#if i didn't know that im doing pretty good. perhaps a little stressed. but mostly just listening to indie music yk
im-still-a-robot · 1 year
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Happy Valentine's day! Year 4 of doing these, and while this year was a little stressful, it was still very fun. Hope you all enjoy!
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pineappleciders · 1 year
Hmm. I want to request something.
Alright, since ghosts are pretty much canonical in the real world, how would the OMOgang react to finding one? Perhaps the ghost of Mari?
TRIGGER WARNING: OMORI spoilers, OMORI irls, MARI's incident
how i think the OMOgang would react to meeting MARI's ghost
probably angst warning :3
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i know we see MARI's ghost in the game a lot,, so i feel like pre-ending (as in before SUNNY gets better) he'd assume that he's just hallucinating as he usually hallucinates things from headspace (or maybe he'd fade into his imagination and white space?)
he'd definitely feel like. a twinge of sadness in his heart every time he sees her but he wouldn't really think about it as to keep himself safe from the truth
post-game i think he'd break down and cry,, and sob even harder if she talks to him or tries to hug him
still assumes he's hallucinating, even if it's incredibly vivid
he'd probably have terrible flashbacks, especially if the hair of her ghost was messy or long. might retreat into white space out of stress, and let OMORI take over
i feel like she'd be a little scared,,, like she never really thought about spirits and paranormal stuff before and it's kinda scary
she would definitely tear up and probably break down. it's been so long since she's seen her face, AUBREY almost forgot what she looked like
she'd probably go to a psychiatrist the day after because she thinks she's going crazy or something
probably curls up in MARI's arms and just cries. it's been awhile since she's felt her hugs. she might even start to talk about everything on her mind, everything that happened after she died. AUBREY knows she's imagining it, but she'll take any chance she can get to talk to her again.
he'd be really confused and a little scared. he thought it was in his imagination, but she was there so clearly,,
he tears up and starts sniffling. he's incredibly out of it and doesn't know whats going on, but the sight of MARI in the flesh clenches his heart
as a kid the thought of ghosts kinda scared him and he didn't like to think about it. he's grown and doesn't really believe in them anymore but he's shaking in his boots when he sees MARI
he isn't sure what to do, and probably lives the next couple of days in fear and a sense of haziness and confusion. he wants to talk to HERO about it, but he's worried he'll get all fussy and send him to a mental institution or something
nah im bout to cry 😭😭
i wouldn't be surprised if HERO experienced some hallucinations and psychosis following her death, and they faded more and more as he grew and got somewhat better
he assumes he's losing it again and it stresses him out so he probably breaks down, similar to how he did with KEL
if MARI talks to him he dissociates even worse . it's been so long since he's heard her voice, especially if she's saying something like "i love you"
he might try to reach out to her and cries harder if his hand fades right through her. he visits her grave the next day and stares at the gravestone in silence
also starts seeing a therapist and taking anti-psychotic meds. he doesn't know she was a real ghost, and doesn't want to entertain the thought
he's actually shaking in his boots. a little bit because he's scared, but mostly because he's reliving her death all over again
especially if he sees her in SUNNY's house.
he's probably frozen in shock for a little bit, before falling to his knees and sobbing, gripping whatever is in his hands
MARI kneels down next to him and probably takes his hand, and he looks up and so many memories come back. of all the times she's been there for him, during all the good and all the bad. it makes his heart clench
he feels like he's going crazy, he's shaking and everything is hazy. is he having an episode? he assumes so, but he isn't really in a state to think straight
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