#idc if the actors were nice to you because they sent in a bday video or signed an autograph
librarycards · 6 years
@needier tagged me (ily maddy!!)
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people!
@estuarry @invertgarde @fatqueerfemmes @turkishvampiredyke @holdmusic @oldface-magenta @mycologicalsociety @roseyeoja @7000 and anyone else who wants to!
questions/answers under the cut!
1. drink? currently drinking coffee!!
2. phone call? i don't usually answer calls lmao but a couple days ago a friend called and left a voicemail!
3. text message? sent to my best friend!
4. song you listened to? elvis in the freezer / ratboys
5. time you cried? a couple days ago
6. dated someone twice: yEAH
7. kissed someone and regretted it? yeah
8. been cheated on? no
9. lost someone special? yes
10. been depressed? yes 
11. gotten drunk and thrown up? nooo
3 favorite colours?
12. purple/indigo
13. maroon that leans toward brown
14. "burnt sienna" that orange/brown fall color
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends? yes
16. fallen out of love? no
17. laughed until you cried? yes
18. found out someone was talking about you? uhhh i don't think so haha
19. met someone who changed you? yes
20. found out who your friends are? yes
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list? yes
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl? at least 80-85% if not more?
23. do you have any pets? yes we have a cat!
24. do you want to change your name? no although i'd like to add my mom's last name to my name
25. what did you do for your last birthday? got top surgery ON my bday fsjskdfk
26. what time did you wake up today? 11
27. what were you doing at midnight last night? listening to a podcast and reading!
28. what is something you can’t wait for? [redacted] on 8/14
29. what are you listening to right now? a youtube video by qcknd!
30. when was the last time you saw your mom? a half hour ago
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom? yes
32. something that gets on your nerves? SO MUCH but like...whistling and knuckle cracking are big ones. chewing with your mouth open. not washing your hands.
33. most visited website? gmail.com haha 
34. hair color? blondish-reddish-brownish idk
35. long or short hair? i love my hair super short; i get it shaved about every month, or try to!
36. do you have a crush on someone? yes and i'm dating them
37. what do you like about yourself? i like my eyes and body mods, as well as my teeth. i feel weird saying what personality traits i like because i'm probably wrong?
38. want any piercings? yes i want at least 1 more in an ear; i want a bridge piercing; i want double nostrils; i love dermals but they're Cursed so i probably won't ever get one lmao
39. blood type? i think o something but i don't remember specifically!
40. nicknames? sar, lynn, lynnie, [lastname]
41. relationship status? ~taken~
42. zodiac? sag/cap/cancer!
43. pronouns? they/them
44. fave tv shows? black mirror, insecure, big little lies (i KNOW leave me alone)
45. tattoos? 4, hopefully more soon!
46. right handed or left handed? right-handed
47. ever had surgery? yes
48. piercings? 3 pairs of earlobe piercings, 4 "real" piercings, one piercing that is no longer with us (rip)
49. sport? i'm bad at sports but i love figure skating
50. vacation? i'd really like to go to peru & practice rock-climbing, even though i'm also bad at that lmao. in the us i really want to visit the west coast.
51. trainers? this means sneakers, right? i own sneakers
more general..
52. eating… not at the moment
53. drinking… taking a sip of water
54. i’m about to watch… probably about to listen to a podcast
55. waiting for… the day i get to move back to school!!!!
56. want… to be p*blished and recognized as an important th*nker
57. get married? complex feelings about this but ultimately yes
58. career? i want to do writing/academic bullshit!
which is better…
59. hugs or kisses? depends on moment/context!
60. lips or eyes? eyes omg
61. shorter or taller? most people are taller than me but idc!
62. older or younger? to date Seriously probably anyone between 18 and 21, to hook up probably 19-25
63. nice arms or stomach? i love tummies but arms are great as well
64. hookup or relationship? both
65. troublemaker or hesitant? i'm really hesitant in life but i'm more forward in love
have you ever…
66. kissed a stranger? yes
67. drank hard liquor? yes but only a few sips
68. lost glasses? no
69. turned someone down? yes
70. sex on first date? not on an Actual Date
71. broken someone’s heart? unfortunately i think so. yikes
72. had your heart broken? yes
73. been arrested? no
74. cried when someone died? yes
75. fallen for a friend? you mean, my entire life?
do you believe in…
76. yourself? i mean, i'm still here
77. miracles? yea
78. love at first sight? no, love is a practice
79. santa claus? i believe in the spirit of goodness/giving that people personify as santa.
80. kiss on first date? yeah i think a goodnight kiss after the first date is really adorable.
81. angels? iiiiii have no idea about how i feel about religious stuff oops
82. best friend’s name? delia
83. eye color? mine? green!
84. fave movie? the florida project and get out are both amazing, they're my fav recent ones. *my* movies are carrie and matilda.
85. fave actor?  i don't think i have one?
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