#idk i just don't feel like i understand that. sera is a steadfast friend who looks out for the inquistor.
7-oh-ta1 · 1 year
Thinking abt my Inquitor (Lavellan) & his friendship with Sera is really is what led me to realize why ppl who hate her are usually ppl who love Solas -- and yeah obviously I'm aware that they're opposites but specifically I think people just like what Solas is symbolic of. It's not even that he as a person is fascinating to them its just that they really like the elven lore and that's his whole shtick. Which actually sucks bec Solas as a person, not as a symbol, is interesting. And it also led me to realize that characters like Solas and occasionally Blackwall (who I LOVE btw don't misinterpret) are forgiven for their deceit with little to no repercussions whereas characters like Sera and Vivenne who are completely upfront about who they are and what they want are trashed or at least were for many years until people got bored of them. I'm not exactly sure what I'm trying to say I just feel like there's a correlation. Like maybe they don't like what Vivenne is or Sera is symbolic of so immediately don't try to get to know them any further which is fine they don't have to like everyone, but makes me wonder how many ppl play these games that are crucially character based and just write off any character that doesn't lie to them for intrigue
#lindsay speaks#dragon age#idk i just don't feel like i understand that. sera is a steadfast friend who looks out for the inquistor.#SHE HOOKED MINE UP WITH A CROSSBOW ARM ATTACHMENT. <3#but she's treated so so shittily by the fanbase because they won't even listen to her? btw on many things my inquisitor agreed to disagree#with her which resulted in minimal disapproval and they were still best friends because they both believed the most important thing in each#situation was how to protect people who cannot protect themselves? and saw the virtue in each other#not to mention the things sera says she has every right to say (maybe it's different with low approval?) and she's allowed to have#conflicted feelings about the whole world. she's not a fucking politician selling you her worldview she's your FRIEND#and she's completely upfront & truthful about her boundaries and who she is and what she does. not one lie.#but solas can literally be some 10000000+ year old man with the plan to rip the world apart by force and lied to you not just about the#obvious bigger things like his doomsday plan but even the small things like where he grew up & what his goals are. and he did it with a#smile & he only regrets it enough to say ''I'm sorry but too bad'' AND HARDLY ANYONE SHIT ON HIM?? I actually enjoy his character I'm not#saying i WANTED hate but compared to Sera being treated like a punching bag for years because she doesn't lie to you versus the reception#he got???? it just baffles me. it was so disproportionate and still is !!
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