#if anything this is a little more forgiving on account of no enemy respawn
spacialsojourn · 3 years
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New Message from: grimauxiliatrix
GA: Hello GA: My Apologies For Contacting You Seemingly Out Of The Proverbial Blue GA: But I Noticed That Your Username Is Quite Similar To One That A Friend Of Mine Used To Have GA: It May Just Be A Coincidence However On The Off Chance That You Might Know Her GA: Are You At All Familiar With The Name Vriska Serket GA: If Not Then I Apologize For Taking Up Your Time GA: This Is Just The First Time I Have Had Access To Any Sort Of Electronic Communication In A Couple Of Sweeps GA: Though If You Are Not Familiar With The Name Vriska Then I Suppose The Term Sweep Is Likewise Meaningless To You GA: Suffice To Say That It Has Been Quite A While Since I Was Last Able To Even Attempt A Search For The Individual I Am Seeking In An Online Platform GA: And It Is Either Very Fortuitous GA: Or Else Very Coincidental GA: I Personally Am Expecting The Latter But Hoping For The Former AG: Oh wow AG: I wasn't expecting any8ody to ever message this account ag8in. I haven't gotten a message here since AG: Wow, fuck, years ago at this point AG: Kan???????? AG: Are you here??????? AG: Are you Human???????? GA: You Will Have To Define What You Mean By Here GA: But Yes I Am Human
AG: Earth.
GA: I Have Been For Approximately Two Sweeps Now
AG: I mean that already answers my question and I feel like that was pretty o8vious in the context
GA: Possibly
AG: 8ut fuck, 4 years???????? AG: Where are you? Are you s8fe? AG: I mean o8viously you're not dead otherwise we wouldn't 8e having this convers8tion. AG: I've never 8een happier to see your prissy quirk in my entire fucking life this is am8zing
GA: I Am Still Trying To Reconcile Your Presence With The Wasteland Landscape I Have Been Trekking Through For What Feels Like Ages GA: But All Things Considered I Am Doing About As Well As One Can Be On An Alien Planet In A Body Not Ones Own GA: You Are Correct However GA: I Am Not Dead GA: Anymore GA: But I Was For A Short While GA: It Sucked Just As Much As The Last Time It Happened GA: Though It Was Much Slower This Time GA: So It May Have Actually Been Worse In Retrospect GA: And My Quirk Is Not Prissy
AG: Yeah the w8stelands fucking suck AG: Do you need assistance? I don't even know where the fuck you are 8ut I can send like........ AG: A caravan or something out to come get you. 8ring you 8ack to my Mansion and get you out of the fucking dust AG: Terezi's here. Sollux, too.   AG: No8ody else has come forward yet 8ut that doesn't mean they're not kicking a8out somefucking where AG: Did SkaiaNet respawn you? AG: And yeah, it is Kan. It's shockingly prim and proper for a mid-spectrum j8de8lood 8ut that's the least important thing we're talking a8out so try to st8y on topic, thanks
GA: It Is Not Prissy GA: Especially As None Of Us Can Be Considered Any Sort Of Caste On The Hemospectrum Anymore GA: Though I Must Confess To Being Surprised And Not At All Shocked That You Are Living In A Mansion GA: Again GA: Did This One Come With A Gigantic Spider Monster As Well GA:   GA: But No GA: Skaianet Did Not Revive Me GA: If Anything GA: They Were The Spark That Caused My Death GA: I Am Still Not Sure How I Managed To Revive GA: All I Do Know Is That I Am Some Sort Of Human Equivalent To Rainbow Drinkers GA: But I Am Not Sure If I Qualify To Be A Vampire As I Can Still Walk About In The Sunlight GA: I Do Not Know Where I Am Either If You Were To Try And Send Someone To Guide Me To You GA: The Closest Thing I Can Figure Out Is That I Am Somewhere That Is Yet More Desert GA: It Almost Makes Me Feel Hivesick For Alternia GA: Almost
AG: All Rust8loods all the w8y down 8a8ey AG: I keep w8ing for some8ody like Eridan or may8e even the 8atterwitch herself to come through AG: and just end up shitting a fucking cluck8east at 8eing stripped of their no8ility AG: It'll 8e hilarious when it happens AG: Oh my fucking god AG: Of course you'd 8e a vampire AG: That's hilarious. I mean, not the having to die to 8ecome one part AG: 8ut that the Earth recali8r8ion just went 'you know what? this ones a vampire'   AG: Regardless, there's no point in arguing 8ecause your quirk is just inherently prissy   AG: and I'm not the only person who thinks that AG: AND there's more important shit to talk a8out so I don't know why that's shoving a stick so far up your ass ::::// AG: Almost everywhere is desert. You're somewhere with internet though and that narrows things down AG: If we can't use landmarks to try and figure it out, I'll message Sol and get his ass on it AG: Oh AG: Also AG: I go 8y 'Spin' now
GA: I Will Admit That You Mentioning The Idea Of The Condesce Herself Coming Here And Finding Herself Reduced To A Red Blooded Human Has Made Me Smile For The First Time In What Feels Like A Perigree GA: Your Joy At My Vampiric Status Is Not As Endearing However GA: I Will Stand By My Statement That My Quirk Is Not Prissy GA: Your Quirk Is Simply Too Loose And Lax With Rules For Clear Communication GA: As For Why It Is Jamming A Proverbial Arboreal Rod Up My Waste Chute I GA:   GA: Admittedly Do Not Know Why I Am Getting So Defensive About It GA: It Just Feels Like I Have Not Had A Proper Moment To Rest Since I Revived GA: And I Am So Tired Vriska GA: I Am Tired And Angry And I Want To Just Find Someplace That Will Not See Me Run Out Of Whatever Settlement I Find As Soon As They Even Begin To Suspect That I Am Who I Am GA: So Forgive Me For Being Defensive Of Something That Makes Me Feel A Little Less Like Some Kind Of Unwanted Monster GA: I Would Think That Of Everyone In Our Old Friendship Circle You Would Be Able To Understand That Desire GA:   GA: GA: Spin GA:   GA: Why Did You Change Your Name To Spin GA: I Always Thought That You Had A Lovely Name With Vriska
AG: I'll l8y off of it AG: And nahhhhhhhh I've had to expl8in my quirk a8out a dozen times to people who don't know why I type like I do AG: It's pretty simple, hardly a 8arrier, 8ut then you've got Miss Crisp Annunci8ion over here   AG: 8ut whatever, it's fine, it's honestly the least offensive quirk that exists on Earth right now AG: No repl8cements, no shorthands, you get what you see. Refreshing since Sol is using ii's, 2's, and 0's which looks like hell AG: Humans fucking suck AG: Especially Humans who never experienced the G8me at all AG: Fuck them, 8unch of useless NPCs out here 8eing ******** and passing judgement they don't have the right to fucking pass AG: Let me come get you. If I can find where you are, you can have the fucking presidential suite to chill out in AG: I've got a good infrastructure here, there's electricity and running water AG: We've got our own water treatment plant for the mansion itself, as well as another couple for the rest of L8dy's country AG: We've got food, and shelter, we've got fa8ric8ion 8uildings and shit AG: You'll 8e s8fe here. Away from SkaiaNet   AG: Spin just....... fits 8etter, I guess. I've met a lot of my altern8s and I don't really want to associ8 with them AG: They all fucking suck lm8o
GA: I Had Nearly Forgotten How Much Of A Pan-Ache I Would Get From Reading Too Many Of Solluxes Messages In A Row GA:   GA: GA: GA: GA: I Cannot Tell If This Is You Trying To Hype Up An Otherwise Mediocre Settlement That You Have A Minor Role Of Authority In GA: Or If You Actually Have A Mansion With All Those Amenities And Are Sincere In Wanting To Share Them With Me GA: If It Is The Latter Then I Cannot Guarantee How I Will React GA: But I Will Take You Up On Your Offer GA: Even If It Is Not As Advanced As You Are Claiming GA: If Only Half Of It Is True Then That Is Still Far Better Than I Have Been Able To Gain Access To Since I Arrived On This Planet GA:   GA: And As Hard A Time As Myself Or Others Might Give You For Some Of Your Ethical Choices Vriska GA: You Should Not Be So Hard On Yourself GA: Not Even If It Is Not Technically You GA: All Alternates Are Shadows Of Ourselves And Who We Could Have Been Or Could Yet Be GA: We Have Been Getting The Shit Kicked Out Of Us Since We Picked Up That Accursed Game GA: Do Not Do SGRUBs Job For It Now That We Have Finally Escaped Its Grasp
AG: No AG: Kan AG: You don't understand AG: I am the QUEEN of L8dy's Country, Nevada. AG: It's a huge settlement with 8arric8ded walls, I think it was last year or the year 8efore we got the power grid 8ack up AG: It's funded 8y L8dy's Mansion, my live-in headquarters which also dou8les as a fucking kickass 8itching casino AG: We have a8out 20,000-40,000 people living here as permanent residents and more who come and go AG: There's tr8de, there's medicull staff, there's textile plants and industrial gardens AG: We have a standardized 8arter system AG: I've done SO MUCH p8perslogging and pulling myself up from my fucking 8ootstraps AG: I'm not 'hyping up a mediocre settlement' AG: You have to literally get into a vehicle to drive from L8dy's Mansion to the 8order walls 8ecause my territory is so large AG: We are one of the 8iggest non-aligned Encampments in the western hemisphere AG: I'm........ AG: I'm 8uilding an army, Kan. This pl8ce is fucking Huge.
GA: Vriska GA: Why Are You Building An Army GA: Did We Not All Go Through This Sort Of Thing Once Before GA: Do You Really Need To Seek Out Conflict Again So Soon
AG: SkaiaNet needs to 8e 8rought down AG: People are suffering 8ecause they hold ALL the wealth and ALL the resources AG: I'm not just going to stand 8y and let them 8ully every8ody into su8mission while the planet dies AG: and they MORE than have the capa8ilities to m8ke life more comforta8le AG: Yes I've 8uilt an army 8efore, that's why I'm the perfect person for this jo8 AG: I have experience with this shit AG: SkaiaNet has no IDEA what kind of enemy it's m8de in me AG: Also   AG: My n8me is Spin. AG: I've triangul8ed your loc8ion. AG: Do you want me to come get you or no?
GA:   GA: GA:
AG: Yes or no?
GA: I Am Thinking GA:   GA: GA: Will It Be You Who Picks Me Up GA: Or Some Random Underling Of Yours
AG: If you want me to m8ke the trip personally, I can t8ke a 8r8k AG: L8dy's Country won't fall apart without me for a d8y
GA: No GA: No That Will Be Fine GA: I Am Not Entirely Sure That I Want To See You GA: Until I Have Had A Chance To Clean Up
AG: God even in the f8ce of a post-apocalyptic w8steland you're still so prim lmf8o AG: I'll send my personal guard. His n8me's Seipher, I'd trust him with my life. AG: Are you in a s8fe pl8ce to 8unker down? You're a8out 7 hours out from where we're at
GA: Vri GA: GA: Spin GA: I Have Been Walking On My Own Through Swamps GA: Forests GA: Rivers And Open Fields Full Of Mud And Sadness GA: I Have Had To Bathe In Whatever Little Flowing Water I Could Find GA: And Do Not Even Get Me Started On Things Like My Clothes GA: Or All The Extra Features That Are Included With Being A Human In The Way Of Hygiene GA: Forgive Me If I Want A Moment Or Two To Myself Before I See Someone I Care About For The First Time In Almost Two Entire Sweeps GA: So That I Can Look And Smell Presentable GA: Rather Than Looking Like I Am Some Sort Of Bog Person And Smelling Like A Waterlogged Carcass
AG: You care a8out me? AG:   AG:   AG: lmf8oooooooo could you imagine, I had the strongest urge to send that and then NOTHING until my driver arrives there AG: God that would’ve 8een soooooooo funny AG: Yeah roughing it in the wilderness is fucking awful, I’ll have Seipher and K8 get you set up in your suite after you arrive and then you can just lmk when you’re ready and we’ll have dinner and a drink or something AG: I’ll see you then!!!!!!!! ::::)
——arachnidsGrip [AG] ceased Trolling grimAuxilitrix [GA]——
GA:   GA: GA: GA: But I Did Not Want To Be Done Talking With You GA: GA: ---grimauxiliatrix [GA] disconnected---
@betterthan777 @g4llowsc4l1br4t1ng @g0iinggh02t
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terryblount · 5 years
WoW Classic: What You Need to Know Before Release
It’s hard to believe, but WoW Classic is now less than a few days away from launching world wide. It’s something that many fans never thought would come into existence, especially with how much the landscape has changed in the world of Azeroth. Blizzard recognizes that a lot of the old school players want to return to their glory days of vanilla WoW, where things were a lot different than the current World of Warcraft.
Despite the impending release, a lot of players are still scratching their heads on how this is going to work. Will it be an extension of the current WoW? Or is this a separate title they developed? The answer is both yes and no, as WoW Classic is essentially its own server, isolated from the main public realm of WoW. The company boasts that it’s the definitive WoW experience from the Summer of 2006, right before The Burning Crusade expansion launched. Obviously it’s a little more than that, so we’ll go over some of the things that we know about WoW Classic.
How to access WoW Classic.
You’ll have to gain access through the Battle.net, Blizzards own proprietary game launcher. When you open it you’ll see a list of games on the left side with World of Warcraft usually at the top. Select the game, and then look near the bottom of that page for the Version Menu and choose World of Warcraft Classic. Once this is done, the game will begin to install onto your computer, and when that’s finished you can start playing.
It’s also important to note that anyone who has taken part in the stress tests for the game over the past couple of months won’t be able to bring their characters into Classic. You’ll need to make a brand new one when it releases next week.
How much will the game cost?
Thankfully, WoW Classic will not be a fully priced title. Instead, anyone who has an active subscription to WoW, or active game time will be able to jump right into Classic. If you aren’t subscribed, then it will cost you $14.99 a month to start, with options to pay more than a month’s time if you wish to do so.
Create a Character started already, and it’s possible that your name has been taken.
Last week, Blizzard announced that they were letting players create three characters per account well ahead of Classic’s release. This process officially started on Monday, August 12, which means that right now, you can lock up what class, race, and more importantly, what names you want to give your characters. The downside to this is because it’s been going on for a while now, the chances of claiming your name is much smaller.
Of course if you have a unique trait that you always use, then this probably won’t mean anything. For everyone else who has a simpler, shorter, and very much sought after title, it’s more than likely that it’s been claimed already. In addition you can also pick out which server you want to join when the game starts up. Blizzard has outlined all of the severs for North America, and recently added some from other regions.
To start locking in your characters, you can follow the same steps on How to access WoW Classic. 
You are not prepared: Classic will be much harder than WoW.
A lot of people may not realize this, but World of Warcraft is 15 years old. A lot has changed over the seven expansions, and with those changes came simpler mechanics, and a forgiving system that allows players to jump right back in with little to no consequences. When WoW first came out in 2004, this was not the case. MMORPG’s at the time were normally played by die hard enthusiasts that grew accustomed to the punishing aspects of those games, like Everquest and Runescape.
WoW Classic is being made to look, feel, and play just like it was before the first major expansion came out, and thanks to some of the stress tests, a lot of newer gamers are starting to realize what they’re getting themselves into. Ironically, most of them reported the older features as “bugs.” Blizzard had to come out and say that these features were intentionally implemented, making for a rather humorous moment.
For instance, enemies/creatures respawn at a much lower rate, making farming for EXP and gold that much more difficult. Another example are the Quest Markers and Points of interests not being tracked on the map or mini-map. Little nuances such as these normally wouldn’t be considered game changers, but if you were to look at the full “Not a Bug” List that Blizzards Community Manager put together, it’s actually quite staggering how much of a difference it is.
With all of this in mind, it’s safe to say that WoW Classic will not be for the faint of heart, or the impatient for that matter. Simply put, it’s a long drawn out grind with a higher than usual difficulty, especially at the beginning.
Blizzard will patch the game with six phases of updates.
WoW Classic will launch with the 1.12 patch, which is also known as the Drums of War. According to the company, this patch represents the most complete vanilla WoW experience and was originally released in August of 2006. However, Blizzard is going above and beyond with this idea by updating the game with the exact same patches in the very same manner they did during it’s initial run.
Each patch will introduce new areas to explore, Dungeons and Raids, but won’t tamper with any other types of balances, cementing the gameplay aspect with the 1.12 patch. The company is planning to bring out six different updates over the course of Classic’s lifetime. Blizzard hasn’t stated what the plans will be once these phases are done, but we wouldn’t be surprised if they reintroduced The Burning Crusade expansion to the Classic server as well as the most popular expansion; Wrath of the Lich King.
You can check out the companies Classic Content Plan here.
When does WoW Classic Launch?
WoW Classic launches worldwide on Monday August 26, 3:00 pm PDT/ 6:00 pm EST. As we said earlier, you’ll need the Battle.net launcher to play the game, which you can download here.
WoW Classic: What You Need to Know Before Release published first on https://touchgen.tumblr.com/
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