#if i'm allowing wonky spellings/same pronunciations I met a... Loreleigh? i think? at the San Antonio zoo in 2015
anthropwashere · 7 months
Finally got around to watching Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
100% honesty here?
I smiled-to-grinned-helplessly at every second of it! It is SO charming and SO expertly animated! The comparisons to the Spiderverse movies I've seen so far are 100% warranted and I genuinely hope loads of CGI animated movies follow these patterns/designs in the future because they're just SO refreshing to watch in a... maybe "engaging" is the word to use? You feel like you're IN the animation, reacting eagerly TO it, rather than sitting tiredly as you watch a rough draft with a few key splash pages go by.
I dunno. YouTube keeps recommending me people bleh-dunking on Disney's Wish and from what clips of that movie I've seen it looks SO dull in comparison to Puss. Like, I have 0 clue what Wish is about! I've seen maybe 4 5-10 second clips of it at most. There's a goat? The protag's bestie (besties??) are based on the 7 Dwarves? There's like 50 references to older Disney movies because it's supposed to be a celebration of Disney's 100th?
But strictly speaking from a visual perspective/demonstration/execution/exultation of animation prowess? Puss is INCREDIBLE. On a strictly visual/style comparison there is NO comparison. I'm speaking honestly here; I couldn't HELP but grin watching every second of Puss. It's a delight just to watch. I'd say that even if the story bored me and that is NOT the case. The story is SO GOOD. The story makes it an EASY 10 times better than what the brilliant visuals promised. It is SO worth the dollars I dropped on a rental watch of it, and it's definitely a movie I (a person who is NOT interested in movies until years later at BEST) would be keen to watch again.
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