#if anyone else who likes consular wants to add feel FREE i feel like i'm underselling my fave here
queen-scribbles · 11 months
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@star-wars-nexus​ haha I am both a good and bad person to ask this. Bad bc Consular is my favorite storyline so I am incredibly biased, good bc Consular is my favorite storyline when a lot of people write it off.😂
I really love the Consular story. It’s slower paced than some of the others, and doesn’t have the thriller feel of the Agent or the same in-your-face badassery of the Sith classes, but I feel like it’s one of the better stories at transitioning between acts, so it’s also smoother, if that makes sense? (Especially act 2 into act 3) And I honestly enjoy that it’s quieter and more subtle at telling its story. Also,it’s mentioned several times that you’re one of the more powerful Force users in the galaxy, so while it may be less in your face, you’re still a Badass.
The Consular deals a lot with themes of agency, responsibility, sacrifice, and forgiveness. If you’ve played a Knight and done the stuff with Kira being a Child of the Emperor? Yeah, the Children are a BIG part of the Consular story later in the game. So there’s some more you learn about them, which I think it neat. (Fingers crossed for more in the next patch)
It’s less a thing now that you can switch up class/origin, but Kinetic Combat Shadow makes me feel like the biggest badass in the galaxy and is handsdown no contest my favorite thing to play(almost all my Force users added it as second spec if they didn’t already have it, my SW hasn’t switched back to Mara since xD)
I’m trying to think of ways to talk it up without spoiling too much in case you haven’t played it yet and want the surprise. let’s see.... the companions are great, I think it might be the only class where I like all of them a lot. My one gripe would be how late you get the romances. You don’t pick up Felix until you finish Hoth, and Nadia(my beloved <3) doesn’t join as a companion until after Belsavis, but she’s been traveling with you and engages in ship cutscenes for act 2 and 3 even before she’s a companion. So you get to know her and build a relationship even before you can take her on missions with you.
The ending... OOOOOOOOH the ENDING. You can drastically alter your ending depending on your dialogue options with a certain NPC. We’re talking life or death, redemption or destruction level alter, and I love it so much. 
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