#if it's april sorry no sir jo can't do you
dhampirslays · 2 years
I throw my hands in the air. “We don’t have time for an apocalypse. It’s going to have to reschedule for another month when I’m not trying to settle in three new Slayers and keep an eye on Sean and whatever his new minion associates are up to. Maybe pencil an apocalypse in for May. It seems like a nice spring activity.”
“No one said anything about an apocalypse.” My mother says, her mouth twitching with the hint of a smile. “But I do agree that spring is a nice season for apocalypses to be triggered. Come to think of it, most of the near-apocalypses in recent memory have happened in May.” She frowns thoughtfully. “I wonder why.”
I shrug. “Like seasonal allergies. The earth trying to sneeze itself out of existence.”
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