#if anyone speaks danish and notices a mistranslation please let me know and I'll change it
andiatas · 8 months
"When we talk about Frederik's popularity, we also have to acknowledge that there have been quite a few mishaps"
Denmark's new regent has several scandals in his backpack.
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Today, Crown Prince Frederik has entered the office he was born to, and from now on, he will have to fill the huge shoes that his mother, Queen Margrethe, is leaving behind.
These are shoes that he is predicted to be able to fill via his slightly more popular profile, who attends Smukfest and organizes the Royal Run.
But the route to where he is today has occasionally been bumpy and has left the country's new king with scratches in the paint.
There have been cases of public backlash in the 55-year-old regent's life.
- When we talk about Frederik's popularity, we also have to acknowledge that there have been quite a few mishaps, says Cecilie Nielsen, history and royal house correspondent at DR Nyheder.
Among other things, she points to the time a 20-year-old Crown Prince Frederik and 19-year-old Prince Joachim, together with two friends, drove Frederik's Peugeot 205 off the road near Cahors in France.
- It was a rather serious accident, so there was a lot of talk about whether the two princes were even allowed to drive together, Cecilie Nielsen tells about the episode, which took place in 1988.
Partner was driving drunk
And four years later, it went sideways again.
- Then there is also a New Year's party in 1992, where his girlfriend, in a drunken state, gets behind the wheel of his car, says Cecilie Nielsen.
The girlfriend at the time was Malou Aamund, who did not have a driver's license. The episode once again caused a media storm about Frederik.
- Taken for drunken driving, read the headline in B.T.
If you continue to botanize in the then crown prince's misfortune on four wheels, many probably remember when he crossed an otherwise closed Great Belt Bridge in 2015.
The IOC case is the worst
However, that is not where you find the case that has brought Frederik into the most headwinds, says royal house commentator Thomas Larsen.
- The biggest storm was the IOC case because he was also up against the political system, which simply believed that he had made a completely wrong decision.
Frederik went directly against the Danish line in the International Olympic Committee in 2016 and voted for Russia to participate in the Olympics despite extensive scandals about state-sponsored doping.
Before then, it had raised criticism that he stood up for the committee.
- In the role as king, he simply cannot get into such conflicts, says Thomas Larsen.
Especially when he no longer has Queen Margrethe as a frontline fighter, says the royal house expert.
- I think he should consider himself happy that he could stand under the protection of a very, very strong queen.
Herlufsholm and Casanova
In addition, the future regents were also on thin ice when the whole case around Herlufsholm was happening. A case which, as you know, ended with Prince Christian changing schools.
- It raised the question: Can the royal children go to a school that is part of a bullying debate when their mother has an anti-bullying campaign, says Cecilie Nielsen, which, of course, also mentions the recent case of Crown Prince Frederik's trip to Madrid, where he was photographed in the company of the Mexican model Genoveva Casanova.
- It was especially big in foreign media, says Cecilie Nielsen.
Translation of an article by Jakob Slyngborg Trolle for DR, published Jan. 14, 2024, at 18:33. The text has also been edited by me for clarity.
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