#if bellamy went to that damn island he'd be clarke's knight
badassclarke · 7 years
There’s something bothering me.
I understand why people are disappointed by the fact Bellamy’s journey is yet again psychological. What I can’t see is how that’s any less important than Clarke’s.
I’ve been reading a considerable amount of “Clarke’s again saving the world and Bellamy’s again on backstage” and other variations. Idk I feel like there’s a point missing because imo this show is no longer a THG arena where you must kill everyone till you’re the survivor. In fact, that’s exact the opposite story they’re trying to tell. They have been constantly addressing that every life matters on survival mode and more recently how you live is important too. Not just important, essential. Several characters besides B and C called and were called on this, including, but not restraining to, Abby, Lexa, Octavia, Luna and Jasper. 
Point made, this is why Bellamy’s arc is again needed. “First we survive, then we find our humanity again”? Bellamy’s taking none of this shit again. He’s already been there, reached the rock bottom, done horrible things under the excuse “who we are and who we need to be to survive are very two different things” or any other and nope. Not anymore. “We save who we can save today” is: “I will save every reachable human being because all lives are valuable”. Nice, right? Except for the little fact that despite how hard we wants or needs, he can’t force salvation on one. It’s up to them to choose.
That’s quite a road for Bellamy himself as a character for many reasons (a lot of people probably already talked about this but whatever). He never actually chose to protect Octavia with his own life. She happened in his life and I’m not for one second doubting he also did it for love. However, when you have a younger sibling you feel they’re your responsibility and they have to be under your wing forever - it’s hard to separate things. Also, he didn’t choose to protect The 100. He wanted to lead them for his own good but things were kinda happening and he was too involved to get out - and he tried.
I’d like to highlight too how important his journey is to all of the Delinquents. It’s no news The 100 look up to, admire and listen to Bellamy. If he, of all people, can understand the combo surviving + living, their life quality would improve idk 100%, folks. There must be a balance between the things they’re doing for survival and having fun and enjoying the moments. This is a trait that’s been defining for him as a leader: the connection he has on the personal levels. These young people likely can’t relate with Jaha’s, Kane’s or even Clarke’s leadership because they’re way too far from them. This is a horizontal lesson to be learnt by each one of them. Let’s live, deserve to survive and survive. All of it.
Also, I can’t possibly see what Bellamy could add on the science lab. I don’t know if I have a limited vision or sth, feel free to message me if you're up with any contributions he’d make. Yes, I want him to be with Clarke 24/7 and all the ship goggles but. That’s not the story. It makes sense, it’s fitting that he stays with the Delinquents and with Octavia (the latter only in thoughts) because that’s intrinsically who he is, as a person and as a leader.
Basically what I’m trying to say is: Clarke makes sure they survive, Bellamy makes sure they live. Again they’re balancing each other, two sides of the same coin. She helps to build the physical walls, he helps to ensure the mental ones.
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