#if I keep editing every ep by the end of the series I'll have spent more time this close to his face than his wife I swear
jimmyspades · 18 days
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"A farmer comes home one day to find that everything that gives meaning to his life is gone... Everything that he loved, taken from him. One can only imagine the pit of despair, the hours of Job-like lamentations, the burden of existence. He makes a promise to himself in those dark hours. A life’s work erupts from his knotted mind. Years go by. His suffering becomes complicated. One day he stops. The farmer, who is no longer a farmer, sees the wreckage he’s left in his wake. It is now he who burns. It is he who slaughters. And he knows, in his heart, he must pay. "Maybe you’re right. Maybe he could change. Maybe he’s not damaged beyond repair. Maybe he could make amends to all those that he’s hurt so terribly. Or maybe not." THE BLACKLIST 1.04 "The Stewmaker (No. 161)"
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