#if u listen to 1 track listen to humpty dumpty and tell me that's not gideon singing her heart out!! jod should give her a guitar!
gothseparatist · 10 months
cover is a placeholder (stole it from an ad lmao) because I didn't feel like contacting artists for permission to use BUT here is a Gideon Nav playlist I made. tried to delve more into female vocalists and a few bands from Oceania. it is mostly chronological and it was not easy trying to combine quite disparate genres together so theres a few spots I want to work over more eventually
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the-weeping-author · 4 years
Hate To Love chapter 1
A/N: This is my first series thank you guys so much for liking my last three fics, I hope you guys enjoy this series.
This series will include: bullying, angst, fighting/arguing, fluff, smut. There will be a Steve vs Joyce show down.
Parings: Steve Harrington x Sara Byers
Trigger warnings: none in this chapter maybe not feeling loved??
Tag list: @ahoy-stevieboy @thehair-ington @galactic-kitten-nonsense @linkispink1995 @theworldisugly-22 @harringtown @phoebethepheebs @spiritsent
(Please don’t copy my fics as your own also I don’t own anything about the stranger tings franchise.)
Please enjoy 😌
Saturday November 5th, 1983
I’ve been home one day, I’ve already got all of my stuff unpacked into the spots I wanted my stuff to go then I decided to go look at the town I once knew like it was apart of me but now with my recent weight loss it feels like it’s foreign to me.
People looked at me like they didn’t know me anymore. Like I wasn’t Sara Byers anymore. I had to remake myself from the person I used to be, I had told my mother about what Lonnie had said about me to that woman over the phone.
I had to stop her from calling and giving him a piece of her mind, I was out and about so I could start putting in applications at any job that would take me. I took a deep breath, walked into a gas station that had a help wanted sign in the window.
I put the biggest smile on my face I could manage walking up to the person behind the register.
“Hi I’m here to apply for the position that y’all need to fill.”
The lady with curly hair smiled at me then popped her gum.
“Okay honey are you good with people?”
I smile shrugging.
“I’d like to think I am.”
She looked at me then at the door when someone came in.
“Alright when can you start?”
I looked at her while my eyes widened, excitement washing over my body.
“I can start right now if you need me too.”
She nodded, telling me to come behind the counter so she could show me how everything worked.
After she showed me everything she took down the help wanted sign then assured me she’d be back.
After she left it was kinda slow, I was behind the counter reading a magazine when a customer put the stuff they planned on but on the counter.
I started to ring them up when I heard my best friends familiar voice.
My head snatched up to see my best friend in middle school barb.
“Oh hey barb how have you been?”
She smiled at me.
“I’ve been great did you lose weight I barely recognized you?”
I smiled at her, started playing with my hair.
“U-Uh yeah I did do I look bad?”
She quickly shook her head at me.
“Hell no girl you look fantastic I can already tell hearts are going to be broken, I don’t mind seeing them as long as one of them aren’t mine.”
I let out a loud laugh which made her laugh.
“Barb you know I could never stop being your friend.”
She smiled at me while I gave her her total.
“I know Sara and that’s why you’re the best.”
I smiled and I flipped my hair.
“Yeah I know.”
She gasped at me.
“Who is this confident teenager in front of me? What have you done with my Sara?”
I smiled at her then let out a giggle.
“The old Sara has gone out of business. This is the new and improved Sara.”
She laughed at me then hugged me over the counter.
“Well Sara I guess I’ll see you at school tomorrow.”
I smiled then nodded at her.
“Alright barb.”
I thought having the friend reunion was over until Tina walked in around six thirtyish. She had grabbed some snacks which I assumed was for some party that was either going on or she was throwing. She walked up to the register and smiled.
“Oh my god Sara? As in Sara Byers?”
I looked up at her then smiled at her.
“It is I, in the flesh Tina.”
She shook her head at me then looked me up and down.
“Damn girl you’ve gotten hot, I mean you’ve always been hot shit but damn this brings it to a new level.”
I laughed at her as I scanned her items.
“Alright Tina your total is $10.27.”
She smiled at me while she put a twenty dollar bill on the counter.
“Alright honey your change is $9.73.”
She walked away, gasping immediately stopping in her tracks.
“Oh by the way Sara there’s a party going on tonight at my house, I know, I know you don’t do parties but you should show the boys at Hawkins high what they are going to be seeing a lot of this year.”
I shook my head at her.
“No way Tina, I don’t want anyone to see what I look like yet, I want them to see that Humpty Dumpty got a makeover.”
She simply just shrugged at me.
“Okay fine but you owe me.”
I smiled at her.
“Yeah, yeah tell who you want that I’ve had a makeover I’m pretty sure they won’t believe you anyways.”
She shook her head as she walked out of the gas station, I went back to reading my magazine. The rest of the day went by really fast, the woman I soon learned was named Emily came back around 7 to show me how to close. That is when I would close the gas station.
I got in the car my grandma had left me in her will, I drove home. When I got there I saw the lights on and Jonathan's car.
I thought to myself while I got out the car, I walked to the front door and took a deep breath unknowing what could happen behind this door. I knew Johnathan was pissed and hurt at me leaving but I was back, he had no right feeling how he did towards me.
I took a deep breath then walked into the house, immediately I was pulled into a hug by Will.
“Hey little dude I’ve missed you.”
He buried his face into my neck when he pulled away his eyes were watery.
“I thought I’d never see you again.”
I shook my head as a stray tear went on his cheek, I quickly wiped it away.
“No buddy what would make you feel that way?”
He looked up at me and bit his bottom lip and took a shakeup breath.
“Cause you left with dad, since he doesn’t ever come around why would you?”
I felt my stomach drop at his words they stung, but I knew he didn’t mean to hurt my feelings but he did. He was my little brother and I’m supposed to be here for him and I left him.
My mother was next to bring me into a hug, she rubbed my back then she kissed my forehead.
“I knew you’d be back, I just knew it.”
I smiled at her then she pulled away.
“Did I ever say that I’m sorry for what you overheard Lonnie saying, I know I can’t control what he said but I can make you feel better?”
She smiled at me while I raised my eyebrow amused at her.
“What’s that momma?”
She put her thumb under my chin and gently rubbed it with her thumb.
“Well since I gotta work tonight why don’t we eat ice cream while Johnathan, you and I watch a scary movie?”
I smiled at her until she mentioned Johnathan.
“Yeah I don’t think Johnathan would like that idea.”
She furrowed her eyebrows at me confusion evident on her face.
“Why would you think that Sara?”
I sighed looking at my hands.
“Well because he hasn’t spoken to me since I got back.”
She smiled at me while she rubbed my shoulders.
“Oh honey he’ll get over it he’s just hurt and being stubborn right now.”
“Who’s stubborn?” Johnathan asked As he entered the living room.
“Oh no one.” She turned towards me and made some dramatic face causing me to giggle.
“Hey Johnathan I’m working late tomorrow night so can you please watch Will?”
He sighed but agreed as he walked into the kitchen I decided to show our mother what I was talking about.
“Hey Johnathan.”
Not only did he not speak back but he didn’t even look my way, I turned to look at my mom.
“See what I’m talking about?”
My mother smiled Sympathetically at me while he walked back to his room.
“Honey just give him time y’all are twins y’all will come together again.”
*Time skip*
I was laying in bed listening to some Cyndi lauper record when I heard a knock on my door.
“It’s open.”
Johnathan quickly walked into my room, I got off my bed and turned my record down.
“Hey so Sara I need to ask a favor.”
I raised an eyebrow at him as I sat back down on my bed.
“Oh okay what’s up?”
He took in a breath then sat on the edge of my bed.
“I need you to watch Will tomorrow night while I pick up a shift.”
I looked at him blankly.
“Excuse me?”
He looked at me like I was speaking another language.
“I said can you watch Will-“
“I heard what you said Johnathan but why talk to me now? You’ve had the last day to talk to me, now that you want something I’m your best friend?”
He opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water gasping for breath.
“You know what Johnathan I don’t mind watching him tomorrow night, all I’m going to say to you is don’t just talk to me when you want something.”
He nodded mumbling a sorry then walking out my room without another word.
I sighed and decided to pick out my outfit for Monday. I knew it was only Saturday, I wanted to make sure I looked my best for Monday.
After I picked the outfit I was cleaning the house when Will had come rushing out of his room, he threw on his coat but as soon as he opened the door I stopped him.
“Hey little bro what’s the rush?”
He stopped in a halt turning to look at me flashing me a smile.
“Oh just over to mike wheelers, mom knows I’ll be back before ten okay?”
I looked at him and raised a brow then decided to pretend hurt.
“Oh okay I guess I’m too lame to hang out with now.”
Panic was written all over his face as he shook his head no at me.
“N-no not at all it’s just we have a DND campaign we started, the guys wouldn’t understand because we all promised we wouldn’t miss a campaign.
“Alright well did you let Johnathan know cause I have to work so I’ll see you later okay?”
He smiled then nodded at me.
“Yes Sara Johnathan knows I love you, I’ll see you later.”
I smiled then gasped.
“Will wait.”
He turned around halfway out the door, raised his eyebrow at me.
“Yes Sara?”
“You forgot our brother sister handshake.”
He quickly ran over to me then, put out his hand then I slapped his palm, we both put our hands in front of us like we were holding wants to hop around in a circle then hooked both of our pinkies together then kissed the side of our hand then he ran out the door.
“Love you Sara.”
I smiled after him leaving out the front door whispering to myself.
“Love you too nerd.”
A/N: sorry this took so long I was trying to make it perfect even though I feel like it’s not please let me know if you’d like to be added to my tag list request are open thanks. ~Destiny ❤️
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