#if you don't spend half the time grinding for sakura chips
EOR SE.RA.PH Singularity: Prologue~Act 1
Welcome to SE.RA.PH Singularity aka EOR Singularity 1.5 since this is between Shinjuku and Agartha timeline. Just a quick and good warning, there’s lot of ranting so you’ve been warned... Time to go through this shit round 2 again
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In Gudas' room, both Tamamo and Nero are hanging out in plans of the supposedly coming Summer event. What a way to skip out Spring break... Isn't that why there's no Sakura Blossom related events?! And yep, a huge foreshadowing dropped courtesy of her Majesty Nero of her Summer Version coming after this hell
Well, let's not compete with Mordred on who's going to suntan aka boiled themselves hot in that steel tin can. Let's not forget while we stranded on that island first half Tamamo... Second half we got stupid writer in need to show waifu and fanservice, decided to half-ass their work to shove out all the men away.
Mama Emiya as usual, decided to drop in to make sure no one bother his kid/Master too much! Nagging Mom activated his skill: Nagging/Worrying from overthinking! Watch it, Tamamo. Mama Emiya is still my best Mama/waifu among all you people as he now crowns as Ruler of Chaldea Kitchen!
And Mash called in on us? Or rather this Seraphinx department...? Oh hey! It turns out we can finally contact other people aside from Chaldea's office! Looks like we got one of our resource back to supply Chaldea better. Turns out it belongs to Animuspere huh... Been a while their name turned up ever since Solomon Singularity
Mama Emiya doesn't have good impression on them since that's a place prone for terrorist target. While we postpone on studying magecraft with Mama Emiya, we head to the Command Room to find out Seraphinx
Arriving there, Mash and Da Vinci greeted us with the latter skeptical on attempting contact with an oil rig place. Da Vinci, you must understand... While Nero and Tamamo came for interest, Mama Emiya is merely concerned of his children.
Learning more about Seraphinx from Mash, and... Turns out excluding the ones we saved somehow... The rest aka most of the original staff died from Lev's explosion. One of Chaldea staff talked to us while discussing. And... DAMN IT, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?! ARE YOU TRYING TO HURT ME AGAIN BY BRINGING UP ROMANI?! TT__TT
As Romani is really well loved even by Seraphix staff... And... Something wrong with Sheba? We're not getting any video on Chaldea's end? What the... An SOS?! WHAT?! People are turning data and the one in message...?!
Seraphix disappeared from 2019?!?!??! What's happening?! And... What the fuck?! NOW WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?! A random weird cheerful voice, casually threatens to kill everyone... Called herself BB... After hacking into Chaldea's system... Her livestream begin. For an AI that's probably recently made, she speaks as though she's already an old woman.
Now aside from the fake pity, Chaldea got the warning signal of BB messing further with the system. Less of a wizard, more of a random idol self-proclaimed girl from that random hacking video. AI is one thing, but Ruler of the Moon? Someone been too much of Chunnibyou here. Been taking up classes with Jeanne Alter how to be one? But yeah, I know what she mean considering this is a crossover
No need to be humble and admit for an AI who make fun of humans, you upgraded yourselves to be superior in everything. Blame DW instead, Gudas. That's where our money went and gone from gacha hell. And nah personally, I could care less if you even have a voiceover.
So your point is while you claimed to not really care... Okay what the hell?! Marina Trench that's all the way bottom in the sea.... WHY THE HELL IS IT DOING THERE IN 2030?!?!??! And got a full clear that's a Singularity we need to head over and fix
What a way to throw us a job, BB. And yeah, whatever, be our kouhai for your fans that care. If I'm disappointing, you're even a bigger disappointment and more boring than I thought, kouhai. I've seen bigger egos like Gilgamesh that makes fun 24/7 at us mongrels. So nice try in your attempts to be sadistic, gotta give you effort of A+ in doing so. And who needs AI when you got Enkidu? That's what I called more impressive of a clay gaining soul and learning how to be a human
Ignoring the competition of two kouhais fighting over that self-proclamation... And technically we're not your replacement for Hakunos too.
Well said, your majesty! Now it's time for us to go and fix this Singularity! We're saving time here BB, so get your useless ass working instead of running that mouth of yours!
Mama Emiya despite not trusting BB's words... He agree that she should let us help her, having a fragment feelings of their past meetings in CCC. Da Vinci given us her order to go ahead too! With Mama Emiya, Tamamo and Nero with us... Lastly Da Vinci's warning about the future... Let the rayshift to the future begins!
And of course... This is why Mama Emiya never showed up... Haish, oh well, at least in alternate headcanon and stories, we can always put it ways they can sneak back in to join us
Act 1 (1/6)
Arriving alone... We've reached the SE.RA.PH singularity. And a whole bloodfest to survive alone in this hell begins to kill the rest of 127 Masters.
BB once again starts her feed. Other than her boring crap and well fooling us.... And boring attempts for sadism, for a front gate, you want Gudas to start a fucking rape session to go through all over your body.
And great, looks a strange fox girl going to kill us after BB's talk. You've got hundreds of blood-thirsty Servants at Chaldea, if you can't dodge their shit while trying to calm their shit, then I got some pressing issues for you.
Also just in time... Someone looks like BB but not really saves us! While talking to her... Looks like the one killing us is Suzuka aka Suzuka Gozen! Like there's any choice for this hell, so a contract shall be made, Meltryllis!
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For 6 turns, both Suzuka and Melt are on par at each other! While Suzuka rants her own goal to get the grail, Melt is totally bored with her from the fight. High school girl peppy much? At least she leave us alone... And don't even try call me maybe by carly rae to! I'm not giving you the number anytime!
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Well, thanks for saving us, Melt? Well now you just admit yourself, you're probably eavesdropping on us didn't you?! Are you really a Servant?! First time hearing a class called Alter Ego you know! Like we got any choice to end the contract, we got an oil rig  to save, finding Mama Emiya and everyone, and getting back home safely afterwards!
Uh, Melt? You want to try being summoned and see how many jackass Servants we got at Chaldea? Excluding her Tsundere attempts... Melt suggest in which direction to go next from this Holy Grail War. Good to know BB isn't trustworthy even from Melt with BB look-a-like face too. 10 days aka 21/2 hours before Seraphix sinks...
We definitely got ourself one heck of an ally here in this hell hole! Gee, are we going to start how no one fucking is kind to me like shake hands and you're special to me?! Okay, skip that crap, let's move!
After revealing about Chaldea up to now... Well aren't we lucky Gudas happened to be your type of puppet to protect? Melt then reveal more of MoonCell's end of where they originally came from, and their own kind of Holy Grail War. And also, learning what an Alter Ego is with Melt revealing her origins.
Oh did we say you were nice? I mean yeah, like you saving us, taking care of us like an escort is TOTALLY not doing nice at all. Riiight, I heard lines before so don't bother.
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Well so much directing our way around, if you actually decided to go out for an all out attack. Yes, whatever you say, ma'am... Let's fight... WITH STYLE!
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Despite an "okay" battle against a Saber... Gee, Gawain, how rude! Have you not met other lady that can be Heroic Spirits?! And... WAIT, YOU'RE OUR GAWAIN?! Uh... Did BB just fucking reshuffle who's supposed to be coming with us?
Well whatever, thanks for coming to our rescue Gawain! Why the hell are you angry when your face say so! Blushing will not excuse your way out of this!
And so one long explanation later... We got both Gawain and Melt to help us around. Once again, BB arrived with the boring entrance... Someone got pissy just because things don't go her way
We can take the whole damn time we want since you throw our Servants away. One moment you'd like us rot to death, another you want to save us, someone got a bad mood swing here. And duh, how the hell does it look like we want your jealousy? Not me! So move on, you want to kill us right?
Poor Robin... Must suck getting thrown around by BB's whims... Robin is technically popular if writer need to stop shoveling waifu at every chance needed. So if you want a fight, then it's a pain in the ass fight you want!
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With only requirement BB's first boss is to break her first HP bar... Good to know she's totally unbeatable. And the whole bribing scheme comes from Sakura Chips and so forth... Well, one way to be Pay 2 Win player in a Holy Grail War
Act 1 (2/6)
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Gudas’s definition of normal is a bit warped thanks to the amount of Servant in Chaldea. Both Gawain and Melt began arguing about Servant’s going back to their true base instinct... Huh?! Wait?! All the masters died? So we’re fighting that same thing in Fuyuki all over again?!!!
Picking up the object looking like a Holy Grail, while cutting short... Oh god!
Okay wait... This is like CasGil’s Babylonia trip in seeing memories or sort... A man talking about working in the oil rig... One of the staff perhaps? It was showing what happened before Chaldea’s arrival in Seraphix. And killing their own current director, the heck?! Damn it... The final thoughts and memories turning the whole place in a killing festival to survive...
Act 1 (3/6)
Arriving a path that splits into two, Chest for Command Room, Thighs for Helicopter area, and Hair for submarine cable and pump with power plant. Aside from the unneeded comment on Chest, Tristan shows up! At least this isn’t our Tristan back n Chaldea but...
Ok, wait, I hope you don’t mistake her for BB but... You may be right and totally wrong at the same time! It’s hell but Melt is definitely our ally so far! Play Despacito if needed, but I’m not letting you harm Melt. Gee Melt, you want guillotine session, find Sanson and Carmilla! And do it later after you got what you need from this place!
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Thankfully he doesn’t have pain in the ass gimmick for his boss fight, story wise both Melt and Gawain are facing off against Tristan. With Tristan pinned down, we got a choice to either let Melt end his life or... Melt withdraw herself since he noticed her condition. Thanks to Melt’s tsundere act, we manage to get Tristan to become our ally!
But unfortuantely we got a cat fight between Melt and Tristan... All’s well ends well still! While walking to the next destination, Gudas explained to Tristan everything so far... And while Tristan does the same, please don’t start poetry session like Shakespeare too
Heading towards Breast Valley aka Command Room where another particular Alter Ego lies... Aka Passionlip, an Alter Ego like Melt born from BB made of love and hatred. Good to know for someone in horrible condition, your pervert “sadistic” side is still working with that mouth
And woah! That’s a staff from Seraphix coming to us! We finally did found a survivor in Command Room! While Gawain already has Mable charmed by his looks, Gudas got to explain on their end while Melt is with them.... But first... That loud stomping sound behind Mable is a giant claw?! And... It’s Passionlip that Melt mentioned!! Here’s come the first round attempt in fighting her!
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Surviving 6 turns is good to know in story, she’s definitely unbeatable with that Trash & Crush skill. Despite bound in restrainment on her sense of self, Passionlip destroyed the route to the Command Room. Getting out of this area ASAP, we take along with Mable in two while Lip continues to compress the area.
Act 1 (4/6)
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Fleeing all the way to the Thigh area... We’re safe. And a long explanation later to Mable, it pretty much confirms how much Seraphix is cut off from the world. There’s confirmed of other survivors inside the Command Room beside her. Finding another time to get back to Command Room, Gudas still remain firm in taking Mable to find a safe place.
Melt mentioned a chapel where they could rest, though Tristan remembered Vlad Extra being there as a guard... Nevertheless, we still need to get there to recover from fatigue
Act 1 (5/6)
Reaching the Chapel, safe to say the newly found bloodied spear shows Vlad is still lurking around. Also pretty much confirmed there’s no point explaining to Vlad, since he definitely wants Gudas dead.
Good for you, Tristan. At least you’re repenting your mistake of attacking us out of madness. And... What did Vlad say again?!
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Gawain’s fatal blow killed Vlad once and for all... Vlad told us hurry to the chapel where Archer is waiting for us! But why? What’s wrong with Archer? Isn’t it our Mama Emiya?! No time to waste, Emiya is waiting for us!
And inside the Chapel.... Emiya--Wait.... Isn’t that... EMIYA ALTER?! So BB up to her no good tricks in switching around the Servant again... And a brief explanation later...
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Emiya Alter is still our Mama Emiya in ways to make sure we’re okay. The Chapel becomes our newfound base as Emiya Alter delivers more information. Melt ended up sleeping outside since Mable still doesn’t trust any Alter Ego by her experience. But before we could sleep, looks like one of the wall is in a weirdly haphazard problem?
At least we got a good night sleep... Melt on the other hand outside, laments about Lip she saw earlier.
Act 1 (6/6)
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300 Sakura Money paid to that BB just cause she want suffering in exchange... At least we got the key to unlock whatever that’s hidden in the church! And Mable, never question that AI who wants to be superior at every humane thing because of how inferior she probably feels
But with restrainment of who will get the data... Gudas ended up taking the information since Mable decided to let us know it. The record starts with a person working as a mental health specialist in Seraphix joined in 2016. Revealing the inner workings and different staff available to harvest oil and magical energy... There’s also a conflict between them, as they described the amount patients they received
Eventually pondering the reason of Seraphix’s creation... 3 years later, they lost contact with the outside world and chaos happened within them internaly. Monsters he encountered that attacked human minds? They even noted the change in themselves now they can longer trust people a month later, describing blood fest that’s probably Vlad and other Servants attacking around the church
On his final memory, they got attacked and losing their left eye in the process. The Director and assistant director went mad as confirmed by record keeper themselves. But... The planetarium? Experiment?
It ended there as Gudas now explained what they just learned. Melt revealed about the Planetarium being the power source of this singularity. Tristan offered to stay behind with Mable while we continue exploring this Singularity. Emiya Alter goes off on his own to deal with the remaining Servants...
Melt later reveals her true feelings to the sleeping Gudas how Gudas should be able to be in contact with Chaldea once they reached the Command Room. And her own feelings so far and about Gudas after becoming their Servant...
Act 1 done, 3 more to go! I’ll stop here and get back to grinding to clear some of the relevant missions...
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