#if you don't allow people to make binding borrowing agreements
intimate-mirror · 8 months
Why I, unlike communists, think landlords would exist in a good-but-not-optimal society:
okay so there's a family, they live in a house raising a child, then the child leaves
how can a society, without any of 1. something like a state invasively going through everyone's house checking for secret rooms whose use could be reappropriated 2. people not being allowed to lock the doors to their homes 3. the concept of renting,
cause it to be the case that someone is peacably living in the vacated room?
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Rules in a paying guest in Bangalore any area this applies Golden rules to live happily with your paying guest roommate………..
To stay with the person you don't know at all is of course not an easy task. But when you come in hostel, it becomes inevitable for you to stay with unknown persons. But at the same time you can also enjoy your life if you get accustomed to them. Follow the following steps and you will surely enjoy the company of your paying guest room-mates.
1. Clear everything while setting up: it is but obvious that your room mate can not know about your likings and disliking until and unless you inform him/her. So when you are going to setting up everything mention all the does and don'ts so very frankly.
2. Respect his/her wishes: when your room mate is willing to adjust with you, you should also respect his/her choices and you should also try to understand him/her. If you are seeking for respect, then you should also be ready to respect others. And never borrow anything.
3. Clear up the issues when they are small: when ever you feel that something is going wrong, clear up the matter frankly with your room mate at that point of time only. Remember without speaking anything, no one can understand your thought. Suppose if your roommate has the habit of keeping the things on the bed, inform him or her that you are not comfortable with his/her this habit when you see it for the first time only. Otherwise she/he will also take it as granted that you are comfortable with his/her habit.
4. Keep habit of locking window or door: what if your roommate's precious thing gets stolen? You might be responsible for that if you have left the door or window open.
5. Don't bring your friends at your room too often: because they are your friends of course you would love to invite them at your room and have a fun together. But think about convenience of your roommate. And also ask him/her whether he/she likes it or not.
6. Don't expect too much: don't expect much from your roommate. And don't consider him/her as to be best friend.
7. Take initiative: if your PG roommate is reserved or shy he/she might not mix up with you, at that time you try to go closure by giving space as well as sharing the matters. Sometimes the person does not share much not because of the ego or attitude but because of the reserved nature. So try to understand it.
8. Be open and accept new things: because he/she is a different person, his/her habit and way of thinking must be very different and unexpected sometimes. But now you have to be mature. Accept the differences and try to adjust changing some of your habits. Because change inevitable.
9. Give space: it is necessary to understand how much your room mate likes to discuss the matters. If he/she does not want to share something with you don't force. Give him/her the space. Don't interfere too much thinking he/she is your best friend.
10. The golden rule: treat him/her the way you would like to be treated. Respect him/her the way you expect respect.
Apply these many of rules and see you will start enjoying company of your paying guest room mate.
Make a rental agreement with paying guest owners What is a Rental Agreement?
A Rental Agreement is a contract between a landlord and tenant whereby a landlord gives a tenant the right to occupy the residential premises.
Can a Rent Agreement be for a fixed period of time or can it be a month to month?
A Rental Agreement can be for a fixed period of time, a month to month period or a week to week period. If a landlord and tenant sign a written Rental Agreement for a fixed period of time, usually for one year, they are bound by the terms and conditions until the end of the fixed term.
How many witnesses are required for the rent Agreement process?
A total of 2 witnesses are required during rent Agreement process and both witnesses should have PAN number and Aadhaar card available at the time of execution of the e-registration.
Is it necessary to Notarized Rent Agreements in India?
In India, it is not mandatory to notarize a Rent Agreement. As long as it is printed on Stamp paper and is signed by both parties and by two witnesses, it is considered binding. However, if you wish to notarize it, you may do so.
List of Documents required for Notarized Rental Agreement.
We don't require any physical document but we need some Owner, Tenant & Property basic informations.
What is the difference between Lease Agreement and Rent Agreement?
A Lease Agreement is a contractual arrangement calling for the lessee (user) to pay the lessor (owner) for use of an asset (property, premises). Broadly put, a lease Agreement is a contract between two parties. Rent Agreement is the tenant's (lessee's) regular payment to a landlord (lessor) for the use of that property, House, Flat or Land.
What is a PG or Paying Guest ?
Its a place to stay - Habitat for working Professionals, Students, Job Seekeres Anyone - Even for those who are kicked out from Home.
At What Budget can i get paying guest?
Its Based on your pocket friendliness choose your paying guest - moreover depends on sharing &, locality. It can be anything please discuss with the concerned pg owners for yout budget. Of course after you see your Bed only.
Is there any security Deposit for my stay?
Generally answer should be yes ! If you are damn lucky - No ! How - Competition boss competition. Survival of fittest in business. If you can convince him with a cheque or job safety - Its purely based on your talk and Seasonal demand in the paying guest
How will they refund the deposit back?
Most asked thing about paying guest is this! It is purely based on your relationship with the PG owner. Join in a big pg. Rules is rules. Better get a agreement with pg owner.
Are the paying guest Luxurious enough ?
Pay more to be more. Luxury comes to mind only when you pay more. Luxury paying guest addicted persons have to pay more- yeah
Whay facilities will paying guest owners provide me?
North and South Indian Food - 90% of PG's Do this only Multi-Cuisine Food / Kerala Style / Andhra Style - You have to check with specific paying guest owner 24 Hours Hot Water - WOW - Be sure to use when need only Drinking Mineral Water - RO -UV Treated Separate wardrobes / Cupboards / Lockers - Again its economical or luxurious LED TV in each room or common area Attached bathrooms or Common bathrooms upto 6 people 2 and 4 Wheeler Parking - Closed or open space Wi-Fi Connectivity - Hi speed or low speed Self cooking facility - check with pg owner Few PGs have Living room with Sofa Set and a Big LED TV And few High End Paying Guests (PG) in Bangalore also have GYM for fitness buddies
What is the advantage of a Paying Guest(PG) over a House or Room?
positive and negative for each topic varies. When it comes to home. cost is more - Living Freedom is more. Whereas PG you have to follow 4 things 1. Rules 2. Rules 3. Rules 4. Rules
Advantages - Security is good as you can stay in groups - Loneliness will not come to your mind - New Friends will be around you may be of same ages - Common facilities like TV, Washing Machine, Fridge, AC GYM when used with pg mates will be much cheaper than you pay them for each and every service. - Food Cost will be much cheaper than lodging or cooking Individuals - Location of Paying guest will be in such places that - rent will never be affordable there - You may Quit this service anytime whereas House shifting is a very long process-
- Chances of Getting to wrong pg may give you bad experiences Be carefull when you choose a paying guest - You may not throw your things as you wish. Right to Freedom is lost in paying guest - Coming on time to pg will be important - Also these pg wording depents on Individuals opinion. Think before you take my words
Safety factors for Paying guest of Females in bangalore?
The Government has ordered that all the Ladies Paying Guest (PG) in Bangalore must have a CCTV Camera and a Security guard to ensure the safety of the ladies/girls staying in the PG. 95% of pg owners are doing it. Ensure you are not part of 5% of the remaining
Is the food provided in Paying Guest (PG) Healthy?
Your taste buds will tell you. Home food is good. Healthy. Choose pg which has highest reviews and Positive comments for a specific PG accomodations
Most Important Things Women Should Look for While Selecting A Paying Guest Accommodation
Today's women are confident and have specific career goals for themselves.One of the biggest steps on their path to turn into a strong independent self is to m ove out of their comfort zone for shifting to different states and cities having more lucrative academic and career options. Perhaps the most challenging task for them after relocating to another city is to find a suitable paying guest accommodation for themselves. It becomes really important to keep certain things in mind before finalizing a living space.
Here is the list of top 5 things every woman or girl should keep in mind while choosing the right Paying Guest Accommodation Center.
Safety and Security With an ever increasing rate of crimes against women,especially in the metros, the first important thing to consider is safety and security. Choose a locality which has a good record in terms of security. The Resident Welfare Associations (RWA) of good localities hire security guards who keep a check on every person entering or leaving the area or building. They keep proper records of outsiders coming into the locality and are always on guard. Never live in an area not having such tight security measures.
Budget and Your Specific Needs
Every girl should look for a PG which is affordable yet comfortable. Make a record of your earnings, expenses, savings and allowances, if you have any, and then see how much amount you can spend on accommodation. Make a list of your specific needs like eating only vegetarian food or requirement of two rooms instead of one and other important aspects of living in a PG.
Start Searching Online First
You will get a better idea about the features and price range by looking at your options online. Read the reviews of various paying guest accommodation centers over some real estate websites as it will help in making your final decision. Moreover, you will come to know about all the PGs available in your desired location.
Proximity to Your Work-Place or College
Mostly women step out of the comfort zones of their homes in order to study in colleges or go to work elsewhere. Whatever you need on a regular basis, just make sure that it is not far away from the PG.You will have to ensure that different modes of transport like buses, metro, local trains, auto rickshaws are easily available from the area that you are residing in.Check for things that cause inconvenience, like not getting a conveyance on time when you need to reach someplace urgently.
Staff Matters
For women, it becomes really important that the staff members should include only females or at least one female. In the absence of the owner, one or two female staff members should be present 24/7 for the security of the tenants. Never start living in a PG which does not have female staff members. Make sure that the female staff is hired only after a thorough background check. Your security is in your hands, you should be confident that the house-owner and the staff members have a clean-chit. Properly look into their credentials before you decide whether that particular PG is the perfect choice for you or not helps.
Quick Tips to Find Right Paying Guest Accommodation Center
Most of the people, especially youngsters, are stepping out of their homes to explore better career opportunities in today's fast paced world. Getting out of your comfort zone, interacting with unknown people and exploring the necessities on your own can give a headache to anyone. But, the thought of finding a suitable Paying Guest Accommodation Center in an unknown city or state might seem as an absolute nightmare.
Here is a quick guide to help you find the most suited paying guest accommodation center in no time:
Budget and Needs The first and foremost step before starting your desirable PG search is to note down your exact needs like location, features to help you make the budget. Take a pen-notepad and write down all the things you want in your PG. Go through your earnings, expenses and savings and fix a particular amount of money that you can afford to pay every month.
Online PG : - Search Make good use of technology to start your PG accommodation search online. There are a number of real estate websites to help you find the best PG nearby your college or office. Some sites even allow you to post your requirements and interact with agents or owners.
An Agent with Multiple Options : - It is a good idea to find an active agent in the area of your choice. Do not engage with more than two agents, but make sure to go through multiple options shown by the agent. Usually, the fee charged by agents is less than or equal to a month's rent.
Location and Transport: - Do you really want to spend hours driving to reach your office/college every day? If the PG best fitting your needs and budget is located far away from your office, try finding another one because it is best to live in the same or adjoining area as that of your office. You will be able to cut down on the fuel expenses, if it is at walking distance. However, if you don't own a vehicle; make sure to check if the transport facility is available nearby your PG.
Security and Surroundings : - Do not trust every word coming out of the mouth of owner blindly. Do your own background check before finalizing the place. Hospitals, general stores, restaurants, petrol pumps and other basic necessities should be near your PG. It is best if the PG is surrounded by residential houses.
Room : - Check for the windows, bathrooms, leaks or construction faults in the room. Make sure to ask questions about the water and electricity supply. Clarify beforehand if the usage of electricity appliances is allowed or not. Some PG accommodation centers promise internet connectivity. Check the connection and ask for hidden additional costs too.
Food: - Make sure to ask the owner about the food serving, time and quality. If you take meals at a specific time, mention that to the owner. Do they offer only vegetarian dishes or non-vegetarian too? Ask all the questions that matter before hand. Make sure the food served is hygienic.
Restrictions : - The last and most important step before finalizing a PG accommodation is to check the restrictions. Are you allowed to bring your friends or family to your rooms? In case you work at night shifts, make sure to mention this in case the PG owner doesn't allow entry after specific hours
Tips for Owners to Run Successful Paying Guest Accommodation Centers
Education and professional sectors are booming in India at a lightning speed due to advancements in technology. This trend of moving to big cities to get better opportunities have given people a new idea to earn extra cash, by opening a PG accommodation center.
Opening a PG accommodation center might look like the fastest way to earn cash, but maintaining a PG is not everyone's cup of tea.
Here are some tips for owners to run successful paying guest accommodation center business.
Proper Space and Facilities - Before starting a PG, it is best to check if you have the right space and basic facilities nearby. Is there any point in opening a PG accommodation center totally out of the city? Find a location, prefer the residential surroundings, where all the basic facilities like hospitals, schools, colleges are at a walking distance. Moreover, the facilities might differ as per the nature of tenants. Understand the group that you want to accommodate - college students, bachelor office going boys or families. Make up your mind about the tenants and then think about the facilities.
Legal Formalities
Selecting and setting up the building was the first step. Now, for running a paying guest accommodation center the owners need an attractive name (for marketing purposes) and health tradelicense. The licenses and legal formalities differ as per the state and locality. Sometimes, all you need is a written permission of the society to start a PG. Set out some rules beforehand. Keep a proper record with the identity proofs of every current or previous tenant.
Arrange Staff
You will need proper staff for cleaning rooms and bathrooms, cooking food, a watchman for locking the main door after specific time at night and a care taker for managing discipline. If you have young girls as tenants, you will need to take all the security measures. A marketing manger will also be required to advertise about your PG both online and offline to attract new tenants. A staff member to answer the queries of people looking for accommodation over phone should also be appointed. Keep contact with nearby institutes to get new students as tenants.
Best Facilities
A paying guest accommodation should be started with an aim of providing a home away from home. Make sure to behave politely with the tenants and advise your staff to do the same. Alwaysprovide good-quality food and clean-hygienic rooms. Maintain a good relationship with the tenants and solve their problems or complaints right away. Provide exclusive facilities like internet connection, washing machines and TV etc. to attract more tenants.
Rules and Restrictions
Keep the rules and restrictions in written form and paste it on the notice board near the front desk. Keep the prices genuine and discuss each rule out of the list with every new tenant to avoid any type of confusion. Make sure to expel the paying guest if he or she is creating a nuisance and disturbing the peaceful environment of your Paying Guest accommodation center. full Information on paying guest in Bangalore
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