#if you're in Europe and you wanna spend 120 on a bland black sneaker
dinosaurcharcuterie · 6 months
On my most recent shoe buying outing, I noticed that some brands have decided to start calling G a "comfort width".
I've been forced to buy in widths since 2009. G has always been the standard width. H is comfort width. In case the shoe fetish crowd are interested, I've been a K for the last decade, though for reasons science can't explain I've recently, occasionally, started fitting a J in some brands that very definitely are not calling G "comfort" anything.
Doctors everywhere have already been surgically excising pussy toenails since as long as I can remember, not to mention there was that hallux valgus trend in time with that trend for skintight ballerina flats. G being a standard foot width is a stretch at best--and they're trying to change it to F???
Oh, and because they *list* the width, and offer G, they're trying to brand--and price--themselves as orthopedic footwear.
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