#if Sygna Suit Roark and Nihilego becomes canon I'll go nuts on main
iliketrainmen · 10 months
Chat I lied about Roark needing to win so here's the concept art/stuff I was talking about in regards to a sygna suit
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So... here's a design for Sygna Suit Roark and Nihilego! Because I thought it would be really funny if I paired him up with his tormentor and he got Nihilego instead of Lusamine. He'd be a 5 star unit with an ex because... well... sygna suits are five stars and it'd be cruel to make him the outlier. Haven't made a ex recolor, but I suppose it'd flip around the colors a little bit. Pale blue is replaced with purple and vice versa. Probably leave everything else alone for the most part. Maybe make his shirt white.
Very heavily based off of Nihilego's design + color palette. Did take some creative liberties with it though so it didn't feel too similar to his original design. Emphasized Nihilego's poison typing when it came to the leggings, so there's some added purple and a wavy pattern for the singular thigh high. Also wanted to add in details that would point to his geological origin without being too obvious, so there exists two geology-related design choices in his outfit. Brownie points to whoever finds em. Couldn't decide between Nihilego's blue and Roark's yellow for the highlights, so I used both.
Below is me rambling how he'd work in game, so if you're only here for the art, I'd recommend stopping here.
So you've chosen to listen to my hour long rambling. Arceus bless you and by the gods you will be here for a while.
When it comes to his sygna suit, I want it to feel different but still kind of reminiscent of his original kit. With him and Rampardos, he's essentially a nuker that nukes himself in the process whilst dealing a ridiculous amount of damage. That's the part that feels the most memorable about his kit, so I'd want it to transfer over to his sygna suit counterpart.
So... the only logical next step is to make him a ridiculously good support pair that nukes themselves with their abilities. A kit that's focused on maximizing buffs for the sweeper before the pair kicks the bucket. Something not very good for multi-stage progression levels, but phenomenal for boss levels.
Its not really finalized (this is a concept post, after all), but here's some ideas I'll shoot out.
One (1) singular attack move that all characters must have
Acid Spray — 1 bar
Ridiculously weak, only use if you're in a pinch. Something must have gone terribly wrong if you're using this.
24 power (Special and Poison type)
100% accuracy
No additional effects
The other move that isn't really an attack move
Pain Split — 3 bars
The reason it's three bars is because I can smell how broken this is going to be. I can smell it. Good heavens, is it Sunday already?
Equals out the Health points between Roark and the target. Works how it works in the mainline games. If the opponent has high health and Roark has low, they level out to the middle ground and vice versa. Probably broken on bosses. Do I have a fix? Nope. Do I care to fix it? Nope.
--- power; this move is based purely on health
100% accuracy
No additional effects
Support moves that aren't actually pokemon moves
Hemlock-Tipped Rock (2/2)
Raises all stats of all allied pairs by one stage. When below 50% health, this raises all stats by two stages.
Removes 25% of Roark's total health, regardless of how much HP he has remaining.
Neurotoxin Overload! (1/1)
PERMANENTLY increases the speed that the move gauge recovers bars (for the rest of the match, at least). Move gauge fully replenished.
PERMANENTLY halves Roark's total health and remaining health. If he had 800 total health with 400 health remaining, he would end up having 400 total health with 200 health remaining. Potions and/or healing moves will not recover the total health loss. (For the rest of the match, at least).
The strongest double-edged blade in the game if this got added in. Nukes the units health for instant refill + permanent speed increase of regeneration for move gauge. Using this in tandem with both Hemlock-Tipped Spears will kill Roark but set the remaining strikers up for a sweep. Just like Arceus intended.
Sync Move!!! Yaaay!
Crystallized Sludge Wave
200 power base move
All opponents
The less health Roark has left, the more powerful this move is
Okay awesome, the moves are all finished. If you came here for those, you can move on. The rest of this post is going to be about skills.
Skills, hooray?
Skills are great, aren't they? You barely notice them if they're trash and notice if they're the reason a character is busted. Anyways.
Follow me
Attacks that strike multiple allies instead hit only Roark and Nihilego for all of the damage it would have done.
Say, in a normal scenario, a move would hit ally 1 for 100, Roark for 100, and ally 2 for 100. With this ability, allies 1 and 2 take no damage, but Roark takes 300.
This cannot be good for his health. This sync pair + sygna suit cannot be good for his health. Has anyone checked to see if Nihilego has injected poison into him? It must've if he's willingly having this skill.
Theme skills
Gym Leader
Sygna Suit
Lucky Skill Recommendations
You can't really force lucky skills onto sync pairs as... well... they're luck-based and depend entirely on the build you're using. Here's what I'd recommend if he ever got in game.
—Power Reserves 2 : powers up moves when user is in a pinch (aka, has little health). You can imagine why I choose this one.
—Revenge Boost 4 : 50% chance of refilling move gauge by one upon getting hit. Points to passive skill.
Ex Role
Not touching this one because even after extensive googling I have no idea how this works.
End note
So, yeah. There's the concept stuff for a Roark sygna suit with Nihilego. Probably will be refined if I ever take another look at this, but this is what I got.
If you read this far, I hope you enjoyed! This post was a nice callback to those smash moveset concepts I used to make back in the day.
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