#idk what it is the game gave me this angle and i was like....welp
dipplinduo · 9 months
Not really a headcanon, more of a question spawned from overthinking stuff.
In game (which i know your not strictly following, but my brain is stuck on this so if you would humour me) its implied that Pecharunt gave the Lousy Three the thing they most desired, but in S&SD its trying to push Keiran away from the thing he most desires.
Did this version of Pecharunt see the outcome of messing with Ogerpon after Fuffiling Desires and went "welp, that angle didnt work. What if i Denined the Desire next time??"
(Why the next time was hundreds of years later, idk, didnt think that far)
Also, a sillier headcanon, if Pecharunt did come back with the rest of the Lousy Three (I vaugely remember hearing something about how it shows up in the Revival cutscene, not sure if thats true but im rolling with it), the whole of Mochi Maddness is it trying to do what its doing to Keiran in your story, like thats how its powers worked Back in the Day, but dying and coming back messed with its powers and now its just a silly lil guy.
(Also also I think your story is very good, love the vibes, it gives great dopamine)
Omg I love this question/thought process so much, ty for your level of investment <3
"Pecharunt gave the Lousy Three the thing they most desired, but in S&SD its trying to push Kieran away from the thing he most desires."
I can tell you right now: Pecharunt still operates in a way where it grants its subjects what they most desire. Hope that helps! (LOL)
It is also far from a silly lil guy, and more will be revealed about wtf its been doing as we go along
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spnreactionblogging · 5 years
game night
donatello doesn’t deserve this shit
also it’s REAL fucked up that dean’s playing mousetrap and can’t even get his act together to get it to work right when I know he’s about to like manipulate jack into getting into a trap? fuck off
also like the grotesque levels of violence in just the THEN recap is enough to remind me why I was happier reading the script text for these episodes
it feels weird to rely on the THEN!! segment for the first time in my life but what can you do, shrugs hard
maybe I’ll double back for these eventually
I’ve run out of sympathy for dean’s “SON OF A BITCH” angry outbursts over literally nothing, the anger used to be something I identified with him for but he just doesn’t improve or learn
I like Mary? I think I like Mary. I liked her in the AU episodes I watched a bit of when AU Kevin showed up
I know this whole thing is very fraught and controversial so I feel like I ought to see it for myself
also it’s weird to see Nick being just Nick again
it is fun to see Danneel on this
I’m glad that Jack likes the pizza that Dean hates, it delights me
the whole incessantly asking “are you okay? I’m here if you want to talk” ad nauseam thing reminds me of this song -- “yeah, everybody cares about you, whether or not you want them to / a pure synthetic sympathy that infuriates you totally”
the music score got really good?
did the ending music change also or am I imagining things
I’m really impressed that sam knows bible verses in ancient hebrew enough to have them memorized
I think I like Meredith Glynn’s writing too
methuselah + joshua “THEY WERE ROOMMATES!!”
damn cas just like “is that what you really want?” with the eyes going, after “kiddo, how old am I? go for it, put me out of my misery”
the bunker really is an impressive set
I appreciate sam’s visceral reaction to being face to face with lucifer’s ex-vessel after all the shit that’s gone wrong since he gave him another chance
I also appreciate mary drawing a distinction between sam having sympathy for nick vs sam being responsible for that set of results in a very "it was pity that stayed bilbo's hand" kind of way I guess idk
cas picking up that broken baby doll and gently blowing dust off it, before the "are you insane??" line from anael and then apologizing/dropping it is ultra fucking tragic to me in the context of what happens every time he shows care for someone/something
anael totally has a point about "god saves one angel but lets millions of people die screaming every day, what does that say about him"
I am so tired of watching dean beat people
"what about your three dads, how many people have they killed" I mean true
the scene of Jack and Nick is SO so similar to Kevin and Crowley, down to the way they're dressed and the camera angles
"it's easier to call god than to tell the winchesters the truth" well at least god usually just ignores it instead of blowing the fuck up at you when you try to talk, right
oh damn is that the samulet? like not quite but similar?
"just because god's not with us doesn't mean we're alone" "why because we all have each other?" "yes"
I love this unironically
"this was filled with angelic grace" did they... inject lucifer into donatello??
prophets are like CB radios. interesting.
god ew he sure did have metal inside his wrist
WHY IS SAM UNCONSCIOUS SO FREQUENTLY, why does he sustain so many head injuries
mark p is so good at being terrifying
I really like this down on the pavement disoriented camera work while sam's struggling to get up
always with the hands!!! why are we always cutting open palms for spells
oh the nick + lucifer moment was intense and seems intentionally reminiscent of a terminator looking face idk
okay this one had the regular end music?
also. hm. the jack and mary scene is why I watched this and I can see both of their points of view here, she's genuinely very concerned and with good reason and he tells her like almost twenty times to leave him alone but she just keeps trying to get closer and touch him which granted she's trying to calm him down but like give him some space while he's panicking
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