#idk what it is about podcasts but they don't mesh great with my brain
bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
HELLO MY FRIEND sorry for sending so many asks I just,,..,,thin k your c o ,ol,.,,,.,,!..,,’
Uh idk what I really have to say
Oh I started making kotlc Spotify playlists because we don’t have enough and the ones we do have arent specific and my neurodivergent brain doesn’t like the vague titles so uh ya I have my Spotify linked in my account but I’ll put the link at the end of this if you want to check it out
Alright let’s do a cursed ship
Kenric x Bo
I use a random wheel chooser and I hate this sm 💀
There’s my Spotify I only have a couple playlists rn but I’m planning on making playlists for all the characters (or at least the mains)
hello! you don't need to apologize for the amount of asks you send, all I ask if that you be patient with me because as much as I wish I could dedicate entire days to answering asks, I am a full time student and do have to divide my time! And despite it being winter break time, I'm actually taking a class over the break so. I can't go all out over the winter like I might have otherwise.
but thank you!! I don't know what constitutes cool in this context but I appreciate it! Cool can mean a lot of things, but generally it's used positively so I'll go with that for now.
I'm very impressed by your ability to make playlists. I'm so picky with them and the vibes of the songs that it takes me so long to curate them that I usually just...don't. I think the one time I went all out and made a playlist it was a 2 hour long one for my partner because they'd made one for me and I went!! well now I have to do it back!!!
I've looked through some of the playlists (listening to new music very quickly gets overwhelming for me so listening to them will take me a long time) and they look interesting! the titles are very direct as you said. There seem to be a lot of them about Keefe!! I wish you luck on curating all the characters, as that certainly sounds like a lot of work. Like I said, super picky about the vibes of songs and how they fit characters so...
and then a cursed ship on top of it all! what a day!
I think the Kenric and Bo ship reminds me a lot of the Sandor x Kenric one, because I have similar questions.
Though this one would definitely have to be a Bo x Ghost Kenric ship because Bo wasn't even in the lost cities until long after Kenric expired. Do ghosts exist in the kotlc universe? Could Bo fall in love with a ghost or...is he in love with a tree. Maybe he went along with the Ruewens and Sophie when they went to the wanderling woods and he saw Kenric's tree and it was love at first site.
He started visiting the wanderling woods on his own, leaving gifts at kenric's wanderling because it was so beautiful. Now depending on whether or not ghosts are real in this world this is either an incredibly one sided romance of Bo's obsession with a tree, or maybe Kenric's being is tied to this tree and he's anchored to that location so when Bo goes that's when he gets to see Kenric.
What if only Bo could see Kenric's ghost so to everyone else, when they found out, would just think he was loving this really specific tree. In a cemetery. Nothing concerning about that at all!!
Wait. What if Bo took like a flower or leaves from the tree and kept them with him like in a locket in his pocket that way there's a piece of Kenric's anchor with him and Kenric's ghost can travel around with him and tag along--hidden of course. He wouldn't want to distract his lover from doing his job.
There is. wow. I got a little more invested in that than I expected to. certainly wasn't what I was expecting!
I hope your playlists go well!! I may try and listen to a few later depending on what I have going on (my sister has a band concert tonight!) but I will be driving across the country on wednesday and am not great with podcasts, so maybe I'll download a few to listen to on the road!
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