#if you don't know who cole is. he's the nbc vice president that i'm working on
linawritesocs · 1 year
my ocs' dorm exchange voicelines!
okay, so, i did draw my ocs' dorm exchange versions a while ago, but i want to do an actual event with them because i think it would be fun :) i'm planning to write an "event intro" vignette and i hope i'll be able to write character vignettes as well.
and yes, minnie is actually gonna be the protagonist of this event and not seth! so yeah, everyone is actually talking to her in their voicelines. i think it would be fun for seth to be the protagonist in some events and for minnie to be the protagonist in other events! (for example, seth came to nbc in the masquerade event and minnie didn't and seth didn't participate in the dorm exchange program while minnie did)
(also, if you're wondering why all of these ocs got sent to other dorms meanwhile most canon characters are still in their dorms and only epel is mentioned to be participating in the program.. haha, i totally wasn't too lazy to think about the canon characters' new dorms <3)
@scarabiaa your ocs are mentioned here too!! :D
minnie's dorm exchange ssr voicelines.
summon: "now, even though i'm so small and "fragile-looking" compared to you all, i won't go easy on you! i'll show you what a "weak magicless student" like me is capable of!"
groovy: "anyway, meet my beautiful daughters! look at them, aren't they soooo cute? they're definitely cuter than you, at least."
set home: "but i wasn't even supposed to participate in this thing!.."
home idle 1: "it's funny that the raven mask guy usually doesn't care about us, ramshackle students, until he needs someone to do his job, but today he suddenly remembered about us and forced to join the program. his priorities are sure something.."
home idle 2: "jay must feel lonely because he's the only one left in the ramshackle building right now. he's still not an official student and crowley doesn't even know that he exists, so.. well, at least grim and the ghosts are there to keep him company. i-it's not like i'm worried about him!.."
home idle 3: "i still don't get why the dark mirror sent me to savanaclaw. sure, i'm pretty strong physically, but is that it? is that the only reason to send me to this dorm full of jocks? wait, could it be.. it's because so many students think i'm similar to a mouse, isn't it. ugh, i won't be surprised if leona was somehow behind the mirror's decision."
home idle groovy: "it's a shame that ruggie and jack couldn't appreciate my daughters' beauty. haha, they tried so hard to act like they're not scared of them, especially jack! i wonder what would leona's reaction be.. oh, what if i put my dolls next to him while he's asleep?"
home tap 1: "seth really escaped to nbc while no one was looking.. it still surprises me that he's able to just visit other schools whenever he pleases and crowley can't do anything to stop him. he's so lucky.. i wish he would stop texting me about how "cute" his boyfriend is though. no, seth, i don't need to know just how affectionate he becomes when you're around! and no, i don't need to know all the details!"
home tap 2: "this dorm's heat is too much for me.. i'm glad we have lumi-senpai here though. her powers are so useful and she can easily turn all of those dumb jocks into ice statues! she is so cool.. uh, both literally and figuratively, i guess."
home tap 3: "jack is surprisingly nice to talk to actually. i thought he's gonna be just as bad as other savanaclaw students, but i don't mind his company that much. i even feel like our personalities are kinda similar, haha. h-he's so tall though.."
home tap groovy: "ruggie is even worse than leona. if he pranks me one more time, i will tell him that all of my dolls are actually the people who have wronged me in some way and if he keeps acting like this, he's gonna become my new doll!"
austin's dorm exchange ssr voicelines.
summon: "just so we're clear, octoman, i am NOT gonna work for you! i have no idea why the mirror has sent me here, but i'm not even gonna try to get along with you."
groovy: "hehe.. maybe i actually don't look so bad in this uniform. i-it doesn't mean that i like this dorm more now though!"
set home: "ME?? IN OCTAVINELLE?? HOW- wait, i can't swim, can you send me to the other dorm now?"
home idle 1: "the mirror said something about me always being ready to help others and that's why it sent me here.. i don't even like helping people though?? i just like making them feel like they owe me something- oh. oh, that's why i'm here."
home idle 2: "i'm not saying that i'm scared of those twins, but.. i feel so uncomfortable when they're around.. one of them is particularly annoying, he keeps saying how cute i am and tries to make me angry on purpose. and what's with him calling me a "black ghost knifefish"? couldn't he come up with a shorter nickname?"
home idle 3: "merrill came here just because he wanted to see me in this uniform. he's so weird.. and no, i don't care about him wearing the savanaclaw uniform! he doesn't even look that good in it!.. no, i'm not a tsundere, i just think he looks better in his ignihyde uniform. if you saw him wearing it, you'd agree with me."
home idle groovy: "wow, riley is sure popular with the customers. i have no idea why though, his looks are average and he's definitely not a genius like me. hm? "his personality is cute"?.. don't make me laugh. he's just a chill guy, that's all, there's nothing special about it. but considering nrc students' personalities.. nevermind, he is special."
home tap 1: "okayyy, here's your order. man, this is embarrassing. i just wanted to finish that invention i've been working on, why do i have to do all of this.. oh well, at least it's not a maid cafe or anything like that. WAIT, DON'T GIVE AZUL IDEAS!"
home tap 2: "great, now idia is laughing at me too. what's with him saying that if i had fans, they would go insane after seeing me in this uniform and they would "beg me to come home"? creepy.. of course i have fans, it's just that they wouldn't make gacha game references, unlike that pathetic idiot."
home tap 3: "what? don't look at me like that, yes, i spilled a customer's drink on them and yelled at them instead of apologizing, what else did you expect? i did it accidentally anyway. well, uh, the yelling part wasn't accidental, but still.. oh no, i can see azul. quick, help me hide from him!"
home tap groovy: *sighs* "i'm so tired. i just hope this exchange program ends soon. huh? why are you- "i did a good job today"?.. you know you're becoming just like our prefect, right? t-thank you though, of course, i already knew that i did well, but.. you know what i mean. now, get your hands off me."
avery's dorm exchange sr voicelines.
summon: "and why, out of all the dorms, i had to be sorted into this one? good job, mirror, of course you had to send a "cute pink-haired boy" to diasomnia, the ultimate goth dorm."
groovy: "i'm not intending to become friends with you all. i'm here just because of the exchange program and nothing else. but, um.. i think i can trust you. you're friends with roland-senpai, after all."
set home: "i guess i like this "thorns theme" that they have, but that's the only good part."
home idle 1: "how can you get along with that crocodile guy? he's so loud.. no, you DO get along with him. well, at least he cares about you, i heard him mention you many times and it looks like he's worried about you. so yeah, maybe you should talk to him.. or don't. it's none of my business."
home idle 2: "silver is actually very nice to spend time with. he's asleep most of the time, but for some reason i still find it very calming. how does he manage to look like a beautiful prince even when he's asleep?.. s-so annoying, i doubt that i'll be able to become friends with him."
home idle 3: "so roland-senpai's friend is also from this dorm.. to be honest, i want to talk to him. maybe i'll learn more about roland-senpai's past if i do. no, it's not like i think he's suspicious or anything. i really do admire roland-senpai and i want to know more about him. especially what happened to his other eye.."
home idle groovy: "i see, so this dorm is full of people who use very strong magic, but they're either weird, intimidating or just. you know. too dangerous for this society." *sighs* "i would never be able to fit in here- what? i AM intimidating enough to become a perfect diasomnia student? okay, but what about my mag- and my magic is impressive enough for this dorm?.. hey, are you feeling okay? it's not like you to just compliment me all of a sudden."
home tap 1: "what, you want to know what i think of the crocodile boy's idol? um.. he's fine. he's also very tall, even if we don't count his horns. that's it. what else did you expect to hear? "he's so cool!!~ i hope he notices my feelings one day >///<"? go and talk to sebek if you want to see this kind of reaction."
home tap 2: "so i received a lot of texts this morning and they all were from vil. naturally, i got scared but then i was like "wait.. maybe he's actually worried about me? what if he misses me?", that was very naive of me, i know. it turned out that he just texted me to say that i don't look good with black eyeliner and this shade of green doesn't suit me and.. basically, he just wants me to go back to pomefiore as soon as this program ends because goth aesthetic is not my thing."
home tap 3: "i miss epel, to be honest.. i wish we were sent to the same dorm, it wouldn't be so boring with him. maybe we could make fun of diasomnia students together.. don't tell him that though, he teases me a lot whenever i show that i actually care about him. i know, i didn't expect that from him either."
home tap groovy: "i didn't get any answers from him.. why am i not surprised at all? but i understand that he didn't tell me anything not because he was just being his usual self, but because he wanted to keep roland-senpai's secret. and i can respect that. maybe roland-senpai will tell me everything himself when the time comes."
merrill's dorm exchange sr voicelines.
summon: "oh well, i got tired of my ignihyde uniform anyway, so it feels nice to try something new.. huh? this program is not about getting the new uniform, it's about actually living in your new dorm? well, sorry, but i'm just keeping the uniform."
groovy: "hey~ hey, dorm leader~ are you asleep? no, no, everything is okay, i'm just bored and i wanted to annoy you because i thought it's gonna be fun. and it sure is~"
set home: "i can't believe i'm saying this, but can i go back to ignihyde?"
home idle 1: "hm? ah, yes, i decided to let my hair down for once, i thought that my braid didn't look good with this outfit. what do you think about it? oh, come on, i know you like it. you wouldn't ask me about it if you didn't."
home idle 2: "ahaha, jack-chan is such a cute boy, he's trying so hard to look cool, but he's just way too adorable for that. he reminds me of austin-chan, now that i think about it. though i doubt that they would ever become friends. now i'm imagining austin-chan being sent to savanaclaw." *laughs* "i should go and pay him a visit, i'm sure he misses me too."
home idle 3: "t-they're all laughing at me.. i have never felt so weak and pathetic in my entire life.. they're forcing me to train with them and play their stupid games that don't make any sense! let me go already, i'm just a cute and pretty cosplayer, what do you want from me? i feel terrible, can you please hug me and comfort me?"
home idle groovy: "ugh, come on, leona, can't you show a more interesting reaction? i'm so used to people blushing and sweating whenever i talk to them and this guy just.. goes back to sleep. he's no fun at all.. but what could possibly make him react in the same way as those people?"
home tap 1: "oh, my cousin is here too? nice, we're gonna suffer together then. okay, where is she? she's probably trying to fight the dorm leader or something like that, isn't she? hey, iris~ your beloved cousin is here~ oh, i can see her trying to step on leona's tail while he's asleep."
home tap 2: "wait a minute, cole is calling me, hold on. what? no, cole, even though seth-chan was so lucky to escape when no one was looking, i can't do that! i can't visit you right now! the jocks are making me train with them and they keep shouting "go, e-boy, go"! see, you understand how bad my situation is, right?"
home tap 3: "i wonder why the mirror sent you to savanaclaw as well. you aren't exactly a sporty type, right? and i'm not that athletic either.. what if the mirror just wanted to make fun of us? what if it's just a prank? oh, trust me, that thing is not taking its job seriously. i think i heard it say to crowley that if seth was here, it would send him to heartslabyul because "it still thinks that seth x riddle is better""
home tap groovy: "hey, you look like you're having fun even though you say that you hate this dorm as much as i do. come on, don't deny it. you and jack-chan get along so well too and i'm not talking about your relationship with ruggie-chan, i'm sure you like him even more. haha, okay, okay, you hate him, i get it. but still, i'm glad you're enjoying this, i wish i could see your smile more often."
vance's dorm exchange r voicelines.
summon: "oh, oh, i actually did want the mirror to send me to ignihyde when i first came here! don't you think it fits me more than heartslabyul? alright, it's time to go and meet my fellow gamers!"
groovy: "wow, you guys are boring. i thought you'd be more happy to see me, come on, i'm just like you all! i'm just more.. loud. and energetic. and i touch grass regularly."
set home: "i look so cool in this uniform, right? it's much cooler than the heartslabyul one, right?"
home idle 1: "ortho-kun is so nice, he showed me how everything works here and he was so patient with me too! i'm glad he stayed in this dorm, it would be so boring without him here."
home idle 2: "i really like how this dorm looks, but.. my eyes kinda hurt from all this lighting.. oh well, at least it's not the rainbow kind of lighting, you know, the one that all gamers really like. yeah, i think it's overrated, honestly. oh, my heartslabyul room actually has these really cool green lights that i turn on when it gets dark!"
home idle 3: "idia's been avoiding me all day.. haha, he really is scared of me. you see, i'm way too chaotic for someone like him. it's his problem though, i'm not gonna try to change so that he likes me more. riddle-senpai would know, i still refuse to follow all those rules our dorm has."
home tap 1: "you want to know if i like heartslabyul or ignihyde more? hm.. you see, ignihyde really does fit me more, however, i actually find heartslabyul more fun. sure, me and ignihyde students have a lot of common interests, but they don't want to talk to me about anything. and heartslabyul students.. i hate that most of them still treat me like a child, but they actually like me a lot."
home tap 2: "am i better at games than idia? well, i hate to admit it, but he really is strong. but i heard that riley-kun has beat him in the past, so hey, he's definitely not perfect. but one day.. one day i will beat him in a game too! i just need to learn his weaknesses.. riley-kun will find it so impressive too, i just know it!"
home tap 3: "apparently, riddle-senpai's been worried about me and he asked trey to check on me and make sure that i'm okay. haha, did he think that these nerds are gonna beat me up or something? but.. that's really sweet of him, actually. yay, riddle-senpai's friendship level up!!.. that sounded cringe, didn't it."
hayden's dorm exchange r voicelines.
summon: "so. pomefiore. great." *sighs* "why did the dark mirror send me here? i'm not even that attractive and i don't know much about poisons.. though i would love to know more."
groovy: "why.. why are they so nice to me? they know that i've been lying to everyone all this time and i tried to make them worship me, right? i just don't get them at all.. is it because most pomefiore students are too weird for me to understand them?"
set home: "well, at least i don't have to deal with azul.."
home idle 1: "this uniform is so uncomfortable to move in. i'm almost starting to miss the octavinelle uniform. yeah, i hated wearing it and i felt awkward in it, but hey, some people actually thought i looked good. i refused to wear the hat though. there are a lot of things i'm willing to do to make someone like me, but wearing that stupid hat is not one of them."
home idle 2: "vil told me that even though my looks are nothing special, he will still try to turn me into a masterpiece. well, good luck to him, what else can i say. ugh, do i have to wear all this makeup? i look so weird with it.."
home idle 3: "where is that guy.. don't mind me, i'm just hiding from allen's pomefiore version. he has said multiple times that he finds me interesting and that's already one of the two huge red flags. what's the other one?.. his eyes. have you seen what his eyes look like? those are the eyes of a man who is not sane at all."
home tap 1: "so i heard that there's this girl who also was sent to pomefiore and.. i-if i'm not wrong, she has her own horse? haha, maybe if i become friends with her, she will let me see it.. of course, it's probably not gonna work since everyone knows now what kind of person i really am, but it doesn't hurt to try, right?"
home tap 2: "it looks like a lot of students were suddenly sorted into this dorm. good, i'm not the only one suffering here. the mirror probably sent them here just because of their looks.. no, i still don't know why it thought that pomefiore will be a perfect dorm for me. maybe.. maybe it's because pomefiore students are more interested in giving me a makeover than judging me because of my past?"
home tap 3: "to be honest, i actually like this dorm's, uh, "aesthetic" more than octavinelle's. i'm not a fan of underwater themes, so spending all my time there was.. not fun. no, i do NOT have a fear of water- oh, what's the point in lying to you now, yes, i do have a fear of water. here, you happy now?"
riley's dorm exchange r voicelines.
summon: "hm? octavinelle? okay, it doesn't sound bad. i'm probably gonna see a lot of fishies there, right? so i'm okay with it."
groovy: "ugh, they're all staring at me.. why am i so popular anyway? they're so annoying, i just want them to leave me alone at least for a minute.."
set home: "i like this hat a lot. i think i look good in it."
home idle 1: "azul-senpai knows that i'm very popular, so he wants to use that reputation of mine for his benefit. he also said that the customers would be happy if i smiled more." *sighs* "why do i feel like azul-senpai is actually not a good person?"
home idle 2: "shh, i'm hiding under the table from those customers. and from azul-senpai. and from pretty much everyone. don't tell them anything, please. oh, and it's very comfortable here, you can hide with me too, if you want."
home idle 3: "floyd-senpai? oh, i'm in the same club as him, so i know him well. he's a good person, i like him. he's very fun to be around. his nicknames are cute too. huh? why would i find him scary? he can just be a little bit too energetic sometimes, but i'm used to dealing with people like that."
home tap 1: "i think azul-senpai is mad at me. i asked him to show me his merman form, but he refused and i kept poking his cheek until he asked me to go back to work. i'm afraid he thinks i'm annoying now.. good, it seems like my plan has worked. maybe this way he'll understand that making me work at mostro lounge is not a good idea."
home tap 2: "do you think rsa has a program like this as well? how do they even get sorted into dorms? do they have a.. "light mirror" or something like that? imagine if this program actually worked differently and rsa students got sent to nrc meanwhile we got sent to rsa- yeah, i just miss allen a lot."
home tap 3: "what do i think about jade-senpai? he's a good person, i like him- ah, i said the same thing about floyd-senpai. uh.. let me think.. i like him a lot, because he doesn't force me to.. you know, smile more often, unlike azul-senpai. he doesn't judge me and i feel like he understands me very well. also he knows a lot about mushrooms. he's cool."
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linawritesocs · 1 year
oh boy we're really doing this it's rollo's vp
listen, i know it's january 2023, but i'm still obsessed with the masquerade event and i want to make more content with that event and nbc students the urge to write masquerade vignettes is so strong.
so! sol adopted rollo's assistant and i adopted his vp. they are our sons now. and here's a profile i made for my boy!
also i should mention that this is how i personally see him and he doesn't belong to me BUT. we got no canon info so I CAN DO WHAT I WANT
Tumblr media
name: cole rayne [コール- ・レイン]
age: 18 y/o
gender: male
species: human
birth date: july 29
zodiac sign: leo
height: 174 cm
hair color: his hair is more brown in canon, but tbh i see his hair being a bit more pink? i prefer to use "faded pink" for him, but it looks more "pale violet red" here.
eye color: his eyes are the same color as his hair and again, they look more pale violet red here.
homeland: ???
family: father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, three younger sisters
school: noble bell college
dorm: ??? (do i look like i'm good at coming up with dorm names)
school year: third year
occupation: student
club: none, just like sebastian, he prefers to check up on other clubs with rollo.
best subject: astrology
dominant hand: right-handed
favorite food: junk food and anything that you don't have to cook yourself and can easily buy anywhere.
least favorite food: his spicy food tolerance is extremely low, so yeah, he hates food like that.
hobbies: surfing the net, gaming, online shopping
talent: none. he's not particularly good at anything and he's not really trying to get better at anything.
unique magic: "disobeying the order". whenever cole misbehaves, forgets/refuses to do something or simply does something stupid, he can easily make anyone forget about it and he can get away with it that way. it sounds very useful, however, it has its weaknesses: cole can wipe someone's memory only if cole let that person down or "disobeyed their order", so it's not like he can always do that, he must do something bad before he's able to use his magic. and also, his magic has its limits and he can use it only three times a day. he accumulates blot very quickly as well, so he must be careful with it, he actually has almost overblotted once.. but no one remembers it. and if he uses his magic too often on a specific person, that person will start slowly losing their memories and if cole doesn't stop, they can end up forgetting even their own name. that person may also start feeling very tired most of the time and lose the ability to sleep.
dislikes: working, studying
personality: cole is a very easygoing and carefree person, who loves having fun and hanging out with other people. he's also very interested in romance and dating, so you can often see him flirting with someone.. and failing. he's actually very awkward, even though he doesn't seem like that type of person. though he claims that being awkward makes him even cuter and someone will definitely fall in love with him one day. he's very serious about it and if someone makes fun of him for being single, he will literally fight them. even though most people would describe cole as "energetic", he's a lot more lazy than they think and he refuses to do anything that he sees as "pointless" or "meaningless", which is pretty much.. everything. he tends to use his unique magic very often, so that he doesn't have to do any work and he can make other people do his job. but again, his magic does have its limits, so he makes sure to behave when he's not able to use it. also, even though he hates paper work and other "boring" tasks, he's very good at things that require talking to people and making connections, so yeah, there's a reason why he's still the vice president. he also often offers rollo his help with more personal stuff, like simply listening to him talk or helping with his problems that are not related to the student council's work even though rollo doesn't trust him enough to ask for his help and cole just appears out of nowhere and goes "hey, you need anything? :D" he's also the guy who makes tea whenever the student council is having a meeting and yes, he has to force himself to make it sometimes because of how lazy he is, but there is a reason why he doesn't let anyone else do it. and yes, that reason is "maybe if he shows that he can do at least something useful, he won't get kicked out". he also has a 13 year old boy's sense of humor, which means that he has the same password he uses for everything and it's "coleisthebest69420lolol"
notable relationships:
when cole just became the vice president, he thought rollo was a bit scary and he didn't know how to act around him. however, he quickly got used to his company and like two weeks later he already was like "HEYYYY WHAT'S UP BUDDY HOW ARE YOU FE- okay. okay, sorry, president. sorry, it won't happen again. sorry." he actually tries to get to know rollo better and he often asks him about his hobbies, interests, friends, family- oh, okay, it's a touchy subject, okay. now that he's a third-year and has more experience, cole claims that he knows how to talk to rollo now and he's proud of being his vice president.. but he became one not because of being good at his job, but because of his luck. he's also the type to randomly give rollo dating advice even though he did tell him muiltiple times that he doesn't need it. but cole thinks he does.
cole likes to call sebastian his best friend, though their relationship wasn't that good when they just met. cole kept annoying him and he didn't respect his personal space at all, trying to become closer with him. their relationship eventually got better, mostly thanks to sebastian enjoying doing the work that cole was supposed to do. LIKE HELLO HE CAN JUST MAKE THIS GUY DO EVERYTHING FOR HIM AND HE WON'T MIND, LET'S GO. and cole is the one who does most of the talking, if sebastian doesn't feel confident or comfortable enough. cole is secretly jealous of him though, because he thinks and knows that sebastian is much more talented than him and he's also jealous of his looks. it's not like cole is not pretty, it's just.. he thinks the assistant boy is more beautiful than him. but even though he's jealous of him, he's actually very protective of him and if sebastian gets bullied by someone, he's already here and he's ready to beat that person up.
cole met merrill during nrc students' visit to nbc and he thought he was interesting right when he saw him. he had a lot of fun talking to him and he jokingly tried to flirt with him once and he did not expect merrill to flirt back. so he ran away and hid behind sebastian because he is not strong enough for this. their dynamic is actually kinda funny because of how 😄😆😜🤣 cole usually is, but when it comes to merrill, he immediately goes 😳👉👈 they kept talking online after merrill had to go back to nrc and they're very close now.. but cole is still too scared to make the first move. he will punch anyone who makes fun of him for that.
fun facts:
he's actually not from the city of flowers and he lived in a small village before moving there, so he's kind of.. you know. he's a country boy, even though he absolutely loves the internet and knows all the latest trends. his family thought he should go to nrc at first and they thought he would feel right at home there, however, they realized that if he goes to a school like nrc, his behavior will most likely get worse, so they sent him to nbc, hoping that he will become more responsible there. his mom also comes from the city of flowers, so she knew a lot about it and she told cole everything he needed to know.
his sisters are much younger than him, the oldest one is 10 years old and the youngest one was born when he already started attending nbc and he was able to finally meet her only after coming back home for the summer break. he's not the best older brother though and his little sisters are much more hardworking than him.
his nrc dorm would most likely be heartslabyul and his phone case design is a reference to that.
even though the original npcs don't really have a height difference, cole is much shorter than sebastian and rollo. he's also the same height as avery.
if sebastian is inspired by snowball, it can be said that cole's disney counterpart is phoebus and his unique magic is a reference to phoebus being the captain of frollo's guard and going against him. however, cole's magic somehow manages to be a much darker, but also funnier version of it, because if his disney counterpart stopped following his boss's orders because he realized that he's been working for an evil and cruel man.. cole just uses his magic because he's lazy and he doesn't want to work. the dark part is that he mostly uses his magic on rollo, so it means he's been brainwashing the student council president for like.. a year or two. y-yeah.
no one knows about cole's unique magic because they obviously wouldn't remember him using it on them/in front of them and he also hasn't told anyone either. he also doesn't see a reason why he should talk about his unique magic, if their president's mood gets worse whenever magic is mentioned.
just like sebastian, he likes romance media a lot, though he doesn't really have a cute reason for it. it's just that romance media is one of the things that actually makes him feel something. for example, other student council members have noticed that cole is usually more interested in romance movies and comedies, but he's mostly emotionless when he watches something else, even horror movies.
according to molly, malleus's cousin who goes to nbc and hangs out with rollo, cole and sebastian, cole most likely has depression because they used their unique magic on him which allows them to understand other people's feelings better and they found nothing but emptiness inside of him, which explains why he finds everything tiring and he doesn't have any motivation.
cole becoming rollo's vp was the only moment in his life when he actually tried to achieve something. he tried to get the vice president position just because it sounded fun and he had nothing to do, also his mom said that he should try "doing something great" so that his life feels more meaningful. he got it mostly thanks to his luck, because most people were too scared to work with rollo and thought they didn't deserve it. cole was scared of him as well but he managed to get over his fear and rollo thought the student council could use a sociable and extroverted person like cole. also cole's grades were surprisingly good for a guy like him.. totally not because of his unique magic. totally. so it's actually kind of wholesome, cole doesn't want to get kicked out and he even agrees to do the work he finds boring so that rollo won't get mad at him, but only because being a part of the council is the only thing that makes his life more interesting and fun.
he also secretly works for seth's sister, luna, who ended up in twisted wonderland after trying to find her brother. the reason? uh.. she's pretty. that's it, really. he does start questioning her motives when he ends up getting attached to rollo and seth and realizes that luna is actually not a good person.
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