#if you remember the first time i tried doing smth with this comic. welcome back! now thing's for real
queer-enderdragon · 2 years
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Here we go... again. Second time's the charm.
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iceglade · 5 years
I’ve noticed you posting about the glass scientist a lot and it looks cool but not sure whether I want to get into another fandom or not. Would you mind telling me a little about it? I’m hoping hearing other people’s opinions will help me make up my mind
Oh goodness hdjfkg hello anon! a little about it.. lets see [pulls out a large file folder] TL;DR, plotty, angsty, relatable/likable characters (even the antagonistic ones), beautiful art style, beautiful aesthetic. A commentary on living with anxiety but like in a Classic kind of way. What's not to love?
The Glass Scientists is an ongoing webcomic by @arythusa (i'm sorry to @ you), it follows protagonist(s) Henry Jekyll (and narrator) Edward Hyde as Jekyll tries to keep it together enough to keep The Society for Arcane Sciences, a haven for London scientists looking to continue their art/studies, afloat in a superstitious, bitter London social scene. Actually, it mostly focuses on Jekyll's anxieties about that, and how it affects him. Everything that happens (or Has happened) is leading up to an event that hasnt taken place yet: the Grand Exhibition, an event where everyone will give presentations, and the people of london will love it, and the rich people of london will give them lots of funding money, so that the society doesnt. y'know. crash and bankrupt. Like one big science fair. Or at least Jekyll hopes.
Honestly? if you're someone with anxiety, intrusive thoughts, osdd(like i have!) or anything of the sort, you're going to LOVE this webcomic. probably. its just one of those things where you'll be reading it and you'll just keep going "OH SAME" the entire time. The depiction of Hyde as dual anxiety thoughts/the rejected parts of Jekyll's psyche given form just reads as so REAL and RIGHT. mad kudos to ms. sabrina!!
If you're someone who gets easily attached to Tragic Victorian Scientists™, watch out 'cause TGS has got many and More. I think I remember Jack Griffin from the Invisible Man (the H.G. Wells book, not the Ralph Ellison novel. sorry) in there. The cast is VERY varied and realistically diverse, and Begs for ocs, if you're into that sort of thing !
If it increases the appeal, every character is bi in-universe unless stated otherwise. I think this is gonna b a relevant plot thing later with jekyll and lanyon, but. who knows! There's a character who shows up later who - oh, no spoilers. But her gender might catch you by surprise. And shes not even the kind of character you can write off, too - shes There and Important and Complex as all hell. Not everything has been revealed about her yet, but? everything's lookin good so far. woohoo !!
Oh obviously I can't not mention that this comic is BEAUTIFULLY drawn and colored - theres lots of imaginative clutter in every panel. Every page pops with life. i'll pull up some examples, which were HARD to pick, because WOW:
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(out of order to avoid spoilers as best i can)
but uhh, the author worked on cartoons like Gravity Falls and SVTFOE so sometimes that pops out a little in humor-focused panels. adds to the charm :)
Back in 2018 when I first started reading the webcomic (thank you ren you were SO RIGHT THIS COMIC IS SO GOOD) , the latest update was early in chapter 6. I think a friend of mine ( @flame-cat ) said smth about the latest update being at a halfway point? The comic updates every Monday (somethin to look forward to ;-;) so obviously it's not as short as it used to be, but. [shrugs].
yeah thats most of it. anyone reading this that's not the anon is MORE than welcome to add on in the replies. So! Give it a look! Obviously, if not, no harm in it. But if you do, PLS tell me what you thought jdjfkg i love this comic Very much
thank you for reading !!
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i finally saw the grimm finale on tv (after so many months of waiting) and god i cried like three times, first with the deaths (especially juliette and monroe+rosalee) and then with the end, im glad everybody ended up alright and alive ;w; ///im still salty about the whole juliette/nick/adalind thing, and the fact that we never herd anything from monroe's parents regarding the babies (i rly wanted to see smth like that), but i still liked it :') i love grimm sm
Welcome to “The End,” friend! I cried so much during that episode…and at the end of the one before it, too. I gotta hand it to the Grimm writers…they really got us with that finale, possibly more than any other finale before it. And let’s be real: the Grimm finales have never been cake walks.
I mean, just for nostalgia’s sake, let’s recap, shall we?
Season 1
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Not to mention Juliette being in a coma and then appearing to wake up with totally blacked-out eyes. Do you know how much wailing I did when it finally sank in that I would have to wait all summer to find out what happened next?
Season 2
Team Grimm trapped in a car surrounded by zombies. And Nick captured by Prince Eric after being hit with Baron Samedi’s zombie virus himself. Again I say: all damn summer. Actually a little longer, because Grimm used to come back a little before Halloween, so we had to wait four or five months. I’m dying just remembering it.
Season 3
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Excuse me, Grimm Writers, you did not just throw a de-powering storyline at us in a fricking finale. Except you totally did. Sadistic bastards. Talk about a traumatic ending in an episode that was one hell of an emotional roller coaster anyway.
We had happiness because Monrosalee were getting married, nerves because Nick was going to be at a Wesen wedding, incredulous giggling at those douchecanoe sunglasses they made him wear, squick to the extreme when Adalind disguised herself as Juliette to trick Nick into sleeping with her for a spell, screaming and sobbing when Sean was shot, cheering when Trubel decapitated the guy who did it, nail-biting while she raced to get Nick the cure that Sean had tried to give him, and then a fucking Wesen riot followed by the absolute numb disbelief of this episode’s final moments.
And I’m sure I’m forgetting a few emotions along the way.
Season 4
Okay I’m like blatantly not giffing the most earth-shattering thing that happened in that episode, because it hurts. But we had our first (or what we thought would be our first) death of a member of Team Grimm, and it was horrible, and bloody, and painful, and desperately sad.
And then we had like a fucking SWAT team swarming Nick’s house, and a wild Meisner appeared and straight-up murdered King Frederick, and Hank and Sean helped cover up multiple murders, and it was just wild.
Season 5
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This episode could have just been called “Everything Happens So Much,” ffs. For one thing, it was a two-parter, the first and only one we ever got. For another, it was fucking epic.
Portland was at all-out war, Black Claw was taking over, they had Nick’s son, they had Nick, Eve and the rest of Team Grimm were kicking ass from one end of town to the other to save him, then he was saving her, then suddenly she might be Juliette again (at this point my heart gave up on beating and just started vibrating, tbh), and then everyone was hiding in the tunnels and running for their lives and Nick literally died and then rose from the fucking dead and kicked ass harder than he had in the previous four seasons combined, and Diana used her dad to murder Bonaparte, and then the most epic staring contest in history commenced and we had. to wait. eight. and a half. fucking. months. to finally get the final season.
Season 6
And then. The final season finale. Everyone dies, abruptly and horribly and with no space to process in between. Like people were literally on my dash just numb from the horror of watching every single member of Team Grimm drop like fucking flies one by one. It was awful.
And then it was wonderful, and to be honest I usually hate time resets and think they’re a cop-out, but I have never been more ready to accept one in my life than I was by the time we got to the end of that fucking bloodbath. I was sobbing and shaking and cursing every Grimm writer by name.
But then. They gave us this:
The most epic power-walk and showdown ever.
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Everyone lives! HUGS ALL AROUND!
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One of the most beautiful ending shots I’ve ever seen for a character, in which I’m pretty sure David was fighting tears. I get emotional just looking at it.
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And Diana closing the book on the story. Literally.
It was bittersweet and frustrating and it left me wanting more, like the show always did. Sure, there were some things I would have liked to change, and some answers we never got…but that’s what comics, and games, and novel tie-ins, and fanfiction are all for, amirite?
Anyway, you didn’t ask for any of this but I’m not going to apologize at all, because I LOVE GRIMM SO FUCKING MUCH. I think you’ll understand.
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soymilkluce · 8 years
Vld x Toz
So um I’ve been thinking abt this a lot. I wrote this in notes first then copied pasted it. I’m currently drawing art of this too so expect to see that c; * Shiro as the Shepard * Keith as the squire * - that whole bullshit thing w shiro happens “Keith if I don’t make it I want you to be my he Shepard” * Lance as a water seraph - weapon bow * Hunk as a earth seraph - weapon gloves/fists * Pidge as a wind seraph - weapon the thing Dezel has * Matt a wind seraph as well - weapon gun like Zavied maybe? * Matt gets captured by Zarkon and Haggar and is turned into a hellion maybe? * That’s why the whole expedition starts tbh * Shiro and Keith lived in a small village and Shiro was friends w Matt/has a high resonance like Keith * Matt, pidge, hunk and lance lived in near them in the forest(seraphim don’t make homes the village sorey lived in had houses to make him feel more human). * Lance and Keith lowkey fight a lot(have a crush on each other cOUGH lance knows more that it’s a crush keith is still confused and intrigued by lance) and shiro doesn’t know they know each other(and Keith doesn’t realize lance is a seraph despite him being a huge celestial record nerd rip him) * Shiro and Matt go on an expedition to look at ruins bc Matt is a highkey nerd and Shiro is a nerd from second hand nerding from both Keith and Matt * The expedition goes wrong like ¾ of the way through? * They get ambushed by a lotta hellions and they’re kinda like fuck * Matt ends up pushing Shiro to safety but only after a hellion ends up biting shiros arm off. * Shiro wakes up later to be in a city with doctors swarming around him. * Turns out the seraph princess allura w the help of her human advisor/translator/protector coran saved him and replaced his arm since if they didn’t he might’ve bleed out(or smth like that idfk) * (Allura is like Lailah and Alisha fused in this au? She’s the guardian of the sacred blade but is still called princess by coran and most even tho she’s technically not the princess, she’s the advisor to the princess through coran(Shay is the actual princess of there). Coran works as a translator for Allura since he has a very high resonance and his family has been worshiping the group of seraphs that live in the city. He holds hands w the person allura wants to talk to and she talks. She’s respected by some people but there’s rumors of her not being real brewing in the city causing malevolence) * Shiro is kinda highkey freaking out since 1) he has a metal arm now???? And 2) his seraph bf lowkey kinda sacrificed himself to save shiro and he doesn’t know if he’s alive or tainted or not?? * Turns out he’d been gone for months * While this is all happening pidge has snuck out to go find their brother(hunks and lance caught them so they’re coming too) * Keith is also worried sick abt shiro so he leaves the village to search for him * All four end up bumping into each other on the way there(comically Keith still doesn’t know they’re seraphim and lance makes the other two keep their mouths shut. Doesn’t stop pidge from making some boyfriend jokes that oblivious keith doesn’t get but wonders why lance is so red) and once they realize that matt and Shiro went together they team up to find them * They spot him in the town the Altea (substitutes lady lake in this au) and misinterpret the situation thinking he’s being held captive. * Hilarity ensues when they try to “rescue” shiro * Long story short Shiro explains what he remembers that happened, Allura and Coran are introduced, and Keith finally figures out lance and the others are seraphim. He is very pissed at them not telling him and for not figuring it out himself. * Suddenly they hear commotion and find that while princess Shay was giving a speech a riot of hellions appeared from the citizens negative thoughts * Thinking on her toes Allura tells Shiro about how there’s this thing called the sacred blade that they could use to right the hellions and in the long run could help them find matt * Keith immediately starts to protest since he knows what that would mean but Shiro has already left to grab the blade * With the help of allura he’s able to purify the hellions * He is named the Shepard soon after * He then proceeds to fall unconscious for a week * During that time keith is at his bed at all times * Lance is worried abt him but after a day of trying to comfort him he realized it was fruitless * Hunk lance and pidge go to search the city for answers * Hunk meets Shay * Shay has a lower resonance like Alisha herself so hunk in kinda admiring from afar and watches as she tries her best to help the people of the city after what happened * Hunk falls hard for her * Pidge and lance do not waste the opportunity to make fun of him because of this * Coran finds out and offers to be the middle man for the two. * Hunk and Shay speak for the first time and it’s really cute * Hunk’s all flustered and giving her compliments and while Shay seems to be keeping her cool she’s getting flustered as well * They talk for abt 3 hours straight until coran accidentally falls asleep and they decide they need to give him a rest * (They send letters to each other the rest of the journey it’s really cute) * After wards hunk comes and helps lance and pidge again to search * While they were being dorks pidge and lance were just at the library working(well pidge was working at least) * They find the entrance to a ruin under the city and decide to check it out(pidge is unsure, lance says it’s fine, hunk is worried and says they probably shouldn’t. They all compromise by saying they’re taking a quick look but not going too far in just in case). * They narrowly avoided detection by hellions and continue on(despite hunks better warnings) * They find a door and pidge deciphers it saying smth abt it having the royal symbol on it * Perfectly timed Hunk realizes that the dagger Shay gave him as a present has the royal symbol on it(a lotta cooing from the other two when they hear they’re already giving each other gifts. Bc of that hunk doesn’t tell them abt the dried flowers he gave her from his collection. It’s the little victories that count anyways). * Hunk opens the door briefly to make sure it works but closes it immediately after saying they’re not going any further until shiro wakes up * After shiro wakes up(Keith tackle hugs him duh) allura and coran explain the gravity of the situation and the trio say what they found. * The kiddos say they wanna come w him to the ruin but he says no bc he doesn’t want them to get hurt only him and allura will go. * Hunk says well y'all can’t get in without my dagger * Lance says he figured out that they could use the dagger to begin with(I hc that he’s actually really good at symbol and spacial awareness puzzles) * Pidge says they deserve to be in this till the end since shiros the one who lost their brother and he will help them get him back(pidge is kinda lowkey guilt tripping shiro here and while the feel bad for that they will not be excluded from this). * Keith says that he should come too since he knows the celestial record front to back and they’re fucking brothers no way he’s letting shiro go alone * Shiro says no to them all, is they’re all just children and Keith’s a human he could get really hurt * Allura tries to pipe in abt squires and sub lords but shiro gives her the look and she shuts up * Shiro takes the dagger and apologizes to hunk saying he’ll give it back later before leaving * Allura looks at them then at coran and they talk w/o actually talking? * Once shiro and allura leave coran fills them in abt a ruin outside of the city that has some sacred weapons they could get to be sublords. He says it like “apparently there’s a ruin with some sacred artifacts outside of altea. It’d be a shame if young seraphs came upon them and took them for there own desires…” * All the kiddos really love coran already * Keith comes w to help them since he figures if they are able to join shiro can’t single him out * Meanwhile allura is trying to casually talk to shiro abt letting the others join the journey * Shiro is no pleased but she gets to him kinda and he rethinks some things * The kiddos fight through the ruin and long story short get the artifacts quickly and get the fuck back to the city * By then shiro is kinda getting fucked over by so many hellions * The kids manage to find him cornered and help him out * With more to come they quickly explain to him what they did and reluctantly he agrees to let them join since he’s getting his assed kicked and some backup would be nice * Allura makes the pacts and they manage to fight them all, shiro and allura artimtizing for the first time and Keith and lance doing it too. * Shiro faints again since he just accepted 4 pacts holy shit. They carry him back to the inn * Only takes him 3 days since he’s now getting better at this * Coran helps them get ready to leave * He gets teary eyes and wishes them luck * Allura looks at shiro w puppy eyes and he’s like fuck it why not welcome to the team new squire coran * In summary shiro is the Shepard with Keith and coran as his squires. Allura is the Prime lord with lance, hunk, and pidge as sub lords * Before I forget the thing where Alisha gets send to that sick village happens to Shay and hunk is like !!! Oh no she’s in trouble!! * Doesn’t take a lot of convincing for the others to go help her * I realized I didn’t mention that Allura is a fire seraph like lailah as well * And regarding alluras father….um….cough cough Aizen…;;
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