#idk why this gave me ''lucy takes a day trip to sh and meets someone'' vibes but -
raichoose-moved · 3 years
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Paranormal & Supernatural Encounters Starters - Accepting
@blazkowicztm​ asked: "This altar look like it's been recently used, or am I seeing things?" ( for Lucy mayhaps?)
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“Hm? Oh, no, you’re not seeing things. There’s a cult here.”
Lucy’s tone is perhaps alarmingly nonchalant, which is added to by how swiftly she flips through one of the church’s pamphlets. Silent Hill is, after all, filled with old documents and books and the like, as well as monsters, permanent fog, destroyed streets, occult activity ...
All of which had once alarmed her immensely. 
Lucy, however, has already done her time in the sentient town, so she can now come and go as she pleases.
“Are you new, by any chance? If so, now’s, ah, your time to ask questions. You ... won’t be able to leave for a while.” 
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