#if you need something fun to distract you we're having a lovely cruelty-free käärijä-centered music contest in our discord server
jaarijani · 4 months
The fact that Joost got disqualified yet we still don't fully know what the hell happened yet is super sketchy...
Also the fact that one of the most (if not the most) beloved songs this year got disqualified is a really, really bad move on EBU's part...
Everyone better be prepared for tonight...
it's ridiculously stupid they've already lost about 90% of dutch viewers with this move and I'm sure they'll lose many international viewers as well because Europapa was so popular. This whole scandal is so ridiculously hypocritical and it looks and feels like a total setup. It feels entirely manufactured both to turn our eyes away from the cruelty in Rafah and to boost Israel in the final results.
They won't tell us the full story because they know it's unfair and hypocritical, Joost does not deserve any of this and I am so so saddened to see him turned into a scapegoat at the event that he's worked towards for years and years.
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