#if anyone wants to fight me about 'otherkin can't be voluntary' boo hoo hoo
actias-android · 2 years
I never did finish these, so here's the rest...
27. My favorite kind of cake: chocolate. With chocolate buttercream frosting. The darker the better, on both counts.
28. My favorite kind of pie: you can't do this to me. This is like asking me to choose which of my (nonexistent) children I love the most. Lemme put it this way...if it's not humble pie, and it's not got mushrooms, it's a good pie and I will eat it.
Pie isn't a replacement for cake or vice versa. That's like a sandwich being a replacement for a soup. You could eat either or both but they're not the same thing and don't scratch the same itch.
29. I actually don't remember where I first learned about being nonhuman specifically. I do recall I was in college, it was late at night, it was either my first or second year because I remember which dorm room I was in and it was a very specific layout that each floor only had one of at the very end of the hall, and I was on some kind of weird extended internet walkabout because I was finally unsupervised! With the internet! I could look at anything I wanted to!
...so I gave porn a miss and I went to research identities that were considered "weird." That was also when I finally read up on trans people, in the words of actual trans people. I wasn't sure what it was about either thing that piqued my interest, but I came away thinking, man those sound cool...too bad I'm not one.
lol. lmao
30. Anything else I want to say about being nonhuman? Yeah, a bunch, but I'll keep it brief.
Nobody can tell you what you are. Nobody can tell you what you aren't. Not me, not your friends, not a random person with a divination blog, not the oldest, most know-it-all graymuzzle in the whole damn world.
You just are what you are. Nobody else gets a vote on it. However you came to be that way, whatever it's like being you, how much you want or don't want it, none of that matters any more than you want it to. Your internal landscape is your business and your decision.
In case this wasn't abundantly clear, I'm saying that yes, you CAN choose to be nonhuman. Because guess what: it takes a nonhuman to make that statement and really, truly, to-the-core mean it. Is that circular and confusing and maybe transgressive as hell depending on who you ask? Yes? Good. Identity isn't simple and life is a process of constant change.
You create your Self, and what that means is your decision. Don't let fucking ANYBODY tell you otherwise.
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