#if i need to put this under a 'read more' cut let me know sjfhsjfhsjfsh
jebentnietalleen · 5 years
What about sharing some of your thoughts about Axel Auriant?
Honestly, where do I begin? When I started skam france, I was under Maxence’s spell, ngl. I had eyes, I knew he was a model and that he was freaking hot. And I mean, that hasn’t changed, but over time, slowly but surely, Axel crept up on me. I really hate the fact that I can’t pinpoint the exact moment that I fell for that guy, but then again I think that’s probably because it happened so gradually, until one day I just had to face the facts: I am 100% gone for that boy. If I am completely honest, I think the trolling is what got me. It became a game to me, and I think the people who follow me long enough got to witness my breakdown on tumblr on the nights he kept. uploading. and. deleting. every. few. seconds. It was infuriating in the best way. The times I have used the phrase ‘OFFICER’ because of him, are countless, I’m sure. I still can’t believe that this man is insecure enough to upload and delete stuff, yet brave enough to admit to the world that he is, and that he uses humor as a mask. 
He cries. He cries in real life, and he talks about it, and he shows it. He tells the world he cried when he had an argument with his girlfriend, and he got emotional during the screenings because he cares so much about Lucas and about skam france. He retweeted something about guys getting to cry to and that that’s important. He is doing so much, you guys. I am getting emotional just typing this out (shocker, right).
I love his humor and I can’t help but smile every time he or Ouba posts something on ig. And I know it might be hard to believe but I think it was only after this phase that I realized that he is really freaking gorgeous. I know, I know, but that is how I roll: I fall for someone’s personality first and foremost, and after that I can’t deny their beauty. 
Don’t even get me started about the fact that he thought it might be unrealistic for a guy that looks like Maxence to fall for someone like him. Or the fact that he thought his eyelashes were to long, so he cut them off and had to wear fake ones for part of the show. 
Not only is he funny, honest, open and fragile, he kicks toxic masculinity to the ground and stomps on it. He is openly affectionate with his male castmates, but also with his male friends. He will cut a homophobe if he has to, and you just know that late at night he sits behind his laptop and types stuff in twitter just to seek out the haters and torch them down. You gotta admire that, because that’s so powerful: he uses his fame to let the world know that this is not okay. And it’s not like he has nothing to do with his time, he has multiple plays, movies and other projects coming up, and oh yeah also a personal life he needs to tend to. 
Speaking of twitter, the fact that he tries to find every fan who wrote him on twitter to thank them personally for their letters and gifts? Wow. As someone who gave him a letter, I know that he tries to convey this to everybody, but it’s true: he reads everything he gets, he cries about fan letters and calls Maxence and David to share it, he uses the gifts he gets an lets fans know by taking a picture of that, he is so incredibly grateful for everyone. 
He and Maxence didn’t want people to pay for the convention or the photoshoots, I am sure of it, and that’s why they announced that they would donate the money for their duo photoshoot to charity, and that’s why he insists on giving all the fans who payed to be there everything they came for and answered all the questions even after the Q&A was suppose to be over, and why when I said to him: ‘it’s been a long day’ all he said was: ‘no no no, it’s been a cool day!’ and he meant it. I know he meant it. His energy, you guys, you don’t even know. I mean I know that you know, but once you have met him, that’s when you truly realize it. I know it might sound pretentious but I am sorry it’s just true. It’s off the charts. He is able to keep the party going, he makes people laugh, he is chaotic in the best kind of way, the security guard couldn’t help but smile at him, even though he wanted to ‘grab the little one by his neck’. But even though he has that much (chaotic) energy, he still manages to send out this absolutely chill vibe, like. I can’t even explain it. But his presence just calmed me down. I believe in transfering energy and his energy is just amazing. It’s not chaotic at all, it’s soothing. Y’all know how much I loved Axel before meeting him, but you best believe that love grew 100 times more since I have met him, talked to him, took photo’s with him. Yeah. I still can’t believe that happened tbh but it did. 
His talent? Oh my god. I think I might be the person who used that Oscar meme the most during season 3, but I am valid, I am right and I should say it, tbfh. He deserves all the awards. The range of that man. The way he can cry and make you feel like pure shit for him. His hearteyes? Wow. Show me an actor who plays being in love more convincingly than him. I’ll wait. Yes okay, Maxence too, I agree. (what? I just assume people will bring that up, I’m not going crazy here talking to myself. 👀💀 sjfhsjhfs) also, now that we are mentioning it, the way he just fully gave himself and really went all in with the kissing and love making scenes is truly amazing tbh. Also, look, we all think it’s not the smartest idea to punch a gate, but he really did that. He really took it that far. He really ran faster than the van that was suppose to capture him on film in vendredi 20h27 the second. 
Not only can he act, he plays drums, piano, can sing, really, what can’t this guy do? 
Okay, okay, listen, I held off (well, for the most part) until the very end, but I gotta go there…. he is, without a doubt, one of the most gorgeous people I have ever seen. On and offscreen. Those eyes, that hair, hands. Yeah. hands. I said what I said. How dare he be cute one moment and a smoking hot mannequin elite the next?? Let me live, Axel, jfc. 
In conclusion: name. me. a. better. man!!!!!!!!
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