#if you reblogged the post I'm vagueing about we're all good!! the original tweet is awesome I just didn't appreciate the comment added after
alistairian · 11 months
Idk I think it's worth watching if your transmasculine positivity is straying into toxic masculinity territory, like putting other trans guys down for being waifish twinks or otherwise feminine looking/acting isn't the big statement you might think it is...
"I don't want to be a skinny uwu softboi" Congrats, you're part of the vast majority of men.
"Media only ever shows ftm as young pretty boys" you mean literal teenagers? Early and pre-transition guys? I can't even speak on this one tbh because I don't see grown trans men in "media", ever.
Like there's a line somewhere between "I want to be and feel masculine and have pride in that" and kalvin garah levels of body shaming and transphobia and I think I good rule of thumb to never crossing that line is to just not comment on and politicise real trans guys' bodies at any point in their transition.
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