#idk if anyone's noticed but i have Never had Wilford refer to Dark by a name
captain-neutrino · 2 years
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You ever think about how there's no way Wilford would recognize Damien as he is now? Or how Damien didn't have a chance to learn the details of what Celine did while she was awake? Me too.
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headless-tailor · 7 years
Okay I may or may not have destroyed my feels With this bizarre idea I have. 
So I saw these few pictures of Dark and Anti where they were drawn like brothers. Anti was smol little brother and Dark was teen (I think?) big brother. And Dark was taking care of Anti. (UNFORTUNATELY I DIDN’T LIKE OR REBLOG THOSE PICTURES AND NOW I LOST THEM. HURRAY ME!!!!) So I got this “little” idea (which made me cry like a little baby because I’m emotionally unstable :^))))))) from those pictures.
Since Dark and Wilford are the only alter egos that are brought up over and over again their importance are shown in Markiplier TV where Dark sits at head of the table and Wilford is standing end of the other. So it’s fair enough to assume they are in “control”.
Wilford is obviously the oldest of them all so he I thought he could be the oldest brother. Dark who appeared later on is obviously younger brother. Now I imagined that while they’re not with Mark or appear in his videos they are living in this world where... Well other alter egos/figments live. 
They are walking through forest carrying whatever they have and Wilford stops to listen. At this point I would want to make clear that Wilford indeed is NOT crazy psychopathic killer who lives merrily day after day. But he is kind and gentle. Understanding. He is normal. But the sound they hear is little kid sobbing and of course Wilford runs that direction.
What he find is little green haired kid whose leg is stuck in a bear trap (cruel yes, but who said our world was perfect ether?). Wilford yells for Dark to help and they open the bear trap so they could get the kid out of there. Wilford quickly ties kid’s leg and picks him up telling Dark to bring their things that they were carrying.
So they get to their house Wilford quickly fixes the kid’s leg noticing that the kid is also bruised from everywhere and his clothes dirty and ripped. Of course he cannot let this child wander alone not after what happened so he takes him in. Dark is not really fond with this idea but doesn’t complain. And who is this kid you might ask?
Well it’s Anti of course :3
So little Anti lives with Wilford and Dark until he’s fine and healthy again. Unfortunately it’s Dark who always have to babysit Anti while Wilford is taking care of everything else :D Dark didn’t like Anti very much because he himself is calm and stable while Anti is basically spazzing energy and is always running everywhere. He’s just so energetic that it tires Dark quickly but soon he grows to be very protective towards Anti and he can’t help his heart melting when Anti calls him brother for the first time ever. Dark is the one to take care of Anti while Wilford is running around taking care of stuffs and also trying to figure out who Anti really is. And the result made him worry.
Wilford tells Dark that Anti isn’t what he looks like. He isn’t what they are. Instead of growing in someone’s back of mind Anti is an “experiment” who was created and raised in laboratory. He didn’t grow up like they did. He’s planted in his host unlike them who grew with the host. Their powers are completely different. So now two of them wonder how deep shit they are. They both are so worried over Anti because he’s still so young. But why Anti is there and not in laboratory is because one of the workers in that lab escaped with Anti because he thought what they were doing was too cruel. And the person (or alter-ego whatevs) was InFelix (if someone doesn’t know it’s Felix’s dark-side). He raised Anti for years until the high power’s guards found him so he had to teleport Anti somewhere else while fighting with guards. Dark and Wilford figured out enough when they were asking who was this “caretaker” Anti always referred to.
But no matter how safe they tried to keep Anti the same higher power’s guards who took down InFelix found them. Wilford tried to fight them giving Dark time to escape and run for his life with Anti. Unfortunately Wilford was caught and taken with them. Meanwhile Dark was hiding with Anti, Wilford was being tortured to tell where Anti was but he refused to tell. After being kept locked up long enough alone in a small cell he was going to lose his mind but tried to keep it together thinking that Dark and Anti was safe. But when the higher power... dudes (idk what they are. They aren’t like anyone’s figment or alter ego or dark side. They are just... Some kind of matter or energy that moves the body. Also they ware the one to run and rule that world.) saw how on edge Wilford was they used the chance and turned him into the Wilford that we know. Crazy psychopathic killer. His memory as completely wiped out.
With his help they found out where Dark and Anti were hiding. They forcefully separated the two bringing them in different places. Anti was taken back to laboratory and Dark was taken to place where Wilford was. After few days being in prison Wilford gave him a propose: ether join him and work with him OR refuse to help any kind and watch Anti being tortured while he himself was slowly being killed. Dark knew that he couldn’t do anything for Anti other than let him be and just be there with his brother even though he knew that Wilford wasn’t the same His own brother didn’t recognize him. So he joined with Wilford and let Anti be. He grew out to be the social manipulator who doesn’t care about but just wants to use you. He had to repress his old memories and feelings turning him into a cold hearted and dangerous. 
Later after years Anti escapes the laboratory and stays with Jack. He’s not being tracked down because what he did was their goal anyway so.. Why bother? Of course Anti’s memory is wiped too except not as much as Wilford’s. He still remembers things from here and there but otherwise he has no idea about his past. 
Dark tries to somehow reach out for Anti but he just gives him a cold shoulder so Dark just gradually takes a step back and just goes on with whatever Anti throws at him. He plays his games. 
Dark is the only one to remember from three of them what their past were like and seeing what Anti has become and how he doesn’t remember him it breaks Dark’s heart. But he refuses to show his feelings and go through those emotions. He doesn’t have a choice. He has to live his life without his brothers and go on with his life. 
That’s why Dark never really step on Anti’s toes or only annoys him and that’s why Dark respects Wilford plans and calls him Will.
Because he’s the only one who remembers. 
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