#if you recognize some of these clips from my sideblog its because i liked them enough to want to use them
fitzyhere · 5 years
Hi there! I had a few questions for you! What are some of your all time favorite Overwatch memories? Do you enjoy Overwatch less or more than you used to and why? What are your thoughts on the meta? What was your favorite meta? Lastly, what type of character do you think Overwatch needs next? Thanks in advance! ^-^
OHH sorry for the late reply i wanted to answer this when i got on pc cos i knew i’d have a LOT to say
So as far as ovw memories, idk if u mean personal or esports so I’m doing BOTH, with esports first:1. Libero’s hack on Evermore right out the gate on Hanamura. It was the first time I’d seen Sombra in pro play and it SHOOK me to my core seeing her be played AND so well!!2. Zunba’s grav through the window on Eichenwalde. Shit’s legendary. It was one of the first games I’d ever seen since I had just gotten into ovw esports and the High seeing that play gave me made me love esports ever since3. Surefour’s bait from spawn. Fucking iconic. chef kiss. one of the best moments from last season.4. That one game, shortly after Aero became head coach where Mickie was on Winston and Seagull was on D.Va vs NYXL. I love that game so much i need to rewatch it I loved watching them.5. Shanghai’s first victory. A bitch might have cried. I’m not as huge of a fan as many other are on here, but I recognize hard work and Shanghai has been doing their absolute best from the get go. I’m so happy for them.
and now for personal:1. One time, my friend Griffin, my ex, and I all played against Sylphea (at the time she was the highest level player in ovw) and that was REALLY fun. Griffin was on Mei, and he just. fucked them UP, even getting potg. We also had a solid McCree, and I had fun on sym :)2. I used to do widow custom games with friends (mostly 1v1s w phil) but we had a huge boss fight with Griffin, where it was 5 of us against him, and he STILL whooped us. He was such a wicked good widow it’s crazy.3. Before the mercy 2.0 meta, Sombra was my most played hero, because she’s so much fun. I played w friends who liked having a sombra on their team, too so that worked out Nicely. I love playing Sombra4. Back when Comp could get to five rounds on koth, I switched to Bastion on round three, and Griffin was on Ana, and we managed to win with nano tank alone. Three fucking rounds in a row i only died once.5. One comp game I had 23 players rezzed with 3 five man rezzes. We still lost but like holy fuck that was fun. 6. Idk if it’s still in the game, but there was a glitch with mercy’s wings where if she said hello with her gun out and angelic descent was active, her wings would get REALLY big. Griffin and I spent like 2 hours one night just fuckin messin w it it was so fun7. honestly… late night qp w griffin was rly good. nothin like tryharding in overwatch till 5am… i miss that
And… when it comes to playing… yeah I definitely enjoy the game less. I used to have a bunch of people I played with, different groups, different needs, so it was really fun when I was really social, but I broke up w my ex, I lost contact with others, and many just don’t play overwatch anymore. Now its rare I’m in anything bigger than a duoq. I spent most of my time in game w Griffin, and when we stopped playing together I had to relearn the game and how I tracked things because we had our Way of playing. I’m still highly invested in the game, hence having and Overwatch League sideblog. I still really love the game, and I don’t think that’s going to change even I don’t play it nearly as much as I used to.
The current meta… is still GOATS right? I havent seen any of stage 2 (im a fake fan who been BUSY) so idk how baptiste has changed anything. But I hate GOATS. I remember disliking triple tank and playing it but GOATS isnt even… fun to watch. I like zen and lucio play, but my fave supports to see are moira and ana. and I love myself a good zarya but Man. Tone it Down.
And as far as favorite meta? Hard to say. I definitely played the most during the mercy meta, and I love watching good mercy play… but I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite to watch. I’d probably go out on a limb and say dive. Dive or Triple tank. Dive could get real creative, but nothin smacks my ass quite like a good ol fashioned deathball comp. There’s pros and cons to every meta, and I have fun with all of it, because overwatch is a Fun Game. Even GOATS has its moments, especially the ways teams try to shut each other down.
And as far as new hero… I’m not sure. Still Tank/Support cos we still have too many dps, but… idk. I really like hybrid heroes, and I’d like another Support/Tank hybrid, but utility heavy heroes are deffo always on my list. But that aside… where the black women at, Jeff? I wanna play as one.
Sorry this is so long, but ty for asking!! I love overwatch so so much It’s so weird to think it’s been with me for almost three years.
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