#if I can establish some stuff that's weedy or that's perennial and hardy to browsing I think it'll maybe work out
ghostlyfoliage · 2 years
If anyone has any suggestions of drought resistant perennials that wildlife like to browse, I'm still insane and hoping to plant some things for them.
The plan is to make a fenced section with things for the deer/rabbits etc and let it spread out naturally and eventually remove the fence, so I need things that will either firmly root themselves (so they can't be pulled out very easy, tulips are an example, I think chicory might be an option) or will self-seed enough that it doesn't matter (I'm thinking clover esp for this, might be a fuck and plant some purslane... cus I like munching on it too).
I was gonna do a field of wildflowers in the front yard but right now I'm honestly thinking get some perennials established, fill in with annuals and things the wildlife won't eat, and attempt to maintain a little something-something for the animals... stick a massive bird bath in the middle... hope no more animals collapse in the heat of summer in my front yard. 🙃
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