#idk how to explain it but something about both simon and daphne's characters book and show really pissed me off for some reason??
dylanconrique · 4 months
they really weren't kidding about the rom-com vibes in this season.
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random-person10 · 2 years
Ok so i’m rewatching it now out of pure boredom and i’ve realized somethings and one of them is that Eloise is a fucking idiot.
Don’t get me wrong, she is one of my favourite characters but for someone who reads so much and counts as more curious than others she is absolutely oblivious to things that are impossible to be oblivious about.
First of all, the thing about her not knowing how babies are born. I get it, her mother didn’t explain squat, that’s fair, but Eloise reads... there are poems, books, and many many scripts that mention that shit. Now yes, that is fault of the show writers fine, but still I found it so dumb that they tried to make a gag out of it when it just wasn’t consistent.
Second thing, the number of times that Penelope has slipped and almost revealed herself in season 2. Eloise was able to find the same fucking paper material as whistledown’s but could not figure out that Penelope’s speech about being an observer of gossip was ample evidence. 
Another thing that bugs me is how little the show writers show her writing talent. If Eloise is so keen on becoming a writer, why aren’t we shown any of it? We get to see benedict’s art and his adventures at it but never get a glimpse at her writing or her love for it other than that she reads. Yes, benedict is a man and gets to peruse his passion, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t get a glimpse at her own life in a single episode. All I see from Eloise is her remarks on sexism and how shitty stereotypes are, which I love to see, but I would also like to see her talent, it just feels like they wanted to add a feminist character for the lines and attitude. 
I know Eloise isn’t meant to be some sort of genius, but rather someone who is able to recognize the silliness in the world around them, it’s just that her curiosity and consumption of knowledge doesn’t match some of the things she does. 
However, I do love many other things she does, like when she states to her mother how her beliefs and actions are not just some act of rebellion for others to admire. I love that scene and wished they could’ve explored that part of her more. Because that’s what it’s truly about. 
Another is how she wants to look for Lady Whistledown in order to discuss ideas and shit woman-to-woman, it’s very wholesome and I liked her detective attitude towards it.
Also, Colin is not a character. He has less personality and presence than fucking gregory, but alas, I always thought this and just wanted to mention it. I know a lot of people love him and I get it I guess but like all he has is being Penelope’s love interest and even that is flavourless and feels half-assed. I just wish that the writers put a little more effort into the siblings. 
I hate how they queer baited people with Benedict just to make him the straightest person in season 2. Heart eyes for both men and women, looking at both the naked figure of men and women, literally admiring Henry Graville, not his life, but him, and then throwing it all in the trash is so fucked up. I still hope they at least make him canonically bi. 
I loved how they showed Anthony’s growth, in season 1. He showed that he could learn from the mistakes he did with his sister and mother and actually changed his ways, it was so refreshing. 
Daphne’s trick/rape with Simon was horrible I lack the words for it,I know the book had it, but the show could’ve literally avoided adding it, its triggering and totally evil I don’t even know what to say. I don’t know whether to hate Daphne or the writers because her character was totally amazing up until that episode. 
I used to hate the Featheringtons a lot on my first watch but actually enjoyed watching them this time around idk it just felt different. I guess I had a little more morality the first time and just don’t care this time but yeah no I love them, especially Lady Featherington, she fucking rules bro, she’s a little evil but she’s what Eloise wished she was. Lmfao jk but yeah Lady Featheringtons a boss. 
love mama bridgerton, she deserves better, (should teach her kids about sex coz wtf) shes my love. 
love lady danbury, she also deserves better.
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deadmunds-ghostbee · 3 years
(Commentary on stills  in another post)
1. ALL Bridgertons included in Pall Mall. Daphne confirmed, and Simone said she was there with ‘all of the cast.’ Jonny said something like “All of the Bridgertons.” If this means Greg and Hyacinth content, then I’m all over it.
2. Newton gets an arc!!! Pls let it be known that, in terms of things I am excited about, priority goes Kathony kiss, mr finch cheese content, then Newton arc. Fight me!!! 
3. Kate is “outside the ton and deliberately put herself in there.” EW author also called her a ‘spinster,’ which should be taken with a grain of salt would def explain her non-dance card laden wrists. I am very excited about this prospect, an improvement from canon for me.
4. The sharmas grew up in India (No comment).
5. Queen uses Edwina AS A PAWN to unmask whistledown??? Will she tell Edwina to cause more drama/advise her poorly on situations to lure LW into spotlight so Charlotte can nail to her to a time/place/person?? Eloise wants to find LW too but is protective over her. Will Edwina and Eloise be rivals in that? Will they team up and be friends like in the book? Will they and Pen have a little nerd girl squad??? This crum can only lead to great shit imo.
6. Jonny’s comment about Anthony being most “honest, fatigued and exhausted” in quiet moments in his study and in women’s beds. I wanna see him fuck someone else and then be emo about it, hope this confirms this.
7. KATE IS IN TOUCH WITH HER DESIRES !!! She’s been to a farm for sure lol, has maybe gotten herself off and potential for raunchy dreams from her AND him. They should splice the dreams together in editing, just for me to enjoy.
8. Colin is a biscuit king. Love the physical comedy and cartoonish aspect when it’s put in the show. Sibling stuff and fun moments were best part of S1. Lets hope we get a lot of this.
9. Daphne is considered ‘the rock’ of the siblings now, ‘the adult’ and someone to guide Anthony on his journey to love lol, but also she ‘lets her hair down’ at Aubrey hall and is v competitive at Pall Mall. This was the only thing they could really do with her, so I just hope the shift seems natural for her character. 
10. Simone said that Kathony “TEACH EACH OTHER HOW TO LOVE, TO LET LOVE IN, GIVE LOVE, AND ACCEPT THE SCARY PARTS” this. THIS. is why I don’t think they’ll fuck up the romance or even that much of the backstory (or at least Anthony’s :/)
11. Polin wrote while he was away?? Cute. 
12. Kate and Anthony are ‘anti-gossipers’ in Simone’s words. Makes sense for Anthony, and for both after marriage, but Kate not being into whistledown is a deviation from the book. Not mad at it, not a big deal to me either?
13. Edwina is ‘optimistic to a fault’ and looking for a LOVE match. But has a ‘wild streak’. She wants to be sensible but her true nature is to be starry-eyed idealist. it also said “She lets others speak for her bc she can’t express herself.” While i personally hope she makes out with some girls and also think she will have a classism subplot thing along with queen stuff, we know she will get a happy ending. we just don’t know what it is. What we do know is that ppl will hurt her/take advantage of her along the way, and she will hurt in return. 
14. They still won’t admit Jack is the featherington heir. Which fine, I guess but I see no other way. Maybe he’s a solicitor. But he’s involved with the featheringtons for sure and idk i want him to fuck portia there i said it.
15. Pen has money she could use to help her family but doesn’t. That deviated from canon a bit but it’s interesting for sure. I think we’ll see her make as poor of decisions as last season but also show remorse. Her arc is a little too big to nail down.
16. Colin’s “not focused on romance” but “other pursuits and ventures” that dont end in heartbreak. So what you’re saying is that he’s a whore. Good. Maybe he’ll gain his interest in writing. 
17. Kate’s “outside the rules” but also has “a lot to work out” this alludes to her backstory, i think. And it’s confirmed her and Ed are half sisters so we have that too.
18. The video said EW released like an hour or two ago said shit about fooling around “in the library. you never know who could be in the stacks.” Who. WHO. WHOO.
19. “And if you can’t risk temptation, watch out for bees” in regard to keeping lips to oneself. I mean if they didnt include this, it’d be ridiculous. But also maybe Kathony are already making out when the bee comes. Wouldnt be a crazy deviation. 
sO many crumbs today it was so hard to keep track of that I took notes, which is super lame. All info can be found in like the four EW posts from today.
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thewingedwolf · 4 years
Anyways thoughts on bridgerton and warning for discussion of marital rape and also spoilers obviously
Simon should have stuttered as an adult under stressful situations, that’s how stutters work and it would have been emotionally impacting to watch him slip into it and try to work around it by using the advice Lady Danbury gave him
Idk if I’m supposed to like Penelope but Uh. I do not she’s awful
At least they did their Gossip Dan thing early on so there’s not inconsistencies but making your Gossip Girl character a main character, IMO, instantly makes that character unlikeable. She publishes several stories that directly fuck over Daphne, who is her best friend’s sister, and completely blows up Marina’s life bc she’s angry and petty. I love Nicola but hard pass.
Benedict and/or Eloise should be gay and throwing in a minor gay character that Benedict is obsessed with just to not follow through with that and make Benedict gay is stupidt. If you’re not going to change your adaptation by making one of the siblings queer, throwing in some token “see they’re not homophobic bc they met one (1) gay person” is just patronizing
Siena and Marina both deserved better. Also I want Genevieve to come back bc she was cool
The aesthetic and music was really good, very clearly playing with audience expectations in a way that was anachronistic and fun instead of just weird.
I really did love the dynamic between the Bridgertons. Even with Anthony being a lil bastard man, you can see how much they all care about each other and I likes how important the relationship between the family is to the overreaching story.
Lady Danbury 🅱️lease be my wife. Just so completely effortlessly awesome as a character and played Perfectly by Adjoa Andoh
Very happy that there are so many people of color in this but also, some of the casting choices are Weird - keeping the two main families white means most characters of color are going to be supporting. It could mean, if they’re not awful with casting, that nearly every love interest will be a PoC but it could also mean that they could cast white people from here on out and it becomes a show that uses PoC as background dressing for ~diversity. This could have been avoided if they just made the Featheringtons or the Bridgertons also people of color.
And lastly.....
It literally could have been so easy to not have Daphne use sex as a freaking weapon against her own husband. They could have argued about his issue with kids and she could have gotten nasty instead of like marital rape. It doesn’t matter that the scene wasn’t as obviously bad as it apparently is in the books, it was still bad!!! I feel like I did with outlander - just bc the author did something nasty and out of touch doesn’t mean you as a person living in the 21st century with an entire writing staff to check your work have to carry that nasty thing into your present day adaptation of the work. It is in your power to make the work better so like, Do It.
Even completely disregarding that scene (and like. It shouldn’t be bc he very clearly feels betrayed see: he doesn’t trust her not to do it again and won’t have sex with her later) their reconciliation just isn’t written as well as their courtship bc there’s no effort given to explain his feelings on his father to Daphne. She treats it as if Simon is being petty when it was a very emotional response to a lifetime of abuse.
Which was disappointing bc the first five episodes were G R E A T with how it built up their relationship
Anyway this was...a mixed bag. Surprisingly horny. Very pretty. Mostly solid casting. The good parts were IMO incredibly well done but the bad parts were glaringly bad. It’s perfectly geared to be the Exact sort of show I like to watch Including having aspects so annoyingly bad that I’ll rant about it for hours while still being like “I like it tho don’t think I hate it.”
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