#if you are So New here you aren't familiar with tubbo then i apologize for an incoherent explanation
pebbledrat · 1 year
I’m somewhat new here, what exactly is saal?
Saal is short for Standing at a lightswitch, a really excellent Tubbo-centric dsmp fic by @deadpatrol
It's a very weird and specific au and it has a small cult following here on tumblr. It's basically like, what if you yoinked cTubbo out of canon and plopped him in a modern au where he went on a wacky roadtrip with his friends.
So then you've got cTubbo who's got literal years of trauma he's failing to process and a hundred secrets he's trying to keep, meanwhile everyone else is native to this cute and chill modern au and don't have any wars or betrayals weighing them down! There's a good back and forth of both sides trying to figure out what the other's deal is
It ends up being a really really good character fic but also it is endlessly memeable so we all post unhinged theories about characters and situations. Bingo boards. The usual stuff. Periodically you will see me making strange, inscrutable posts and tag them saal. This is normal for me.
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shepard-ram · 3 years
Origins Smp x Isekai!Reader
[For those who don't know, Isekai refers to a person from our real world getting transported into a fantasy world]
Not requested, hurt comfort: No romance, but I'm open to write that eventually. This was an older string of asks that I absolutely loved. So here we have a collection of thoughts about it. Some mine, most not. I wanted to try to add everyone, but it felt like they were shoehorned in so a few people got cut out. Tw: Reader is injured, descriptions of poison/illness, talk of the possibility of readers death, homesickness. Strap in folks this is gonna be a longer one.
What the hell what the hell what the hell what the- Where are you? How did you get here? Why does this teenager have feathers???
Needless to say, you had alot of questions.
At least this kid, who introduced himself as Tommy, could answer some of them.
Okay, so you're in a fantasy land (likely a dangerous one if your knowledge of the genre had anything to say) and everyone here is a hybrid of some sort.
Tommy himself was very quick to proudly inform you of his own abilities.
He seemed very happy that you acknowledged his speed and gliding as something exceptional.
Well, if all else goes wrong, at least you've endeared yourself to one person- or uh, this one avian.
Then he wanted to know what kind of hybrid you were. Practically circling around you in search of any telling clues.
Okay, new fact unlocked: Humans aren't a thing here.
Tommy didn't even believe that someone without powers could exist.
Well, he did for all of four seconds before he came to the probably reasonable conclusion that someone without powers is the least weird thing he's seen this week.
After your chat Tommy offered to show you around and introduce you to the others.
More people means more answers. And hopefully, a way home. So you were keen on accepting his invitation.
Meeting everyone else didn't go as smoothly as meeting Tommy.
Apparently poking fun at someone's lack of useful powers was a common pass time. And Tommy, with his only claim to fame being a softer and slower fall, was often a recipient of these heckles.
And now they someone with absolutely nothing. At first you could understand the humor in it, but it got old real fast.
They seemed like decent people. You hadn't interacted with them much, but it didn't take much to start getting ticked off.
Thankfully, you could rant to Tommy about it. As he was able to fully sympathize with your situation. The heckling part anyways.
During one day, when your mood was particularly done with it all. You completely chewed them out about it.
It seemed that you got through to them. They backed off and even apologized to you and Tommy. Looks like you earned their respect! Hurray!
Turns out that earning their respect ment that you were to be officially accepted into the group.
Yeah, you're starting to think that being accepted is worse than the jokes.
Unsurprisingly, they had some aggressive hazing rituals.
Very aggressive.
Like, "you're starting to worry that they're trying to kill you" aggressive.
...Are they trying to kill you?
No- no they are definitely trying to kill you.
You were familiar with the fact that they had infinite lives. You had gotten use to that over the two or three weeks you had been there.
But you never made them understand that you only had one. After all, the plan was still "Find out how to leave and leave as soon as possible." You hadn't felt the need to tell them too much about your story. Even Tommy was only half listening when you told him.
Now they didn't believe you. They thought you were just trying to get out of it. To be fair it would seem like a very foreign concept to them.
The bee hybrid, Tubbo, was one of the most adamant about the hazing tradition.
Which on it's own wouldn't have ment much to you, but that would be dismissing an important fact that you very much cared about.
He poisons the things he attacked.
Even if you aren't very allergic to bee venom, the amount that a human sized sting would inject is surly enough for you to want nothing to do with it. Attempted murder or not.
You did your best to fend him off for a day or so. Likely gaining some extra recognition for yourself, meaning that he just got more determined to be the cause of your first (And unknowingly, only) recorded death.
It was only a matter of time before he did more than nick the iron armor you scrounged up for yourself.
And when the poison sunk in? Suddenly your screams of only having one life had alot more legitimacy.
Tubbo only knew his world's version of poison. Deadly and painful yes, but fast coming and fast leaving. Rarely killing its victim.
This was very, very different. Frankly other worldly and disturbing. How the sting site grew, swollen red and plainly horrifying.
He stood there for a good few minutes, not believing what was happening. Watching as the mark of his attack refused to leave.
You weren't lying. You really aren't from here. Your body really does work differently. You really do have one life.
Tubbo was quick to tell everybody what had happened. As if you couldn't get more strange, now you were the biggest concern around.
You could die permanently from the smallest mistake. Be it yours or theirs. Something had to be done to keep you as safe as possible.
But future plans aside, you needed help now. You were still out of commission. Sadly, you were right, a sting of that size is truly miserable.
Along with the pain that moving your arm caused, you felt sick. Body racked with nausea and dizziness in its attempts to get the poison out of your system.
You refused to leave the tiny shack you made on the outskirts of their developments. After Tubbo's reaction you correctly assumed that you didn't have to worry about the hunt anymore.
Soon though, people started to visit you. Not out of murderous intent, but concern.
They may not know how to deal with this kind of situation, but you do. And at the very least they can listen and fulfill your requests. If nothing else, take it as the real apology for the crap you're going through.
Rather it was stew, clean drinking water, or ice water and some cloth to put on the sting, they needed to make sure that you would make it through this.
Most of them also wanted to keep you company. After all, now that your story has been proven true they had just as many questions as you did.
You entertained them and accepted their silent invitations to form some kind of friendship.
However, during your recovery phase you noticed that the offending bee hybrid hadn't once stopped by.
You had a feeling you knew why, and a quick inquiry of Ranboo, an "Enderian" who Tommy had confirmed was nearly as close to Tubbo as he was, validated your belief.
He was overcome with guilt. According to the End's Prince, he was doing absolutely anything to avoid even talking about you.
Maybe he thought that you hated him, maybe he thought that he might hurt you again. Whatever the reason you wanted to prove him wrong.
If you're going to be stuck here for a while, (as the slump in your "research" implied) you should do your best to be on good terms with everyone. Especially now that they were dedicated to being your key to safety.
Eventually you manged to get Tommy and Ranboo to pester him enough on your behalf to get him to visit.
At this point the sting and subsequently, your extra symptoms, had drastically improved. A great peice of evidence that you held no ill will towards him.
The talk proved effective. You were able to squash some of his worse anxieties and he was able to get his conscience cleared. As well as prove that even if he did accidentally sting you again, that you would be fine given enough time.
As your recovery reached its conclusion you were excited to get free and moving about again. Especially now that you had a solid place in the group.
Yeah those safety plans had other ideas.
It was a bit of whiplash. But now that they had realized how incredibly fragile you were they were taking no risks from this point forward.
For one, your dinky hand-made iron armor was simply not going to cut it. A race had started to get you the best suit their world could provide. Enchanted netherite.
Apparently a full scale mining operation had begun, with everyone forking over any diamonds to make it.
The concept of an whole set of armor made entirely of pure diamond sounded unreal to you.
Jack, a Blazeborn who you mostly knew by association to the teenage trio, was in charge of digging up his home dimension for the actual netherite. A material that had to be explained to you by the others.
Last but not least: Ranboo, along with Philza, Tommy's elytrian father who was always kinder to you than the others, probably due to your friendship with his son, and Wilbur, a phantom who while not hurting you- certainly got a kick out of scaring you, were tasked with getting the enchanted books needed to make the armor the best it could possibly be.
You were only mildly surprised that magical books and enchantments are a fact of life here.
In the meantime you were not leaving your house during the day without at least two people acting as bodyguards. And you certainly weren't leaving at night, period.
Most of the time, Tommy and Tubbo took that role while everyone else focused on making your armor.
One of the first orders of business was to get you some dogs. Not so much as for company but as an extra layer of defense, especially if you're caught alone for some reason.
While your new army could help you in some cases, they were far from full proof. And with your armor still under construction everyone still took any sort of threat seriously.
Which you have realized, included one member in particular. Scott.
Dispite the fact that a starborne is arguably the most intriguing species, being made of stars ment that he also died with all the force of a human sized supernova.
It felt like no one let him within looking distance of you. Let alone let you have the chance for a chat.
As much as you felt like everyone was overreacting a little, (you had been just fine your first weeks all by yourself, thank you very much) you had to admit that they did do a good job making you feel like all the unfamiliar dangers of this world were miles away.
Now that your armor is done and ready to be donned by you, all the better. You still get to feel untouchable, and you get some extra freedom without everyone completely panicking.
You even finally got to talk to Scott without everyone in a mile radius having a heart attack.
And on a more general scale, you could be your own person again.
Sort of. They still kept a close, protective eye on you. And you were no stranger to the earful you got whenever you left your house without the armor and a few dogs.
Still, it was more than you had before. That was good enough for you.
With your newfound wiggle room you were still primarly thinking of two big questions. Why are you here in the first place? And how do you get back home?
Since you had gotten close to most of the folk here, you felt comfortable sharing your case.
But more so, you were desperate for some kind of lead. A few words in an old book that they knew, a broken artifact that one of them hoarded, something, anything that could point you in any sort of direction.
The more you talked, the more hopeless it seemed. This world was full of magic, but apparently not the kind that could send someone to one that doesn't contain magic.
You started to feel as hopeless as your research.
You had wanted to go home this entire time of course, but with these recent dead ends? It really started to weigh down on you.
You were chronically homesick.
But things were a little different now, you had people. Friends who could and wanted to support you. Friends who could on some levels relate to your anguish.
On the more lighthearted scale, you and Ranboo found yourselves going back and forth on all the luxuries you wanted so badly to indulge in again.
The prince would sigh about a palace filled with people to obey his every whim, and in turn you would talk about all the technological convinces a middle class person your age had access to.
Jack may be able to visit his home whenever he wants, but he still lives away from it. Together you talk about the little things from your dimensions you miss.
For him, it's the comforting him red haze. The uniform dense heat and sounds of crackling fire and bubbling lava. For you it's the song birds welcoming a morning, the yellow glow of your old light bulbs, the smell of the soaps and shampoos you used.
And on the most emotional side of things. Scott may be able to relate to your situation the closest. Fallen from his own family, and here he's been for decades with no idea how to go back to them.
You've spent alot of nights looking at the stars and sharing in your longing. Most of the time it's silent company. Sometimes one of you starts crying, the other always follows soon after.
As much as you hate the ever growing possibility that you'll be stuck here forever, those nights have made you ever grateful that you were dropped off here. With them, and not alone.
You're not alone if you ever feel out of place. Niki is all the outsider you are. Use to playing by the different rules of a different world.
You're not alone.
Things are complicated and difficult, there's no debate on that. But if you wake up tomorrow and realize that everything was the world's most elaborate dream, and there's one lesson you want to take, it that things are easier with a friend. No matter how you met them or what form they take.
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