#idk if this is something i can fix but it's one of those debug items that you have to raise yourself bc it's below the floor
birdietrait · 1 year
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ok, cute !
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ictvibe · 4 years
November 30 - December 4 (Week 7)
Can y’all feel it, guys? What can you say about the title? Exaggerated? No jokes, Sherlock that is real! Like for real, I was feeling frustrated and all for this week! Wanna know why? Well then, read this blog! But don't worry I’ll include some learnings too HAHAHA!
Okay so first and foremost, we had a 20-items identification quiz. It wasn’t a surprise or what since it was announced to us in our ICT group chat. Alright and guess what my score is? Don’t expect too much guys I just got an 11 for a score. Low as the underworld, right? Welp, what can I say, I didn’t review much because I have a pile of works to do! Modules, summative, assessments and things like those are everywhere! I haven’t had the time to review for our quiz and yeah I accept my score. I know I’m at fault too, I know that.
Secondly... wait, is secondly even a word? idk just google it LMAO! Okay so secondly, after our quiz, just like what was planned, we had more activities to enhance our “programming skills” and things like that. So for our first activity which added more blocks to my already piled up frustrations in life (yeah just lemme be dramatic just for once lol), we have this.
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Easy you think? Well you thought... I don’t really know too if this is just a piece of cake or what but for me, it is kinda hard. So for this part we did it on an external css file. What is external css file you must ask, well, according to a site I have cited: “With an external style sheet, you can change the look of an entire website by changing just one file! Each HTML page must include a reference to the external style sheet file inside the <link> element, inside the head section.”
“An external style sheet can be written in any text editor, and must be saved with a .css extension. The external .css file should not contain any HTML tags” - click this for the source link!
So to fully understand it, here is the code to serve as your guide. 
Note that the file entitled idk is the external file while the file idkwtctlol is the html file.
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ps. the first one to guess the right meaning of “idkwtctlol” will have an exclusive prize from me! Just comment down your answer below along with your name. Good luck!!!
Okay so you might ask if what happened to me as I code that file, well guess what? The second box won’t show up like what the heck?! And then I learned that the left property value must differ from the first box. The first left property value was 300 and the second box must have 560. Sir Richard explained it to us if what kind of math they did to come up with 560 but I didn’t understand it. If you know what and how, comment down below for us to know!
And then when the second box finally showed up, they were not aligned! Feeling the frustration, yet? I still need to ask for help from my classmates and to our teacher just so I could know if what was the problem with my file! So they helped me debug my file and lo and behold! My output is now okay! YEHET!!!
And for our second activity which didn’t stress me much because in the midst of coding and class work, I received a good news! And that good news has nothing to do with ICT but imma just say it to you just because I feel like too. 
Who wouldn’t be happy with that type of news, right? Well of course everyone would! Ok so going back to ICT, as I was about to code the second activity which was this:
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Someone has already got the right code! Haven’t I mentioned yet that the one who will provide the right code will get a +10 point for our quiz? Welp now that I have mentioned that, Herxie was the one who provided the right code for the first act while Yen got the +10 for the second one! So since I have no idea if what will the code be since I still have a hangover with the news I had received, I just copied Yen’s code. It is alright since it is not prohibited. That’s how our ICT class works LOL!
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So that was the code. I fixed mine since that’s my way of coding. For this activity, we did it in an Inline style and according again to a site I have cited, Inline is: “An internal style sheet may be used if one single HTML page has a unique style. The internal style is defined inside the <style> element, inside the head section”.
“An inline style may be used to apply a unique style for a single element. To use inline styles, add the style attribute to the relevant element. The style attribute can contain any CSS property.” - click this for the source link!
But of course, for me to learn and not just copy her work fully, I asked Yen after the class if how did she came up with such computation about the placing of the third box and things like that. She said the for the left part, she did a trial and error while for the top part, she took the 1/3 of the first box then added it to the initial property value and things like that. I actually got her point, I just couldn’t express it in words fully so sorry for that hehe ;-;
I guess that would be all for this week, hmm? This blog has been long enough to suffice our thirst for a new blog and learnings, right? So see you next week guys! I still have to prepare for our hands on quiz, you have something else to do too so bye!!! See you next week!!
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