#if anyone happens to know anything about this clown I'd love to hear! I'm curious about em but couldnt find anything when I searched online
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obsessed with this lil guy I got from the vendor at school today
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herotome · 3 years
Omg the demo of this game is great, I cant wait to fortnight dance in to making the next stupid decision 😂. Dont get me wrong, I love a game that doesnt take anything TOO seriously but what I love more is a game that isnt afraid to judge the player for how they play. I don't wanna put in any spoilers but let's just say, I knew what I did was dumb, and the game judged me HARD for it😘.Amazing! Following on all platforms just so I can hear more, just wanted to to say great game, it's just *chief's kiss*
Oh no what did you do?? Which choice could it have been, I have no idea... Anon you've even left me in suspense 😂😂😂
... Did you try to let a handsome stranger into your house? That's the main one I can think of where the protagonist's inner voice is like "NO...!"
I think I know the feeling though! I'm fortnight dancing right beside you; I love when games have opportunities for me to do just the naughtiest little things, and then they show me the consequence of my actions and I'm left like
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And I'm either hastily reloading or I'm just morbidly curious enough to stick it out and see what else might happen.
I'm glad you enjoyed though, thank you for the follows! ❤️
And now for a 180 degree dev note tangent for anyone who hasn't played the game (particularly anyone who gets decision-making anxiety):
I want to clarify that while we've been talking a lot about funhouse chaos clown choices, Herotome has (and will continue to have) quite a bit of range and leeway. Among these choices, there's some variety to how they're weighed.
There's the "I kiss this stranger on the mouth and she blushes" choices (dubious but largely inconsequential), and then there's the "I tell a man that his father will never be proud of him" choices (reverse social link and burning that bridge to a crisp).
You should be able to get away with 2-3 "bad" choices quite safely, even if certain characters have negative reactions.
The game won't jump at the chance to punish you. Although I enjoy playing games that kill you for like, a one-time choice of walking through the wrong door or for sassing the wrong demon, Herotome isn't one of them.
In the next installments there willllll beee some bad endings if you insist on choosing like 5+ of the bad choices.... basically you'd need to insist on a pattern of self-sabotage.
I also want to say that I'd never personally judge or shame y'alls choices, even if the characters get uppity sometimes. I'd have to judge myself for writing the choices in the first place, and that would be silly (◕v◕✿)
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Jess is the Gay Subtext Gilmores Gay Meta
Jess within the Gilmores Gay subtext is Rory’s mirror.  He has a lot in common with Rory: a negligent father who left, a mother who relies emotionally on him or isn't able to deal with her trauma and can't express love in an entirely healthy way, who are both into reading as an escape and a career path, both of there parents get remarried and have another kid and there are also legally cousins. He's also gay in the subtext(link at the bottom for my mini post on that.)
I’m gonna talk about episode 6.8. In which Rory and Jess talk and he essentially awakens something in Rory that brings back a part of herself that she lost. He also meets Logan but that for later on.
In the scene Jess and Rory talk after not seeing each other for awhile:
JESS: Yeah, and I didn't think you'd believe it if I didn't show it to you in person. (takes out a book and give it to her)
RORY: Well, colour me curious. A book. (reading the cover) "'The Subsect'...written by Jess Mariano."
JESS: It's no misprint.
RORY: You wrote a book?
JESS: A short novel.
RORY: You wrote a book?!
JESS: And through a fluke, I got it to these guys that have a small press, and they read it. I don't know if they were high or something, but they decided to publish it.
RORY: You wrote a book.
Subsect sounds a lot like subtext huh? By this time in the show he's already kind of admitted he's gay.(ill put a link at the end of this for that) So he does reflect her.
But then he goes to leave and lo and behold they run into Logan. We already know that Logan is gay given other things(link down at the bottom) So we know all the people in this scene are gay so put that into context makes this make sense. I’m gonna link the clip here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnTsSPKyzG0.  Logan and Jess to put it plainly are eye fucking and Rory looks very umcomfortable:
RORY: No. Hey. When did you get back?
LOGAN: Couple hours ago.
RORY: Oh, I...I thought you were getting back tomorrow.
LOGAN: I thought I'd surprise you, Ace.
RORY: Well, I'm glad you did 'cause you get to meet my old friend, Jess. This is Logan, my boyfriend. Logan, this is Jess. He's in from out of town. (uncomfortable silence) Wow. That sounded so grown-up. We're at the age now where we say things like "in from out of town" and "old friend", 'cause when you're young, all your friends are new, and you have to get old to have old friends. (uncomfortable chuckling from Rory. Logan extends his hand to Jess)
LOGAN: How you doing? (they shake)
JESS: Okay.
RORY: We were just gonna go grab a bite to eat.
LOGAN: Great. Well, how about if we all go together. Is that okay?
JESS: Okay by me.
RORY: All right. Good. We were actually at a loss for where to go, so you actually saved us.
LOGAN: Call me superman. (at Jess) Why don't you follow us.
JESS: Sure. (Logan puts his arm around Rory's shoulders and stears her to the passenger side of his car. Rory is a bit uncomfortable with the gesture)
Two things to note, Rory refers to jess as her friend, and Rory is in the script said to be uncomfortable. Which confirms my earlier theory.
They got to dinner and this shit gets gayer:
GAN: So...what do you do, Jess?
JESS: Oh, this and that.
LOGAN: Describe the "this". Describe the "that".
RORY: He writes.
LOGAN: You write? Impressive. What do you write?
JESS: Nothing important.
RORY: He wrote a book.
LOGAN: Oh, you penned the great American novel, Jess?
JESS: Wasn't quite that ambitious.
LOGAN: So, what are we talking here? Short novel? Kafka length or longer? Dos Passos, Tolstoy? Or longer? Robert Musil? Proust? I'm not throwing you with these names, am I?
JESS: You seem very obsessed with length.
LOGAN: I'm just trying to get a picture in my head, that's all.
RORY: It's a short novel.
The use of length is homoerotic. Despite Logan being classist Jess is still flirting with him.
LOGAN: (at Rory) Any good?
RORY: I haven't read it yet.
LOGAN: Yet? Well, at least you'll have one reader. That's something.
JESS: Yeah.
LOGAN: You know, I should just write down all my random thoughts and stuff that happens to me and conversations I have and just add a bunch of "he said, she said"-'s, and get it published. You got a copy on you?
LOGAN: You should send me a copy.
JESS: Sure. And where do I send it? The blond dick at Yale?
Ok so again the use of dick is very homoerotic. 
Jess is upset of course:
RORY: Jess, wait. (he stops and turns to look at her) Jess, I'm sorry.
JESS: We shouldn't have done this.
RORY: He's just in a bad way lately.
JESS: He's a jerk.
RORY: He was. In there, definitely. I'm so sorry.
JESS: I read that guy the second I saw him. I should have begged off.
RORY: Well, I didn't want you to.
So he read him, implies that Jess know Logan’s gay. He’s figured him out sexuality wise.
Theres more:
JESS: No, no. I mean with you. What's going on with you?
RORY: What do you mean?
JESS: You know what I mean. I know you better than anyone. This isn't you.
RORY: I don't know.
JESS: What are you doing? Living at your grandparents' place, being in the DAR, no Yale...why did you drop out of Yale?!
RORY: It's complicated.
JESS: It's not! It's not complicated.
RORY: You don't know.
JESS: This isn't you. This, you going out with this jerk, with the Porsche. We made fun of guys like this.
RORY: You caught him on a bad night.
JESS: This isn't about him. Okay, screw him. What's going on with you? This isn't you, Rory. You know it isn't. What's going on?
RORY: I don't know. I don't know.
So Jess being her mirror is acknowledged when he says he's knows her better than anyone.
Jess leaves and Rory and Logan fight:
LOGAN: Look, I'm sorry I came back early. I really messed things up here.
RORY: Jess wrote a book. He wrote a book, and you mocked him.
LOGAN: I did not mock him.
RORY: He's doing something.
LOGAN: Good. Fine. He's doing something. Everybody in the world's doing something. More power to him.
RORY: I'm not. I mean, what am I doing? I'm living with my grandparents.
LOGAN: That's temporary. Have a drink.
RORY: Temporary can turn into forever.
LOGAN: You're not living with the Gilmore’s forever.
RORY: I'm palling with my grandmother and being waited on by a maid. I come home, and my shoes are magically shined. My clothes are magically clean, ironed, and laid out. My bed is magically turned down. I'm in the DAR? I'm going to meetings and teas and cocktail parties?
Rory is having realization about her life because of what jess said to her. The fights not over yet:
LOGAN: Again, temporary. Have a drink.
RORY: And wasting my time partying and drinking, just hanging out doing nothing.
LOGAN: Whoa, whoa, whoa. (he gets up) Don't pull me into this.
RORY: I didn't say anything about you.
LOGAN: Yes, you did. Don't make me feel guilty for your drinking and partying. That's your choice. I'm not forcing you. When I ask you out, you can say no
RORY: It's all we do.
LOGAN: It's not all we do.
RORY: It's all you do.
LOGAN: Well, it's my prerogative, you know. You're damn straight. I'm gonna party. I'm gonna do it while I have the chance because come June, my life is over.
RORY: Oh, yes, your horrible life. Let's hear about it.
LOGAN: Got a week?
RORY: You have every door open to you. You have opportunities that anyone would kill for, including me.
LOGAN: No one's stopping you from making whatever you want happen. Go into journalism. Go into politics. Be a doctor. Be a clown. Do whatever you want.
RORY: It's not as easy when it's not handed to you.
LOGAN: Really? It's all so easy for me? (getting upset) I don't want that life. It's forced on me. You talk about all these doors being open? All I see is one door, and I'm being pushed through it. I have no choice. You try living without options.
Logan is stuck within a heterosexual playboy idea of himself that isn’t him. And so he parties to cope.
RORY: How hard are you fighting it?
LOGAN: I didn't tell you to quit Yale. You did that. I gave you one month, you went beyond that month, and it had nothing to do with me. It was all you. Now, you want to change? Change it, but don't blame me. Don't you dare blame me. You know what? Why don't you go off with John, Jack, whatever his name is?
He's not claiming responsibility because he's an asshole, but also he doesn't know how to be a boyfriend because he's gay. He's uncomfortable with Rory relying on him emotionally because he's viewing it as romantic and the gay guy in him doesn't like that. Rory's comment about him fighting is the text is noting his struggle with compulsory heterosexuality. Rory leaves and as we know she does break up with him and jess comments to her bring her back to herself. 
my other links 
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coconutshvings · 5 years
ATZ Reaction: You live in a bad part of town/neighborhood {Hyung Line}
∵ Group || Ateez
∵ Genre || Highschool AU
∵ Warnings || Mentions of drugs, swearing, some are shorter than others , typos
This story is not to be offensive to anyone, I didn't grow up in the best neighborhood myself while living in Chicago, this is strictly a story to show that a person who truly loves you wouldn't care where you came from even if it wasn't the best enviroment, also, never let the enviroment you grew up in mold you into a person unless that's what you personally want ~ WR:Le ♡
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The Grey sky out side hid any signs of light in it as rain poured down heavily causing small but loud thuds to hit all over his vehicle, sketchy figures would pass by ever now and again while others stood infront of the decaying apartment buildings that he parked across from.
This area wasn't one he had been in often, at all actually. However, he made this trip to come and see you well- give you your geography study book for you upcoming quiz that you needed to study. All be it he'd see you and maybe make a small conversation because if it wasn't clear since Junior year, he liked you, a lot.
He'd seen your information including your number written on the book and gave you a call to which you told him to just drop off to you at the address he was sitting at now, waiting. The delicate knock on his window caught him and he looked to see you in your rain resistance hoodie squinting in the droplets. He quickly grabbed your book from his passenger seat rolling down the window and handing it to you with a gentle smile that spoke of his adoration for you.
"I was beginning to think you'd written the wrong address down." He lightly joked speaking loudly over the rain making you smile "Why, because this isn't the neighborhood you pictured me living in?" Hongjoong's eyes were screaming and you could sew his panicking figure,
"I was joking! I know you aren't some uppity entitled person." His body visibly "Good because I'd never be that way towards anyone." You nodded understanding not noticing the rain quieted down and so did your voices.
"I'll see you tomorrow in fifth period?" , He smiled at your question "Of course. Let me know if you need a studying partner."
"Will do."
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Never in a million years did he think you'd be ashamed to be walked somewhere, you enjoyed his company but he'd never asked to walk you home before even though you quickly said no it was easy to change that answer when you seen the hurt and question on his face. So here you were, quietly walking home hand in hand, Seonghwa was walking on sunshine after you'd changed your answer he didn't notice your longing face before you could Cross the street you abruptly halted pulling at his hand causing him to sling backwards,
"This walk is long I don't want you to endure it." You spoke suspiciously but he hadn't caught it "More time with you." He simply replied before attempting to walk again but once again being stopped by you,
"Then you'll have to walk back alone." ,
"I'll call for a ride once I get in front of your house." The pulse in your neck began to jump as he clearly didn't understand why you kept making excuses, you had to flat out tell him now,
"I don't want you to walk me home," you searched his eyes for any sign of anger but they were just boring into your own, "because it's not safe for.. Y'know, you." This made him scoff in a comedic tone,
"You think because you live somewhere that you personally consider to be dangerous that it's personally not safe for me? Y/n I have friends that live in your neighborhood, I have friends everywhere." You were taken aback "You do?"
"You think all my friend live in golden gated communities with foutains in every yard? No. They come from all walk of life, I'm not scared of a neighborhood, I'm scared of you being too ashamed of where you come from to not let me see it because you shouldn't be, ever."
Looking at the sincerity and determination in his eyes with evident sparkles as well you'd lost for sure, "I'm sorry for trying to deny this walk and sort of categorizing you." Seonghwa deeply sighed, "It's alright, you don't ever have to be ashamed of your upbringing, family, anything with me. I like you regardless." That was such a relief to hear.
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He simply followed the directions you'd given him to your house, you stayed on the phone with him as he walked just in case he got into any trouble, "I don't need you to babysit me over the phone." He tried to sound convincing, "Yeah you do. I'm not hanging up and you better not either."
You sternly said. Yunho knew all about this sketchy side of town, the high crime rates, drug hideouts or half way houses, police sirens were heard at least 3 times a day but he didn't care he was coming to his love either way no matter the stakes it'd only prove his feelings more with the lengths he was willing to go,
"I can follow directions well." He heard you chuckle "Good now follow my directions and don't hang up this phone." Yunho loved your take charge attitude especially when it was for his good, "You definitely run this relationship, huh?" ,
"Only when you're too tired or unconscious to." He could feel your grinning smile though he couldn't see it , "I promise I'll make it there safely baby I'm almost there, I think," Yunho spoke teasing you knowing you'd start to stress a bit "Yunho do I-" ,
"That was a joke I'm not lost." He could hear you grumble annoyed, "I'm on this street name-" Yunho's sentence was caught off with an oomf you listened closely to hear if he was okay. Yunho stood up dusting himself off after he hit a hard yet soft object, human object.
He was busy searching for his phone to look at the angry trio of men looking his way ready to skin him alive.
"You have no knowledge about watching where the fuck you're going kid or are you just empty headed all together?" A gruff voice spoke startling Yunho, he finally looked up seeing the three males with menace like features, they all looked as if they could break his entire skull with a single punch without much muscle.
"I apologize, really. I'll be out of your way." He tried to smooth over the situation a rough laugh was heard "You'll be out of everyone's way if I get my hands on you." Another man spoke though Yunho's shakey eyes never left the man in front of him he could see the remaining two men swiftly move there hands to their inside jacket pockets, he'd seen movies like this either they'd pull out a deadly weapon or a lollipop.
"Uhm, it'll never happen again sir- sirs." He corrected stumbling over his own words. "If it does nothing will happen to him anyway." An all too familiar voice added, never had Yunho whirled around so quickly "Y/N?!" A Tone of fear, relief, and excitement was heard his his voice,
"You know this clown?" Yunho's eyes were screaming for you both to make a break for it, "Yes Uncle Roy, this is my boyfriend."
They both chimed in union but you ignored both grabbing Yunho's hand and pulling him away from your uncle and his goons.
"I don't need protecting," You mocked him "You walked past the block you were supposed to turn on Mr. 'I can follow directions well'" you scolded playfully
"My phone." Was all Yunho could say.
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He loved being on this side of town, the graffiti run down buildings, people on every corner looks ranging from lovely people to those parents would warn to stay away from but Yeosang didn't care.
He was a long way from home but that didn't matter, the pot holes that filled the streets in this part of town the corner stores that lit up almost every street was different from the clean cut grass and untarnished pavements that usually surrounded him, it was all so suffocating and too clean cut for him.
He wanted to explore every enviroment and have friends in all it may be a strange task but he wasn't one for the normal anyway, the unknown excited him even if it was dangerous.
He walked the side walk with weeds growing out of some of the cracks happily looking at the busy streets and in the store windows in business or out, cracked or squeaky clean. "Yeosang?" A voice carried through the air, "Yeosang over here!" His eyes scanned and scanned until he saw you attempting to Cross the busy street,
you looked to him like a pretty yet unprotected rare artifact that he wanted to keep for himself, Heaven knew he carried this deep care and emotion for you that most would describe as a crush.
He waited til you safely crossed in front of him to speak "Didn't think I'd see you over this way." , "I live over here you however are a long way away from home aren't you?" Yeosang Shrugged "I like the scenery."
You looked past him then back to him "What scenery? There aren't any museums or statues around , this part of town isn't the best." You admitted,
"Which is what makes it great, it's not some land of perfection where you can't breath longer than 7 seconds," you raised your brow at him asking him to explain further making him sigh,
"Okay I know it sounds ungrateful, I truly blessed to have grew up in the enviroment that I did but it's also blocking me from the rest of the world, leaving me unprepared and curious, I have opportunities in my neighborhood but still so many restrictions."
You hummed "And what opportunities do you think you'll have out here?" He thought for a moment "You guys have the best hip hop dance classes here, they only teach contemporary and well, everything but hip hop based anything or remotely related to the genre where I live."
You laughed at his almost tantrum like attitude, "So you're looking for a place to take dance classes at out here?" You asked with him sending a nod in response. "You could help me look for one if you're not busy?" He questioned "I could . I was only going to buy some junk food but that can wait, I know this town front and back, "
You could see the cheerful hope in his eyes that begged you to help him find a dance studio where he could be free so you couldn't deny his request, well, you didn't want to. "let's go find you a dance stuido." You finished seeing Yeosang cheer silently
"I'll buy you food after?" He offered "You definitely got me now." You grinned linking your arm with his as you both began to walk together to find him a nice spot to showcase his love for hip hop and dance while exploring the city and maybe the depths of your friendship as well.
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