#idk why but misogynistic incels are so hot to me
snowjosh · 2 years
don’t worry darling thoughts after seeing it
It’s absurd to call this movie “centered around female pleasure” or whatever. There’s like, 2.5 scenes where he eats her out or whatever. I also think it’s inappropriate to call it rape/non-con because it’s like… kind of not clear where the boundaries are between the real world and the simulation. Alice obviously consents to all the sex within the simulation, and the sex only takes place in the simulation. It’s not like incel!Jack is fucking her unconscious body in the real world. So insofar as it’s not happening in the real world and she does consent in the virtual world, I don’t think you can argue that it’s rape or non-con. It’s certainly bad, but that’s because the whole thing is bad and nonconsensual. 
The main thing that I wonder is, like… what’s the message of this movie? What’s the argument? It’s like… Alice finds out that Jack took her out of her life and into this fake one where they’re a perfect caricature of the mid-century white suburban US-American couple and he’s hot as fuck and fucks her sooo good. And his argument is that she hated her real life; she was exhausted and overworked, but in the simulation she’s carefree. But Alice kind of… entertains this argument. In that scene with him on his knees she says I love you, I love you, I love you, but which Jack is she talking about? Is she talking about real-life Jack?? She can’t possibly love him, not that much. I expected her to immediately demand to be brought back and say no, fuck you, I can’t believe you did this to me, you wouldn’t have done this to me if you loved me, and I don’t love you anymore because you did this to me. 
But she like… doesn’t really say that. Why? The messaging is just kind of muddled. The slogan “imagine having the life you’ve always wanted/deserved” or whatever is all over the place in the movie and the promo but it’s like, is the idea that the deepest desire of Alice, who’s a surgeon, is to be a housewife with her entire life dedicated to caring for and supporting her husband? Why is it that we’re only presented with the two extremes, BOTH of which feature men who are evil???? In real life, Alice is a high-achieving person who supports herself and her boyfriend financially, but her boyfriend is a gross misogynist. And in the simulation, Alice isn’t allowed any autonomy or power. Why are these the only two options imagined by the film? Which of these is the life she’s always wanted? To me, it seems like Alice’s ideal life — which, I imagine, would be having her job, having a work/life balance, and having a boyfriend who isn’t a misogynist — is never envisioned in this movie. 
So using that slogan to promote the movie feels off-base, unless the movie is claiming that the life Alice wants/deserves is that of a housewife. And that feels icky because I don’t think Alice would’ve became an actual surgeon if deep down, what she really wants is to be a housewife. If the movie is claiming that that’s what Alice really wants, it seems like a claim that being a housewife is what every woman wants, deep down. And that sucks. Like, a lot. 
Seeing it in a theater was weird because every time Harry’s character started doing anything intense, everyone laughed out loud and didn’t take it seriously. Which was like, yeah, I get it, it’s jarring and absurd to see Harry do this stuff especially when his acting is not impeccable. But also it was very unsettling at points because there would be absolutely horrifying shit happening to Florence’s character, and people would be laughing because it was Harry who was, idk, screaming at her or something. Which felt a little surreal because, isn’t this a whole movie that highlights how our culture degrades women and doesn’t take them seriously? And now you, watching the movie, are laughing as a woman is being screamed at and hurt? 
Is this a feminist movie? I wouldn’t say so. It’s a movie about the effects of the patriarchy. It made me feel angry about the way women are treated in our society. But yet again, I’m not sure what the central claim of the movie is. Is the message simply, “look at the horrible things men will do to women, and the tenacity that women are required to have in order to escape them”? If so, that feels kind of, uh, horrible. I want to know what the pitch was for this film. I’m sure they had to answer questions like “why does this film matter, and why is now the right time to make it?” Right now, I’m having trouble envisioning the value in this film, other than the fact that it, uh, feels like a movie — which is to say, it’s a visually gorgeous ode to cinema as an art form with a virtuosic performance by Florence. So that’s great and all, but why does it have to have the horrifying-treatment-of-women plot? 
One thing is that it’s VERY interesting that they make a point of telling us that Jack teaches Alice how to drive. Because he taught her to drive, she’s able to drive his car out of Victory and escape. Is this some way of giving a redeeming quality to Jack’s character? Does he teach her so that if all goes wrong and he becomes somehow indisposed, she has a chance at escaping back to the real world? Or did they just run into the problem when writing the script of “how will Alice escape if the wives can’t drive?” and so they were like, “Jack gives Alice driving lessons as foreplay. Great, sorted, moving on.” 
msc things that I still have questions about: 
What was up with the plane crash? They never told us what happened with the plane crash!!
Do the men go back to real life when they “go to work” every day? Is that implied when Jack says “I work every day to make enough money to keep us here and I hate it”? So does incel!Jack get a real-world job where he works every day? Am I confused? 
We never get an explanation for the weird loud noises and rattling that happens all the time in victory. I guess we can assume they are some issue in the simulation??? Why didn’t you tell us what they were! 
What was going on with the scene when incel!Jack had the flowers
I just can’t tell what was real and what was an act with Jack. What is he trying to do at the end right before Alice kills him?? He’s trying to hurt her, but why? Is it a man-becomes-angry-so-kills-his-wife moment, or what?
WHY does frank watch them have sex in his house at the party?? What was the point of that besides making him seem extra creepy???????? Is this what he’s referencing with the “i trusted you in my bedroom” thing? 
Speaking of which, HOW is it possible that Frank implies that Frank and Alice slept together, in front of Alice’s husband AND Franks’s wife, and they NEVER ADDRESS IT AGAIN???? They just let it drop?????
What’s going on at the end? like…. all the women seem to have this moment of waking up a bit but then the movie just fucking. Ends like i feel like we should’ve had at LEAST ten more minutes of resolving ??????? It feels like someone got too tired to do the last 10 mins so they just decided to have audio of Alice gasping and figured that would communicate everything. Like. What happens after Frank is dead? 
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steveandbucky · 2 years
if i say that i think “monogamy conflicts with the inherent nature of human beings” it does NOT mean that i think it’s a Bad and Unnatural thing. it literally links back to our whole, We Are Social Creatures DNA thing im always talking about. this is gonna get long but i am trying to make a point.
why is it considered “cheating” if you meet someone who gives you a little bit of that ~ butterflies~ feeling? the idea is that if u have my boygirlfriend and u meet someone who gets ur heart racing? ur not allowed to even feel that kind of physical attraction for anyone else bc it's Cheating. im sorry. WHAT. it makes no sense whatsoever. as an analogy, if u have a sex dream about whoever, would it be okay for someone to make you feel bad about it? about things your unconscious mind came up with in a dream state? no bc thats not how it works.
but this is my logic here.
when i told my friend, “it’s okay you can have a little attraction to men...as a treat....” like whats wrong with that? nothing? doesnt make you any less lesbian! bc its so not in the way str8 dudes fetishising wlw think their magic dick is whats missing from ur life. easy there mr testosterone u can be replaced by a zucchini.jpg (sigh. i have to say it im sorry. please do not put any fruit or vegetables or other edible phallic objects in your private parts. there are toys. there are many many safe to use toys). and not in the way that “sexuality is fluid” or “its a spectrum” or “everyone is a little bi” NO shut up. maybe its that ur attracted in the ‘gender envy’ way or the ‘platonic crush’ way or even the ‘your vibes are so sapphic’ way lmao. like why is half of hozier’s fanbase made up of wlw???? he has the vibes idk what to tell u its pretty soft boy syndrome thats my type anyway 😌
so if i were to say “its okay you can have a little attraction to a pretty person...as a treat..” in that youre not doing anything wrong, it doesn’t invalidate your exclusive/monogamous relationship or identity, and im not talking about it in the sense that you would act on it or are fantasising. i just mean in the way that you have eyes and you experience attraction (romantic and/or sexual) and trying to deny yourself that is only gonna result in more repression and guilt? what are you, catholic? (for legal purposes this is a joke) (or is it?)
some people just radiate the kind of energy i am drawn to. some people have the physical attributes of the people my gay ass 6 year old imprinted on. in the healthiest relationship i have ever been in, to a guy who wasn’t ever actually interested in Men, i had maintained “if you wanna go fuck a guy, im not stopping you. i have none of the physical attributes you would be looking for, hypothetically speaking,” etc etc like. it’s kind of the opposite of the Straight Fear "my bisexual SO is gonna leave me for [person of same gender as them]” and this is just me, because i dont care. there wasn’t any infidelity but i’d openly gush about girls even from the beginning and he dgaf lmao i love his apathy sometimes go girl give us nothing! we were the blueprint idc
there’s just. this idea. its the way the straights (eh, or at least, misogynistic brainwashed incel type men) have been talking about "im fucking my SO but thinking about other people" like thats just the message ive been getting. correct me if im wrong. pop culture and all. uhhh. cant.. relate? just because someone else made u HORNY???? if ur horny, look at ur right hand. now look at ur left hand. now look at the technological advancements of our time. ur welcome. sorry im not into using people to scratch the itch! if i wanna fuck someone its bc theyre hot and im into them! im not gonna be secretly thinking about getting railed by rachel weisz. and no matter what anyone says there is intimacy!
im saying that its completely normal to experience that ‘alterous attraction’ and hey maybe it is my primal-evolutionary ADHD brain but if it is, it is Correct. that you can ‘look respectfully’ and you can feel your feelings (even if said feelings last two minutes or a week or a year or two) i’ve been saying “i love too much care too much feel too much” (derogatory) but then i turned around and said “i love everybody because i love you” (affectionate)
its the “i fall in love a little ol' little bit every day with someone new” and “i love you” / “it’ll pass” and “nothin' lasts forever but this is gettin' good now” and “you are my favourite what if / you are my best i’ll never know” and “wanting was enough / for me it was enough” and my personal favourite peak lesbian brain experience “i see girls in my building / i see girls on the train / i've got the girls on my mind all the time” im sorry but have you SEEN women? exactly.
this idea that promiscuity is okay for men, but definitely not for women, and you’re not allowed to have sex or even want to have sex with people. plural. people. just. because. its fun. holy shit. we are, the entire world, fucking repressed. we can talk about it like when you're in the beginning and ur all over each other bc it's new and exciting and it's infatuation! there's something fun about that! it’s the Primal Instinct and idk why we’re meant to deny that either. because it’s not just that. its not just the dopamine.
why do we form bonds with the people we fuck when our brains are like, “fine. here, you can have a little oxytocin... i’d rather you do it in the house bla bla bla” as if we’re gonna sit here and pretend that it doesn’t get better anyway???? you become physically familiar and it's in the same way we talk about love languages “we’ve had one, yes. what about second love language?” and that’s the physical one akdgjakgh IM SORRY. we learn about each other’s love languages and sex languages. it checks out idk
but back to the main point, that We Are Social Creatures.
i mean, even if are monogamous by choice, because we evolved in the way that both parents take care of the children - but so do their neighbours and their siblings and friends like this is the ‘destroy the nuclear family norm’ essentially and its such a westernised concept. it just doesn’t make sense to me!! and im not trying to push a non-monogamous agenda or whatever, as with everything in life, it is about freedom of choice (without judgmenent, risk of physical/mental harm, etc etc)
but we’re talking about queer history and gay pride because homosexuality has existed for centuries. sorry the straights whitewashed history ig. but why is it far-fetched to say, actually, what we call now ‘queerplatonic relationships’ or ‘collectivist culture’ or that proverb about how ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ like. im pretty sure these things have also existed for centuries. we’ve just been brainwashed into thinking. that they’re unnatural, immoral, or otherwise Wrong and Bad.
but in the way i was rambling and talking about why are we going against our nature and i said “what. its like there are rules for human beings that were not created by a human being. im sure im onto smth here 👀🤭” without realising where i was going and im like. ah. yes. religion. excellent.
what can i say, im a rabid anti-christian hopeless romantic sexual deviant<3
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