#idk bro you don't feel like a The Slayfang what if your title was The Flipshit. yknow because you flip your shit when people say youre stup
birchbow · 3 months
Was Kurloz titled before he became the GHB? And relatedly, does the clown pope need to sign off on titles, or just public consensus of other highly regarded clowns? (I could imagine that Kurloz might have been doing a balancing act of demonstrating to others that he is going to be a serious contender for the throne while also avoiding drawing the attention of Rakhem before he felt ready to challenge? But also it seems like the former GHB didn’t pay much attention to his faithful flock, and maybe being titled doesn’t require his stamp of approval? But then again Kurloz did have a bit of a meteoric rise by typical standards so maybe there just wasn’t opportunity before he was already crowned?)
TBH regardless of how getting a title usually works, my internal narrative says that Kurloz was intent on demonstrating that he was serious about taking the throne, and very intentionally didn't take a title because of that. "I've got the only one I want in mind and it's Grand Highblood" kind of vibes. As far as approval from the GHB for titles goes... a few interesting possibilities spring to mind;
the consensus of the community is what solidifies a title, in much the same way that you can WANT a nickname but until the people around you make it happen, you don't really have a nickname. You can come up with the coolest name you can think of but if nobody agrees you deserve it or it fits you it's not going to fly. Conceptually hilarious tbh.
the GHB is supposed to approve titles for members of the church--potentially only if the title in some way speaks to their religious status? You can be the Sanguise or Brother Cullclaw or whatever, but you can't be the Carnival or Sister Holyfang without the okay from the head of the church? In which case since Rakhem was already becoming aware of Kurloz as a potential threat as he was coming up, he probably would have slapped down any attempt to gain a title even if Kurloz wanted one.
Either way, Kurloz didn't have one before he took over, haha. :D To answer your actual question.
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