#if they were trying to do something nice for the flea then he'd just ruin it anyway
threadmonster · 5 months
It's May 4th and Shinra has been talking about his plans to marathon Star Wars with Celty. He isn't particularly interested in the series but Celty is intrigued by aliens and all. Izaya is annoyed. Of course Shinra, as usual, only cares about Celty. It still makes him feel gloomy though, it's not like Shinra ever forgot his birthday before.
He gets even more annoyed when Shinra calls him for a favor. Why should he care if Shinra forgot a few things at the store? But it's fine, whatever, it's not like he has anything better to do. Even his own sisters didn't bother to send him his birthday death threat.
Shinra told him to let himself in. He doesn't know why all the lights are off. He huffs and turns them on all just to be bombarded by a chaotic mess of "Happy Birthday" wishes and a camera flash in his face.
He doesn't know what to say or how to react. He sees Shinra, Celty, his sisters, Kyohei and the van gang, Simon was there. He wants to get mad, how dare he be fooled like this. In truth, he doesn't even know how to feel about it.
You see, his self-worth is so low that he can't understand, people do care about him.
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casspurrjoybell-22 · 1 year
Master - Chapter 39c
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*Warning Adult Content*
- Kalem -
I knock on Master's office door and try to settle my shaking fingers as I wait.
Today had been a super long day.
I'd done training with Arias, then that horrible Diablos showed up and I gave two tours before it was time to go to dinner with everyone.
It had been a lot but now the important moment was here.
I didn't really know why I was shaking so much.
For some reason, my insides were really nervous and that was making my outsides nervous too. 
But I didn't get why.
It did take a long time for me to get my note all right and perfect for master but it was perfect now, so I should've been excited not nervous.
And even though I knew that, my fingers were still shaky and my heart was racing so fast that I thought it might pop inside of me.
"Kalem?" Master calls from the other side. "I said you can come in."
Quickly, I open the door and slip inside as quietly as I can.
Closing it behind me, I look up and smile when I find Master sitting at his desk with his sexy glasses on. 
I knew he didn't really need them so I didn't know why he wore them, maybe just to tease me because he knew how worked up they got me.
I kept my lips shut about it since he looked too good with them for me to be so silly to say something about it.
Master plus his sexy glasses was always a win.
"I'll be coming to bed soon my love," Lincoln says as he looks at me with a guilty, sad face. "Just a few minutes more and I'll be with you."
Master thought I was here because he'd left in the middle of dinner to go do more work while everyone was eating or drinking but that wasn't it.
Well, it was a little bit because I was worried that Master was doing too much work when he needed to rest more.
But, I'd come now because I'd finally got my gift for Master just right. 
I practised reading it one last time with Arias before I came here and he said it was absolutely perfect and that my 'flea of a Master' would love it very much.
I wasn't sure what a flea was but I knew it wasn't nice.
Lincoln and Arias were always saying mean things about each other.
"I can wait," I tell Master as I walk towards his desk, my heart going faster and faster which each step I took.
Master looks up at me, a small frown on his face.
"Is everything okay, Kalem? Your heart is racing."
Evil vampire hearing.
"Everything's fine," I squeak as I stop in my place.
Please heart, please calm down.
I don't want to ruin the surprise but I will if you keep beep-beeping so hard.
Master studies me a little longer before his face fills with understanding and he laughs to himself before he looks back to the thick book he was writing in.
"I haven't forgotten your reward," he says in a teasing tone.
"I promise you'll get it once I'm done here."
My reward?
I was getting a reward?
It's my turn to frown as I think really hard until I finally remember that Master had promised to give me a reward earlier today, that was before everything went so bad.
I'd forgotten about it with all that happened and then my own gift but remembering just made me more excited.
I close my eyes and try to do that slow breathing thing that I saw Mr. Wen do when he was really excited about something. 
It helps me a little bit.
The slow in and out breaths that I hold in my chest for as long as I can before letting it out in a huff.
Master kept chuckling, thinking it was about the reward, which was a good thing because it meant that my special surprise stayed a surprise.
Just like he said, within a few short minutes, Master shuts his large book and takes his glasses off.
Awww, the sexy glasses were going.
I pout.
"Done," he says with a smile as he pushes his chair back. "And now I am all yours love." 
Master tries to come to hug me but I put my free hand out and take a few steps back which make Master freeze as he looks at me.
His eyes narrow and he tilts his head but he doesn't move.
"You have to stay where you are," I say firmly. "For now. Or I'll get distracted and I won't finish it all."
"And what is it that you need to finish?" Master asks with a growing smile.
When I don't reply, he looks down at the hand I had behind my back.
"What is it that you're hiding Kalem?"
"Nothing," I say quickly, before I correct myself. "Something."
"Something?" Lincoln repeats.
"Something," I confirm with a nod. "Something special and for it to be special and good, you have to listen to everything I say."
Master continues looking at me with that naughty smile that made me feel squirmy below but I had to stop myself from getting excited down there or everything would fall apart and I'd be full of Master before I knew it.
And for once, that would have to wait.
This was way more important.
"Alright love," Master says with a nod. "I'll follow every word."
"Thank you," I say with a smile as I look to the soft couch I usually slept on while Master worked.
"Sit there," I say pointing to the middle of it. 
Master moves without a word and takes a seat exactly where I told him to.
Still smiling from ear to ear, Master crosses one of his legs over the other while he leans back.
Which only made it so much harder for me to be good and stay on track.
I'd get my reward after.
Lincoln's dark eyes follow me as I move towards him until I was close but not enough for him to touch me. 
Lincoln's dark eyes follow me as I move towards him until I was close but not enough for him to touch me. 
Smoothing the edges out, I put my eyes to the first words and let the air out.
I could do this.
They were my words and I'd practised them really hard with Arias. 
I could do this.
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