#if I start thinking about the fact that Ambrosius was raised like a child celebrity and probably had no bodily autonomy I'll start crying
These Nimona headcanons are kinda angsty cause I’m bored
I think it’s a genuine shock for Ambrosius when he finally realizes he gets to make his own choices
Sometimes it’s small things like choosing to grow his hair out and stop bleaching it and what he eats that day
And sometimes it’s bigger things like what he’s going to do with the privilege he was born with and what he wants to do with the rest of his life 
He was probably raised to believe that his voice and his body weren’t his own and all of his choices should benefit his family
And because of that he kind of has a little bit of an identity crisis 
One night Bal woke up to the sound of an electric razor and he went to go check it out cause he assumed Nimona was experimenting with their hair at 3 am again 
He was kind of shocked to find Nimona shaving Ambrosius’ hair while he sat crying in the bathtub 
But he didn’t question it he just sat next to him and held his hand while he went through a lot of complicated emotions 
I feel like it takes a while for Bal to stop acting like he’s on the run
When situations get stressful he’ll eat like he’s rationing 
If there is a controversial time in the kingdom he’ll leave the house with his cloak even when it’s 100 degrees outside 
It took him a long time to get back into his hobbies because he wanted to keep his belongings small and portable 
And it takes a lot of time and even more help to finally recognize those habits and break them
And it’s made twice as hard because Nimona has the same habits and will subconsciously fall into them 
Which sucks because after being on the run for so long all she wants to do is settle down for a very long time 
The trio also has massive trust and abandonment issues 
It takes a long time for Nimona to trust anyone that isn't Bal or Ambrosius   
If he does let someone in and they betray him he doesn't even think about giving them a second chance 
But it always hits him hard and it takes him a while to recover 
Bal is very wary of maternal figures in his life
He also doesn’t trust anyone from the institute/nobles as far as he can throw them (except Ambrosius obvi)
Ambrosius also has that same distrust and every time he goes to work he acts like he’s walking on eggshells
But he knows he has to be there to fix the problems his ancestors caused 
But their trust issues are nothing compared to their abandonment issues 
The first couple of months living together were tricky
Because they all have abandonment issues but they’re also very independent people
After a while they all figured out it was best to communicate where they are most times 
Even if it’s incredibly mundane and feels stupid to announce to a group of people “I’m going to work” when they leave for the day
It just put the rest of them at ease
So Nimona will leave notes before they go on their little solo trips
And Bal will call if he’s going to pick up supplies and won't be in the lab for a while
Ambrosius will text them to say he’s caught in another meeting so they’ll just have to eat dinner without him
Even with these steps they all have their bad days and sometimes those bad days sync up
Mostly on anniversaries of big events like the knighting ceremony, or the day the wall fell
And on those days they decide to take care of themselves and each other by sitting in the living room all cuddled up and watching stupid movies to cheer them up
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