#idk what this is...i'm s*ft and that's the tea man
fmdluna · 5 years
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hi babies !! it’s been a while since one of these came out, but just a new jada ooc post floating over to say hi !! i feel like the majority of the time when there’s an appreciation / positivity post, it usually comes in the form of a goodbye post, so i just wanted to change that around ! plus,  it’s past my one year anniversary of being here ( the first time, that is ) and i’m feeling a little nostalgic. so feel free to skip if you’re not in the mood for s*ft jada, but otherwise enjoy my little flurry of love under the cut !!
cancer tw: oh, and for those who were curious - my grandma just had her surgery !! they were able to remove it, thank god, but we won’t know the final results until next week. thank you so so much for all your lovely prayers & wishes ! they meant everything to me.
anyways - let’s get on to my message !! i don’t really know what prompted me to do this, but i’ve just been in the mood to spread some l*ve. unfortunately, i haven’t been here as much as i liked, and i’m always worrying you guys think i don’t care about you anymore. i’m really sorry about my absence all the time, my life is all sorts of flipped around sometimes. but honestly, famed has given me so much support and tons of lasting friendships !
i’ve probably said this before and i’m sure you guys are tired of hearing it, but for those who don’t know, famed is the first krp / tumblr rp i joined ! i didn’t know what the heeeck i was doing ( and it showed ) ! looking back at my old posts i always wonder...how did these people want to plot with me ? but for those who did take a chance on me, i’m so so grateful. now obviously i’m no shakespeare, but being here has really helped me develop my writing skills, expand my knowledge on korean culture, and even learn some stan twt lingo ?? ( gotta hand the trophy over to vi for that one - ngl when i first started talking to her i had to look up the meanings of some of the phrases she used woiefjwojwoi )
there’ve been so many good memories i can recall during my time here, and even if i wanted to i’d have trouble recalling the piles upon piles of them i’ve created with you all ! ( beginning to see how this sounds like a goodbye post - i promise it isn’t ?? ) isn’t it wild how our muses all just seem to take a life of their own ?? but it’s so fun ! and micha, daein, and even the very missed jinho and minjae have super special places in my hearts with all the good times i’ve had.
 but in all honestly, i know roleplay isn’t all that serious, but opening myself to it has been an amazing experience ! since i tend to have a terrible attention span i’m used to dropping interest in things, but since famed stuck i was kind of like oh ?? maybe this is it ?? and i’ve tried to dabble in other communities, but really - no other community has given me such a warm and loving atmosphere ! there’s so much diversity here, and yet honestly, the closest thing to a virtual family i’ve got ! through all my messes, procrastination, bad response times, and all the like, each and every person has been so understanding !
i don’t really know what i’m getting at here, but i came into this hoping to give you guys some appreciation for all that you do. i know that it’s easy to take small things people do for you for granted and keep it moving, but i think that it’s important i share just how much you guys mean to be since you may not believe you’re making a big impact, but you are ! 
i just adore being around you guys and want you to know that. hope you’re having a wonderful day today, and if you weren’t before, hopefully this cheered you up a little ! i give you guys all my compliments and finger hearts.
- jada !! 
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