#if i wanted to swing a bat at the hornet's nest i could compare whispangle to bumblebee form rwby
beevean · 1 year
Can I just say that I h a t e the Whispangle teasing from the latest issue, because of how it's making all the fans act? It's the perfect combination: 100% non-canon because SEGA does not WANT or allow any romance, but the hints and teases are about as subtle as a sleighthammer to the knees, and thus now the fans are all claiming that "OMG IT'S SO CANON EVERY OTHER SHIP WITH THEM IS NOW INVALID AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT YOU'RE A HOMOPHOBE UWU GO FUCK YOURSELF". The fact that also Silver and Blaze are literally seen holding hands in the exact same issue conveniently gets ignored, despite the fact that apparently is the standard we're needing to meet here for a ship to be """""canon""""". Must be the fact they're in front of a few trees, not a unsubtly-coloured pride flag background.
I'm salty about the general fandom mindset, sorry. Was the exact same when Sonadow promptly got declared """""canon""""" when Shadow carried Sonic bridal style one time, except the fact Sonic has done the same with Amy tons of times too. I can't help but feel like fans of 'straight' ships are a LOT less insufferable about it than those of 'gay' ships, but that might just be a generalisation because this is Tumblr.
100% agree with you there, anon.
Like. Really, guys? The pride flag? Just in case we didn't get the hint enough? Funnily enough, you can even see it the other way around: Laviarray said, in his latest video, that if you removed the colors from the panel it would lose all meaning, because it's just holding hands, and it doesn't convey romantic chemistry (not helped by Whisper's expression: couldn't she look at Tangle, to signify that she matters to her?).
As I said, Whispangle lost all sympathy for me after their little drama. The two did not interact after their own miniseries, which apparently takes place between #16 and #17; then they meet again and Tangle decides to propose the Diamond Cutters' name as their own team name when it wasn't her place at all (and putting Whisper in an uncomfortable position in front of people who aren't aware of her trauma); then the incident is resolved with Tangle being like "i'm sowwy i didn't mean to i just thought your dead friends were so cool 🥺" and Whisper writing a whole ass multiple-tweet apology that amounts to "I sincerely apologize for my PTSD, I recognize that it's very inconvenient for you, from now on I will try to be a better person, therefore I will allow you to get what you want and use the name of my dead friends for your personal comfort"?
I. Don't see what y'all are seeing. Do we have to play that old game of "imagine if Tangle was a boy and this was a boring straight ship"?
To be fair, at least Whisper and Tangle holding hands isn't quite as irritating as the Sonadow bride carrying, or even worse Sonic giving bedroom eyes to Shadow in #6: Sonic and Shadow are such disgusting pricks to each other than the people who seriously see chemistry between them basically out themselves as people who did not read IDW, and are just going with out of context panels.
Not even going to talk about that little discourse of "if you ship Tangle and Whisper with men you're lesbophobic". That's stupid. It's so stupid that I feel stupid even explaining why it's stupid. Then again, it's Twitter, so what do I expect.
As for your last point, it does feel that way. I think it's because gay ships are immensely more popular on Tumblr/Twitter in general so it attracts more assholes, and because gay ships aren't allowed to simply exist, but are touted as Representation and thus Extremely Important Activism To Take Super Seriously. Which, guys, chill. It's just two anthros looking at each other. Have fun and stop pretending you're doing something important: shipping is just a game.
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