#if he hadnt also surgically removed his ability to desire things much like stw did
wovenstarlight · 5 months
if I had to pick my favorite headcanon for sranks it would be that all sranks are aroace or aspec and it's like at least 30% canon too like
han yoohyun: (canon) barely remembers people exist outside of yoojin and has explicitly expressed disinterest in romance. the most aroace little man I've ever seen.
sung hyunjae: (canon) by and large does not find people interesting enough to entertain any thoughts of romance or sex. see "I've never had someone else in my bedroom" from c154 sleepover. demiromantic/demisexual probably
bak yerim: (sorta canon?) has considered romance but has also declared in the same breath that everyone her age or older is too old for her and everyone younger than her is babies. baby aspec behavior
song taewon: (indirectly canon) probably does feel some degree of attraction in rare cases but would rather explode into a writhing mass of mindless shadow than allow himself pleasure and so has surgically removed his ability to feel desire (confirmed in the vol8 character profile where he refuses to let himself have interests or likes, let alone people he's crushing on). if sexuality is what you do and not who you are then he does nothing. aroace by conscious choice
moon hyuna: have you seen the woman she has to be queer. aspec 100% but she does get a kick out of indiscriminately flirting with people. what attraction she does feel is sapphic-leaning
noah: aspec by virtue of never having expressed any outright interest in relationships. I feel like he's the kind to get maybe-crushes that he has trouble distinguishing as romantic attraction or platonic admiration and so he just never acts on them
riette: demi again in the classic born s-rank style. 99.99% of people are below her. but the 0.01%... [sighs in c100-flavored regret] they are also below her.
bak mingyu: ok this one gets a partial exemption because I'm very charmed by him being like well whatever about the hanshin arranged marriage only to fall in love literally as soon as he met his fiancée. very cute. no information regarding ace spec placement though so I'm declaring he's on there
shishio: probably aspec in a very "I don't see what all the hype is about but I'm glad you're all enjoying yourselves!" kind of way. very chill about it and probably the most self aware after yoohyun and sung hyunjae.
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