#if you're gonna go out then go out w a bang ig
naturesvice · 1 year
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three hour time difference ... 70+ minutes ... i see they want me sleep deprived and emotionally deranged tonight
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grandlinedreams · 11 months
| had to write this so bear with me, special thanks to @jesterwriting for cackling abt this w me on discord lmao
[Heads up!: brief mention of nsfw activities, an injury, cursing, afab/fem aligned reader ig, marco is so fucking tired]
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Ace is insatiable.
His hips rock against yours, unfaltering even for how tightly you're wrapped around him, pupils lust blown as he watches you writhe.
"Feel that good, huh?" His laugh is low and breathless, the press of his lips to your jaw before he reaches, warm palm against your leg as he pushes, aiming to part it further so he can sink deeper ㅡ
It's a muted sound, muffled ㅡ and the following cry from your mouth is not one of pleasure, but of pain. Ace freezes above you. "Babe?"
You don't answer, eyes shut and jaw locked against a whimper as agony radiates from your hip into your leg. "My hip," you manage, breath shallow, "what did you just do?"
Ace's heart stutters in his chest. "I don't know, I ㅡ baby, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."
He means it, you know he does, but it's hard to comfort him when you want to pass out from how badly it hurts.
Sliding out of you, Ace still hovers, hands raised hesitantly as he tries to think of what to do. "Marco," he says, "we need to get Marco, he can fix thisㅡ"
"Ace." Even with your face pale and pinched with pain, you manage to glare. "We're both naked right now. Put some clothes on."
He scrambles to find clothes to put on before he moves to help you, expression guilty. "I'm so sorry," he murmurs, kissing your temple. "You can hit me if you want to."
"Not gonna do that," you say, "but you can come up with what we tell Marco as to how this happened."
Marco wakes to the sound of a fist against his door. Not quite banging, but a forceful knock accompanied by a familiar voice that cracks at the end. "Marco, we need your help, this is an emergency."
Knowing Ace, it's either beyond serious or beyond stupid ㅡ and the older man sighs before he sits up. "Alright, I'm up."
Striding towards the door, he opens it to find a teary-eyed Ace, you carefully cradled in his arms. Given the late hour, there are only a handful of things it could be, and Marco sends up a silent hope that it isn't any but one of them as he tries to keel the exasperation out of his tone. "What happened?"
Ace flounders, cheeks pink. "You see, we ㅡ I ㅡ"
You turn towards Marco. "The idiot did something to my hip on accident," you manage, hissing when Ace jostles you by adjusting his grip on you. "Heard it pop, if that helps."
Marco blinks, glances from you to Ace, then sighs. "He probably dislocated your hip. It's an easy fix, and you'll be fine. But I'd suggest less...vigorous activity if it's going to end like this."
It's as close to alluding to knowing exactly what you were up to as you're comfortable with, your own face flush despite everything.
True to his word, it doesn't take Marco long to pop it back into place ㅡ and with a quiet thank-you and plea to not mention this to anyone else, Ace takes you back to your shared room.
"I'm really sorry," he murmurs as he settles down first, pulling you over him and peppering your face with soft kisses. "Hurting you is the last thing I ever wanted to do."
"I know," you soothe, "but you get carried away sometimes, you know?"
Even for the ordeal that you've just been through, Ace still finds it in him to smirk at you, eyes glinting. "Hard not to when you sound so good, babe."
"Don't," you intone, "one sex-related injury is enough to last a lifetime."
"I wasn't gonna do that," he protests, "but we didn't get to finish." He pouts up at you, devious fingers sneaking up your shirt. "You can be on top, you know I like the view either way."
You want to swat at him for his continued antics, but the rough heat in his voice and warmth of his body under yours has want starting to thrum in your veins again.
"Fine," you relent, leaning down to pause against his lips. "But if I ever have to explain anything related to our sex life to Marco again, I'm going to kill you."
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12v31 · 3 months
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HELLO you can call me ryuk (s/h),i bring to you my little taerin, 24 years old bartender @ daemon with super strength. you'll find her bio (a bit long sry) and some plot ideas under the cut. (ill eventually have more detailled pages for her some time soon...) hit the like button if you're interested in plotting and i'll come to you! or you can save me from a sh*d*wb*n and send one first... :')
about taerin
an only child, taerin was born into a well off family, with one parent a doctor and the other a lawyer working for the aeternals (her father's words, not hers). financially, all was good they never struggled, but when it came to parenting that was well… things were more challenging. see the duracell bunny? that was her, big ball of energy unable to stay still for more than five minutes, her attention always shifting from one thing to another.
from an early age, her parents enrolled her in every sport and extracurricular activity they could find, realizing that keeping her occupied was the only way to channel her hyperactivity (aka have some peace). ballet, soccer, gymnastics, swimming—taerin tried her hand at everything, but none really held her interest for more than a month or two. she'd learn the basics and get bored… that was until she tried kickboxing.
it was love at first punch ig? she was only 9 and entering the ring was the only thing that had her eyes light up. a month, two months, six, a year.. by the age of 12, while her friends were worrying about homework, taerin had already mapped out her future— she wanted to become a professional boxer, and nothing else mattered. surprisingly, her parents found themselves supporting her dream, their girl had finally found something she enjoyed! but that didn’t stop them from worrying about yet another thing, her powers.
for both her parents whose powers had manifested at an early age, taerin's were taking their sweet time, to the point where they began to lose hope. meanwhile, taerin couldnt care less tbh powers or not, she already knew how her life was gonna unfold
that was until they manifested, two years later during a fight. she still remembers it vividly, the look on her opponent’s face as they flew across the ring, breaking the ropes and crashing into the wall behind.
it wasn’t a competition, just a pre-selection match, but after that incident, taerin was ruled out of any future competition. her enhanced strength was deemed too much of an advantage, making it unfair to the others which made sense but yeah.. her dream of going pro had been shattered.
after that? well..it was despresso ahah.. she had no other choice but to return to her studies, forcing herself to endure a few more years. she struggled but ultimately ended up graduating high school. then she was OUT! tho obv this time her parents did not support that decision
their relationship deteriorated from that moment. her parents threatened to cut her off if she didn't stick to her studies, but stubborn as ever, she refused to listen and instead, decided to leave home. from working at pc bangs and restaurants to hotels and bars, she took on job after job to provide for herself.
ngl shes a bit of a tsun she does want to build friendships shes just not good at it. she still struggles to control her power so she lowkey avoids people, not wanting to accidentally hurt them the way she did before. shes v serious about her work tho, v professional dont try to mess w her job. taerin's a tough one to crack but once u do, u wont regret it.
some v basic likes n dislikes 👍 she enjoys video games, esp combat ones, working out, spicy food, beer, strawberry milk, vanilla ice cream 👎 hot weather, sparkling water, needles, loud chewing
roommates yall cant hide she has 4 of them!! neighbours who complain about the noise sry not her fault if she accidentally slams doors and breaks furniture.. ppl she went to highschool w, friends she made at the club either before or after her powers manifested, some emotional support wouldve been nice lol, regulars at the bar, people she's met at her past jobs, flings, one or two past relationships? i have an idea for a minor ability that could manifest in the near future (kinda like small quakes n stuff) so if youd like ur muse to be involved lmk! frieenddsss enemies im up for anything tbh lets brainstorm!!
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patchworkofravens · 3 years
aight i didn't reread most of this but this almost everything in one long incomprehensible mess. have fun ^-^
ok, so picture this: a six hour drive and i'm banging out the tunes on the car's main speakers and trying to convince my dad that stray kids are good. And then, then, a certain song comes on. a certain horrible song. it's thirty seconds long and the entire time the car is just filled with the tension of both of us being too aware of how cringe the song is. this is your fault. like why. there's a cat licking your birthday cake is not the ideal car tune. yeah. oh and i may have had to skip a few emotional songs because. well. because. :). ok bye <3 ily /p teehee. shut up i'm not a softie (maybe a tiny bit but like. shut up.) i can hear you laughing at me from here you little stinky
bitch. bitch. i. hate. you. /j. i did not need to get rickrolled mid-revision. i mean, i wasn't actually revising, but i was supposed to be. no-one needs to know i was writing fanfic instead like a loser. but bitch. bitch. yeah. that's it. ly ciao
ALSO also skz are apparently gonna have a world tour this year. if we lived in the same country and like knew each other irl etc etc i would so take you to it. and yeah. also dancing to secret secret with you in a rainy twilight when no-one's watching. yeah. ok i'm gonna try and revise again.
soft. soft. why is this stupid cat song like this. it's literally called meow. i'm hugging you so much rn. maybe fighting you a little bit too. but hugging you sosososososo much. i wish you were real so i could like. physically hug you. well, you are probably real but yk what i mean. ok. i'm actually gonna revise now. bye.
soft. i am trying so hard to resist the urge to redownload the app and just leave an ask saying some dumb shit or smth and then run away again. why did you have to be so cool and likeable? /nm . lol let's see if i ever get the guts to send you all this bullshit. i'm a wuss so i'm guessing rn i won't. or at least i'll delete this bit bc it's stupid. but yeah. if you're actually seeing this. hi. (°//-//°) (⨀//-//⨀) ⨀-⨀ (⨀⨀) <- haha boobas
there is approximately 12.09 kg of human flesh for every 1 kg of ant flesh. i don't know why i went to the effort of researching and calculating that. maths. pain. suffering. not psychology revision. :| lmao. anyways. hana dul set CHEESE
you did watch bakuten? yeah i'm pretty sure you did. ok. cool. of course you did misato kinnie. yeah.
haha i feel like i should regret sending you this but oh well.
I am so many emotional very much cackling tears rage oh my god
AHAHAHAHA cryign thats ur fault for playing that playlist instead of just skz music <3<3 IN FRONT OF UR DAD ??@?@?@ IAOEBEJSOSJ theres a cat licking ur birthday cake is very u vibes okay shut upzjsheb oh. Well i just got rickrilled by ur playlist. Are u happy now. Is this what u wanted. Asshat. <3 Softie the most softie although ur probably going tk have enough reason to call me that after a few hours ahah ahaa. Hah thats ur punishment for not revising ig ^-^ cryign red face in hands yeah that would have been nice. Red face in hands tears many tears branch u absolute softie so true. secret secrwt n shes in the rain n then we inievitably slip in the rain<3 or me anyway because i cant dance for shit anymore n i pull you down w me oh my god i want to go to concerts w u and sit in the sunrise arguing n OH YMY GOD BEFORE I KET YOU CODY FRY OH MY HOD ITS SO PRETTY AND GENTLE TREE I WILK SOB shut up dont insult the cat song ur insulting urself. Basically. Dont i will literally ruin u n then hug u. Sobing actually so true i wish you were an irl so i coukd hug u too dying crying. So true i am very cool n likeable/hj but also but also i could literally say the same about u. Intriguing information thank u olive <3. SO TEUE . i . No sadly. Unfortunately i kin coach shida instead
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fureliselost · 3 years
- Honerva u bastard
- it's a trap but ok
- and honerva went evangelion, uhh yay?
- sooooo what ur saying it shit went sideways like lance said it would?
- kl shots
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- wait hold up ur telling me the alteans escaped their cells by banging against them? tf
- "get these alteans to the medbay" shiro, they be fucking dead, take the to the morgue
- she killed the evangeliom girl
ep 12
- idek what's happening i will pause and go dye my hair
- am back and very very ginger
- ok so i just went bsck in the ep, apparently honerva put the lions offline
- honerva is doing hot girl shit
- leave merla alone, u bitch
- honerva is doing shit fuck her
- go merla
- much shit
- tf
-the what? sounds like magic bullshit pulled out of their asses to me
- wtf just happened
- the atlas and voltron fusing? tf
- this is bulllshit wtf
- hoerva said "then perish"
- that motivational speech? keith? what?
- so they be trapped? what now? honerva saves them? lol
- wtf is this
- oh, so you're gonna get triggered by allura now, honerva?
- little lotor is smart
- and you question that now? zarkon?
ep 13 ig
- tf
- very wtf
- it looks like neural things i like it
- finally allura is using her memory mumbo jumbo on the right person
- yes, lotor did deserve better
- oh gods i'mcrying allura deserved better
- "i'll always love you" is that all you have to say to lance? everyone gets something more and that's all? "always" is kinda meaningless when you're about to fucking die what the fuuck
- seriously, they make the boy give up everything to go help run the family farm? what the actual fuck not only is that a stereotype because, well, he's cuban, but it's aalso so fucking out of character for lance, actually give him something for once wtf
- "it's a simple life, just the way i like it" what?
- who's ruling altea now? coran? ykw, since allura fucking turned lance into an altean, maybe they could've had him help coran rebuild altea and be a diplomat or something (not to mention it would give so many shenanigans w keith being the galra emperor and lance being one of altea's representatives)
- OK, so I'm actually not that mad about the Curtis thing because Curtis was a minor character since season 7 and, while, yes, more than a few tiny interactions would've been nice, there wasn't really that many places to put it on ig? and shiro would def have tabled that for later if any spark existed there during the time shit was roling
- ok, I can now safely say that, no, i'm not biased by time and emotions and season 8 was actually more of a mess than I remember
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