tokyo Dome, the moment I had a solo concert, and as an actor, the moment I was awarded a prize last year stand out.
 Nichkhun: What kind of person is Nichkhun?
He is kind, but not in the sense that he is just nice: He’s sometimes strict, too. As he is a true professional, I have lots to learn from him.
 Only One: Your image of the ideal woman?
I really can’t say. I guess the person I fall in love with will become my ideal woman. I’m not trying to be evasive here. (laugh)
 2PM: What is 2PM to you?
My family. Although it’s much more than that. (I cannot express how I feel about them in just this single word.)
 Question: What would you like to ask your fans?
Are you eating properly? Are you doing okay? Will you come to my concert? Will you stan 2PM forever?
 Rest: What eases your mind?
Spending time with my cats at home. Being with my cats somehow makes me feel and act like I’m taking care of a baby. (laugh) I didn’t talk at all at home before, but having cats made me a talker.
 Sleep: Do you wear pyjamas at night?
I’m not particular about sleeping attires. But I always try to sleep with my arms and legs sprawled out. I heard it’s good for your health. The problem is, I can’t move much because my three cats sleep on my legs.
 Taecyeon: What kind of person is Taecyeon?
He’s cool-headed and realistic. One more thing! He acts cute!
 Underbelly: What are your shortcomings?
Being too focused and addictive. When I focus on something, I get hooked on it so hard that I won’t be able to do anything else.
 View: The view you cannot forget?
The sea and the sun in Hawaii when I went to film my music video for “SO GOOD.” I remember it was really hectic, too.
 Wooyoung: What kind of person is Wooyoung?
He has his own worldview, but he doesn’t impose it on others. He doesn’t ask us to understand it either. You could say he’s a free spirit. And that’s who he is.
 XXXXX: Something new that you want to try?
I’d like to get the licences for sailing a yacht and flying an airplane.
 Young Boy: What kind of relationship do you have among the Young Boys?
They are friends of same age. I don’t know why but we resonate with each other very often. Even when the six of us go out for dinner, the Old Boys and the Young Boys automatically choose to sit together at the same table, respectively, if we need to sit at two tables.
 Zest: What spices up your life?
I’m always craving for new challenges, and I love challenging things. If focusing on one particular thing is me in the present, challenging new things would be my future. I always imagine a future: Imagining things is really inspiring. It motivates me, too.
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