#idk my laptop's been weird not allowing me to save gifs
andysorbit · 10 months
Hi Andy :>
I’m sorry about your work being erased (´._.`)\(‘́⌣’̀ )
An advice I have is to consider (only if you want, of course! No pressure!) to always write using the notepad on your phone first or a Google Doc & then copy it over & format it after you paste it on tumblr (since sometimes formatting/spacing is lost when pasting from another source), so that you can always have at least another copy in case smth goes wrong you know what I mean?
If you decide to use the app only still, maybe you can try to save the draft after every paragraph or two that you type…it may seem tedious but it’s a safe way to know you won’t have lost a bunch of your stuff if something goes awry because you have updated the draft, so it’s less stressful…I don’t know how long you’ve been tumbling but just in case you didn’t already know, another thing I noticed is that, when you type posts on your phone in-browser (as oppose to the app), it auto-saves the draft pretty often without you having to click save— A little green message pops up & tells you that it just did, but you don’t have to exit the draft for that to happen…even an unaddressed email draft auto saves too & has formatting options too so you can type it exactly as you want to post it with any bolds or italics, etc ( ◠‿◠ ). Or if you use a laptop instead of your phone, Word (& maybe other word processors) and Google Docs (& still emails in browser also!) all have auto save features too~ I’m not a writer but i have been on tumblr’s janky ass site for like 11 or so years, and half of that ago I got sick of suffering the force-closing bugs that happens the minute the staff/devs decide the app needs an update iMMeDiAteLy or accidentally leaving the app & coming back only to find my timeline refreshing itself without my post being open…or even if my phone screen locked becauseI looked away for 30 seconds while I was on low-power mode, or just accidentally locked it in general, so I type in the iPhone Notes app when I’m gonna make a text post (big or small) or to send an ask (like this one ^^) because sometimes I can press send & the message sent thing doesn’t show up or the app closes instead the second I hit “ask”. That way, the worst case scenario I do have not just the one I copied the text from (which is also beneficial because if I’m trying to ‘select’ for whatever reason & accidentally “cut” or backspace a whole big ass portion of what I typed (🥲), when I shake the phone it lets me undo actions & so will restore what I erased. The phone shaking thing works in app sometimes too but it only works for the text chunk you were just in, as opposed to continuing to allow undos like in notes. If you don’t use iPhones, well, idk for sure but android or operating systems probably have some similar “hidden tricks” for undoing (or redoing, in add you undo something you didn’t mean to undo— I’m clumsy so I manage to goof in all kinds of ways upwards backwards under and sideways 🫠) things you have typed, you maybe could search engine to see if there exists such a thing before you start back writing, it could help you sorta feel more secure/less apprehensive to start up again? Idk how it is for other people but for me personally I feel more relaxed if I have a backup plan.
Plus, even then when you think you copied it over to a new post tumblr completely and thought you were done, if you deleted the notepad draft, there’s usually a “recently deleted” spot so you can still revive your work ^^ unlike this hellsite where if something is deleted, it is gone into the abyss forever with no retrieval.
I did notice however, that when I type on posts, sometimes it’ll seem like a bunch of shit just got deleted or stopped showing up even though I am typing??? and I can’t see the words anymore, (just black) but I figured out if you go to select a new font size of that chunk, (or sometimes even just changing the color) it makes the stuff I thought wasn’t being typed anymore, reappear😲 Weird, I know. It especially happens when I go to edit a sentence (something as small as a change in punctuation!😒) in a previous paragraph or paste a pic or something in the middle of two paragraphs. No clue why it’s like that, but then you can press back to the size or coloring you were trying to do originally where you left off. Sometimes if I have to paste something I wanted to have in between other places already there, I find it better from experience to paste it at the bottom and then rearrange the text blocks to the correct order afterward. I actually usually do multiple of these at a time because I’m so paranoid not just about posts but in life in general haha. I’m soft hearted and very sensitive so when my stuff gets messed up by tumblr I cry sometimes, even if it’s just that the proofreading I may have done after I copied from my notes to the post I was trying to create got unformatted lol 😓
*None of this is to say or assume that you don’t already know all of these things, I just thought to tell you juuuust in case you didn’t~ ^^*
If you don’t wanna & feel you weren’t ready or confident yet or anything hesitant, like I said we aren’t going anywhere 😊 and sometimes we (I read a LOT of fics 😅) have to wait months and months (or even a year or more…yes really 🥲) for a single chapter update, so it’s not as if you’ll have made us wait an assload of time for it; I’m not just saying it to butter you up, seriously, we’re lucky that you post as often as you do especially cus you’re a working mom raising your daughter alone! So try to chin up :)
I’m sure it’s very frustrating to have to redo it but…on the bright side, while you try to write it again, you may find words or another even better way of phrasing that you couldn’t think of for previous version to express what you’re trying to convey at that part 🤠. And if you don’t, that’s ok too!! No one but you knows what you had written, so it’s not like anyone could criticize you or say “it is worse this time”…we will eat what you put on our plates whenever you serve the meal & that’s that on that (◡‿◡✿)
[pat pat]
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And even though some are from like [checks gallery save dates] 7 years ago, here’s some of my fav pics & screencaps of / with Doie in every flavor that I keep in my phone for extra Chin Up Flakes™️ 😊
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thank you so much
I actually kinda do like what I have now. it feels less forced because before I was fighting through writer's block and I felt a bit out of touch with mc. I think I needed this to start over in order to get it right
I think I was worried about part 2 being just as good if not better that I started shutting down a little
also all of this doie helps so much thank you for being so kind and encouraging 🥹
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