#if he wins we're guaranteed fucked. if biden wins we're slightly less fucked
grymmdark · 5 months
my sister just dropped a whole rant on how she's not gonna vote in the next election and how everything is fucked politically etc. and it was all so depressing and nihilistic i just dont know how to respond. like yeah that stuff sucks i agree but giving up isn't gonna make it suck less.
she went on about how if the republicans do win that'd somehow make the democrats actually get their shit together when in reality it wouldn't cus it'd only make them look better without having to put the actual work in.
and yeah unfortunately the Democrats know that people will vote blue no matter who and so can get away with shitty and mediocre candidates, but part of the issue is that the democrats have so little power that people dont get to be picky. if people didn't have to scramble for whatever democratic candidate to attempt to stop republicans, and instead we could be more confident that a democrat would get elected then they could get to be picky.
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bogleech · 3 months
Hardly anyone even fucking tried to run against Biden for the nomination. Republicans had one option besides Trump and she might have been at least slightly less destructive. I'm not surprised it's officially going to be either Biden or Trump again but it is so utterly miserable and wretched. Pathetic. Now your choice is between two possible presidents who are both friends of Israel and both going to help kill more people but one also wants to kill healthcare, immigration, education, science, unions, environmental policy, LGBT rights and whatever's left of reproductive rights. That's the one half this country thinks is literally appointed by God to save us from evil, and they want to shoot you to death or run you over with their car if you don't like him.
The other half of America is split over whether they're willing to vote at all because they think letting Trump win will force Democrats to become better and fix everything next time, as if there's even a guaranteed next time at all the way shit's been.
We're more than likely going to have a second Trump presidency. He already undid so much progress that Americans fought and died for. With another four years he's likely going to finish a lot of it off, and whether he succeeded or not he will *try* to erode democracy itself because he very much wants to be an indefinite dictator.
Generation after generation has been pleading for a revolution to start that actually topples these two parties but all most liberals apparently intend to do is absolutely nothing and hope it magically works out. Your options now are to stop Trump by voting for what is now his only opponent even in the running, yes knowing both of them are going to be genociders. That's what's left of your 2024 options unless that revolution can happen yesterday or both these decrepit ghouls die before October.
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