#if she was an actual career firefighter i'd understand
queenboimler · 4 months
i'm still baffled that hen went to med school and then....decided to stay a paramedic?
probably over 250,000 in student debt and for what 😭
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The season finale of Chicago Fire was an okay premiere to me. For an episode that is supposed to hype you up for a season, its actually done the opposite for me. I'm leaning into becoming a casual viewer of the show and it's a shame because this used to be my comfort show.
I don't understand why we are going back to the recycled storyline of having a nemesis and it looks like were headed back down that with Stella. I want a storyline for Stella where we see a situation that is her fault. Hear me out, I want to see how she would deal with a situation that is the cause of her poor judgement. How does she learn from this situation? How does it affect her personally? How does it affect her as a leader? How does she navigate this situation (preferably without the input of the men in 51).
You can count me in for as another person to add to the not a fan of the Hawkami club - I have my reasons but I'll keep those opinions to myself in fear of how the fandom reacts. I would like to see Violet's storylines away from Gallo and Hawkins this season. She is more than just her romance.
The person I want more for this season is Sylvie because she deserves it. With the mess that the writers put her in with the LDR (she could still be in it but apparently she's the only one who can't have love and a career). She does not need to be pushed into another relationship, and shame on the writers if they do because it only proves that the writers don't know how to write the ladies without romantic drama. I want to see character growth and this could be done through her Paramedicine program, or she could be teaching at the academy, become a mentor, buy a house and do a fixer upper, have a connection to a patient, helping at Molly's. Building on her friendships with the ladies and Cruz and Chloe and those we have not seen before like Herrmann, Ritter, Boden. My wish is to see her become a godmother to Otis, the bonds she could form with both him and Havi.
I have hopes for this season but I know not to get them up because of my disappointment with season 10.
I sincerely hope they give Stella a good Lieutenant storyline. Honestly, they should have done something like this last season. I liked Mason but I think the writers didn't know what to do with him and only figured out that for season 11, Stella should get a Truck crew member who could be difficult. It should have happened last season but Derek said he didn't want to bring in more new characters so they decided to go with Mason. The gripe I have with this storyline, aside from the fact that Carver seems like a total asshole, is that they're bringing in another white male character onto the show, as if there weren't enough of them already. I wanted to see a female firefighter - they do exist right? It's unrealistic to just have one female firefighter on the show. I do hope that the writers finally show things from Stella's perspective and not Severide's. I know they're married now but she can have independent storylines too. I feel like it may or may not happen because of the interactions Carver has had with Severide and Boden. I don't think I'll be sticking around long enough to see.
I've said before that I want better stories for Violet and Sylvie too, ones outside of romance and the same goes for Ritter and Mouch. Like, where is Mouch's bio-daughter? Can Ritter tag along on Paramedicine runs? The family dynamic is sorely missing and there is a huge difference in the premiere episodes of season 10 and 11.
Also, if the show doesn't serve you or bring you any joy anymore, it's okay to walk away from it or just be a casual viewer. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that! I'm figuring out myself if I'd peace out totally or binge watch it at some point.
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