#if i recall correctly it wasn't even that we watched the same anime per se
statusquoergo · 10 months
“When I was in high school, a senior asked me out one time. When I was a sophomore.”
“That must have been very exciting for you.”
“I was the stage manager for a play he was in.”
“Were the two of you close?”
“It was about halfway through the year, so we'd been working together for a while, and we were kind of friends, the way that underclassmen think they're friends with seniors because they'll talk to you for more than like ten seconds at a time.”
“How long were you and he together?”
“I was so surprised when he asked me out that I just said I'd think about it, like I was really taking him seriously.”
“Weren't you?”
“Then one of my friends told me he just did it because he was having a fight with his girlfriend. I didn't even know he had a girlfriend. She was in the play, she was a freshman.”
“Isn't that a kick in the teeth.”
“But fit still felt really important for me to let him down gently, like I had to do the whole 'It's not you it's me,' or 'I'm just not ready for this kind of thing' or whatever.”
“He was worth all that trouble?”
“I was really nervous about it. You know, was I really ready to maybe lose him as a friend, would he accept it when I told him no, would he be mad at me, would I...say it right. But then when I finally did it, he just said, 'Oh, that's okay,' you know, no big deal.”
“You must have been terribly embarrassed.”
“He'd already made up with his girlfriend by then, so.”
“You were a bit useless to him, I suppose.”
“I don't know what happened to him after high school.”
“If he's anything like the rest of us, he's probably suffering a bit.”
“I hope so.”
“Goodness, aren't you?”
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