#ignavus the stormborn
the-world-of-ignavus · 10 months
Moggi of the Storm - Diplomat Larkwing
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Name: Larkwing
Other Names: Lark (cub, cadet)
Meaning: Brown (Lark-), Protector (-wing)
Age: 4 moonspans & 1 moon | 4 years and 1 month
Identity: Cisgender Tom - He/Him
Orientation:  Homosexual | Hierarchical Polyamorous
Rank: Diplomat
Former Rank(s): Guard Cadet
A long-legged and slender but muscular marble brown tabby tom with yellow eye and a lighter underbelly. Larkwing’s paws are the same paler color as his belly, and he has a dark masking across the upper half of his muzzle. Larkwing was born with an interesting Stormborn condition - his quills are softer than other members of the faction. Between the marble swirls decorating his coat and the softer, barbless quills he was born with, it’s commonly assumed that Larkwing has some Shorerisen heritage. Kindlefoot declined to identify a sire outside of Gentlestep who stepped up, so the matter’s been long-since put to rest, though some still have commentary.
Larkwing and his sister were about the same size when they were born - a healthy pair of twins and a good sign to the faction. He had a fairly normal cubhood all things considered, spending most of his time carefree and happy as a cub should. Though his denmates preferred games involving combat, Lark had always been rather shy and adverse to the idea of rough-housing. He loved learning new things, and the rare pawful of nomads and outsiders that came to the faction were a subject of fascination for him. He would pester them for information on what life beyond the Stormborn was like; returning to the nursery to enthusiastically tell his mother all about it.
To the surprise of no one, Lark only lasted two short moons as a guard cadet before he requested to begin training under Tallwhispers instead. He was relieved when Finchfeathers took no offense, merely chuckling and remarking that he’d known it would happen eventually. It was a bit off-balancing at first to meet with so many non-Stormborn moggi, working his tongue around the languages spoken outside of the empire, but he relished every second of it. Lark thinks he was one of the very few moggi who understood Brastillian Mazzardwhisker’s reasons for leaving and the true weight of what Nightsabre had done long before the trouble started.
Larkwing and Buzzardhide grew rather close to each other not long before their promotions, and began to spend more and more time together in private. Now that was a surprise given Larkwing was all things gentle and kind while Buzzardhide was one word from swearing casually in front of cubs. Larkwing always claims that he loves his grumpy mate and spends most of his time showing him with physical affection that is returned with quiet gestures such as flowers in his nest and his favorite prey being hidden away from him. Their romance is a sweet one, and Larkwing loves his mate deeply.
Receiving Junco was a great honor to him, though he swiftly realized he had a struggle on his paws. His new cadet was so incredibly jumpy and anxious, he immediately understood the weight of the trust His Storm was placing in him. Larkwing vowed to treat the skittish tom like a son and has been making careful progress towards extricating him from his shell. Every day that Junco bounds towards him with his tail in the air and full of pride, Larkwing himself swells with joy.
Drillmaster(s): Finchfeathers (deceased), Tallwhispers (deceased)
Cadet(s): Junco
Parents: Kindlefoot (mother|deceased), Gentlestep (father|deceased)
Sweetparent(s): Cherrysweep (deceased)
Auncle(s): Cherrysweep (aunt|deceased), Rowanstep (uncle|deceased), Bearnose (uncle)
Sibling(s): Walnutleap (sister)
Nephling(s): N/A
Cousin(s): Pollendance
Mate(s): Buzzardhide (primary), Aspenwind (secondary)
Crush(es): N/A
OoC Friends: Grasswhisker, Briarflutter
Cub(s): N/A
Note(s): n/a ( for now)
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the-world-of-ignavus · 10 months
Moggi of the Storm (Embers) - Lieutenant Mottledstrike
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Name: Mottledstrike
Other Names: Splotch (cub), Mottle (cub, cadet)
Meaning: Many Colors (Mottled-), Fierce (-strike)
Age: 4 moonspans and 5 moons | 4 years and 5 months
Identity: FtM Tom - He/Him
Orientation: Homosexual | Hierarchical Polyamorous
Rank: Lieutenant
Former Rank(s): Hunt General
A medium furred and thick coated cherry and white tom with yellow eyes and cherry toes. His spotting is a bit more uniform than one would expect; mirrored on either side of his flanks. He has white bands around his ankles and, unlike most of his faction, is mostly clear of scars. He often jokes he has the greatest healing factor in the Stormborn though his sister insists that it’s because of his thick fur and ‘harmless’ appearance making other legions mistake him for a baby bird. Mottledstrike is fairly average sized for his faction; with a slender-frame hidden beneath a wall of fur and quills.
Twin to Speckledholly, Mottledstrike was born to his parents Marestrike and Bullsnakestrike as the sickly runt of their litter as merely ‘Mottle’. Everyone there agrees that he had no real illness - not a cold or serious cough - but rather, he was simply very weak. He had trouble breathing for the entire first moon of his life, and was always a little off-kilter for a few moons after. It resulted in his promotion being delayed by one moon until Silverdream would give the sign-off that he could be safely trained.
Assigned to train under Kodiaktail, Mottle hit the ground running in a furious attempt to catch up with his prodigy of a sister. Though they were close and Speckle never gloated or boasted, he felt like he was always pushing himself to keep up with her natural talent. He struggled with managing his jealousy towards his for the first couple moons of training and though she doesn't blame him, Mottledstrike occasionally looks back at his younger self with embarrassed annoyance.
A solo-patrol on the far side of Stormborn territory one dawn would change his life when he runs into a young mother trying to defend her cub against incredibly persistent bandits. Though eventually the criminals had been warded off, the damage had been done and Mottledstrike found himself returning to the Storm-Barracks with a 3 moon old cub while insisting someone retrieve the mother's body. It's no wonder that little Coyote refuses to leave his side for the first moon of her new life, frightened and missing her mother terribly.
He was so incredibly proud when she decided she wanted to stay and be trained as a legionary, eventually taking after him and becoming a hunter. Though she wasn't his cadet, he made sure to bring her on a tour of the territory and show her the place where he buried her mother. He hopes that wherever nomads go in the afterlife, Tern is happy with how he raised her daughter.
Mottledstrike had begun to form a budding romance with Saberslash, the older tom seemingly impressed by his command on a battlefield and his power. Though Aspenwind teases him, he also strongly encourages his interest in the russet tom; insisting that 'branching out' will further teach him what he does and doesn't like.
Mottledstrike is an easily embarrassed and hardworking moggi who respects the work anyone puts in. He tries to strike that balance between being a stern lieutenant and stopping others from following in His Storm's pawsteps. He was promoted for his empathy, and he tries to ensure that he never loses it.
Drillmaster(s): Kodiaktail
Cadet(s): Chikadeechitter, Flycatcher
Parents: Marestrike (mother|deceased), Bullsnakestrike (father|deceased)
Sweetparent(s): N/A
Auncle(s): N/A
Sibling(s): Speckledholly (twin sister), Garterpounce (sister|deceased)
Nephling(s): N/A
Cousin(s): N/A
Mate(s): Aspenwind (primary)
Crush(es): Saberslash
OoC Friends: N/A
Cub(s): Coyote (daughter)
Grandcub(s): N/A
Other Notes:
Coyote asked Mottledstrike to formally adopt her under the eyes of Sweetsoul almost immediately after being assigned. Mottledstrike cried
For a very brief period he was known as Splotch (to go along with Speckle) before declaring that he was a tom - Marestrike obligingly changed his name to what he would've been called
He's younger than Asterdawn, but he frets over her constantly. He grew up with one bad thing after another happening to them and now, there are very few he trusts with her safety
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the-world-of-ignavus · 10 months
Moggi of the Storm (Embers) - Starmender Speckledholly
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Name: Speckledholly
Other Names: Speckle (cadet), Speckledtalon (guard)
Meaning: Blotchy Colored (Speckled-), Talented Fighter (-talon), Dangerous (-holly),
Age: 4 moonspans and 5 moons | 4 years and 5 months
Identity: Cisgender Molly - She/Her
Orientation: Asexual | Homoromantic
Rank: Starmender
Former Rank(s): Guard
A long-furred, primarily black tortoiseshell molly with a white chest plume and sunlight yellow eyes. The ginger color of her pelt is broken up along her back and flanks, forming small, streaked spots banding across her. Her shoulders and hips are bright orange, with long faded scars poking through her fur. Both of her ears are split, and the short fur on her face reveals scarred clawmarks on her lower jaw. All in all, she’s a rather terrifying looking mender; battled scarred and bulky, with muscle betraying her past as a guard. Though Speckledholly was sworn to a mender’s role now; those that come across with violence on their minds are reminded that she was once promoted early with the suffix -talon.
Speckledholly was the larger of twins born and received the luck of also being the healthier one. It became readily apparent the older she got that Speckled had a gift for combat - her reflexes were always high, and she picked up on new techniques rather quickly. Her first drillmaster, Wishedfire was very excited to get his paws on her. He started with small, simple techniques; rapidly escalating in complexity when it became apparent that she was catching on quickly. Battle wasn’t exactly fun, but was something that she was good at, something she found easy. It made her parents proud to see her skills.
Her raw talent for combat drew the attention of Yarrowtalon, one of the faction’s other skilled fighters. He began offering her private training sessions, teaching her more and more advanced battle-moves away from others. Speckled was skeptical until a run-in with an aggressive party of Shorerisen moggi resulted in her lashing out with the new move, chasing them off. She threw herself into the training from there, eager to learn more and better moves for defense. This was also when Yarrowtalon began to show a more marked interest in her and began to spend more time with her outside of private training sessions. 
He began encouraging her to spend time with his son, Calla. Training them together, teaching them more battle-moves and having them improve with each other. He started inviting her on hunting patrols and border patrols. Speckled started to get a bit of an uncomfortable feeling from him when he began expressing distaste for her spending time with her twin; starting to monopolize more and more of her time. His attentions began to feel smothering as he demanded they groom each other after every sparring session, “to check for scratches” he always insisted. Asterdawn took her aside in private on more than a few occasions, asking her if she was okay. Her questions were never pointed but Speckled always had the feeling the molly knew more than she was letting on; having caught Asterdawn’s whispered words of fury to him on occasion.
One day, Speckled and Yarrowtalon were on another border patrol together; Speckled mostly silent while Yarrowtalon talked about battle-tactics and their future together. He finally stopped when they were at the Boa’s Sarsen, watching the sunrise when he asked her to be his mate. Speckled didn’t have the chance to answer because they were ambushed by a Fennyield patrol not long after. As it was dawn, the scuffle disturbed the blackwhips and Speckled had the misfortune of being bitten. Yarrowtalon raced her back to the Stormborn’s barracks and the Fenn’s mender approached with the antidote. Though the threat of death had been removed, Speckled would need to wait a moon before she was cleared for activity again. Goldanthem promoted her to her guard’s name of Speckledtalon, honoring her long-known skill in battle, though Speckled felt strange with the prideful look Yarrowtalon gave her after receiving her name. 
Spending the next moon in the mender’s den with Silverdream was an interesting experience. In her boredom, she asked about the herbs and their uses and found to her surprise that the memorization was… hard. Excitement she was unused flashed through her, and she began to probe more and more for information about healing. In that moon, she slowly acquired an understanding of the herbs and treatments used; enjoying the true challenge that came with it. She enjoyed it so much in fact that when she was cleared to attend her first Eyes-Games that she actually requested that she become a mender’s cadet training under Silverdream.
Though she enjoyed her new rank, Yarrowtalon was furious. He stalked around the den frequently, alternating between snapping at her for choosing to become a mender and wasting her talents, and trying to coax her into returning to her rank as a guard whenever they went on their walks. Eventually, they got into a blow-out argument over ‘wasted potential’ that resulted in a claw’s out argument between them, and Speckledtalon stormed off. When Asterdawn asked about her sour expression, she couldn’t help it, spending what felt like forever ranting. The lieutenant was very kind to her, listening with a calm and alert expression as she expressed herself. Speckledtalon eventually apologized for how much she talked, only for the other to be reassured that she had nothing to be sorry about.
When Yarrowtalon returned to the barracks, he’d had a new set of claw marks raked over his face and a truly nasty looking bite on his throat that was just barely shallow enough to not be fatal. He shouldered his way into the mender’s den and requested Silverdream specifically to treat his injuries without giving her so much as a passing glance. Asterdawn returned to the barracks not long after. Speckledtalon has her suspicions about the incident, but never found proof no matter how hard she looked.
Speckledtalon would go on to finish her training as a mender, taking on the new suffix -holly to honor her training as a guard while still showing her new pathway as a healer. Speckledholly watched with pride as her brother received the lieutenant’s position, stepping awkwardly but eagerly into the role bestowed upon him. She felt very little emotion when Yarrowtalon’s body was found on the Shore-Storm border, mangled and bleeding. As an adult, she knows that the way he treated her was gross and icky, so it was privately a bit of a relief to know he was dead.
Speckledholly is a slightly flirtatious, serious and kind of gruff molly. She’s known for her slightly morbid jokes that contrast with her lighthearted and friendly demeanor. 
Drillmaster(s): Wishedfire (deceased), Silverdream (deceased)
Cadet(s): N/A
Parents: Marestrike (mother|deceased), Bullsnakestrike (father|deceased)
Sweetparent(s): N/A
Auncle(s):  N/A
Sibling(s): Mottledstrike (twin-brother), Garterpounce (sister|deceased)
Nephling(s): Coyote (niece)
Cousin(s): N/A
Mate(s): Wildheart
Crush(es): Primroselyric (cadethood), Asterdawn (cubhood)
OoC Friends: N/A
Cub(s): N/A
Speckledholly still brings treats and gifts to Asterdawn as a thanks for her interference
She and Callastorm are still a bit awkward around each other at the realization that Yarrowtalon was attempting to make her his new 'mom'
She's very popular with fennyield mollies due to the scars littering her fur - she's not at all upset about that
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the-world-of-ignavus · 10 months
Iganvus Tags
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#The World of Ignavus - general worldbuilding for ignavus that applies for all groups such as medicine or history
#Ignavus Meta - Posts that are about making the world, the process to getting there, and occasionally plotting
#Xenomoggy - Blanket tag for all stories written from a catlike/cat-adjacent perspective; includes much more than just ignavus
#Xenomongrel - Blanket tag for all stories written from a canid/canine-adjacent perspective; made impulsively by me and could apply to other stories
#Ignavus the Greenwood Empire - posts relating to the four/five factions that inhabited the Greenwood Forest; these tend to be overall posts
Tags within this tag:
Ignavus the Stormborn
Ignavus the Shorerisen
Ignavus the Fennyield
Ignavus the Galespun
Ignavus Straealla
Ignavus the legionary's charter
Ignavus Caesars
Ignavus Lieutenants
#Ignavus the Sky Regencies - posts relating to the give regencies of the world; they are fairly far apart
Tags within this tag:
Ignavus the Shining Sun
Ignavus the Rising Moon
Ignavus the Dancing Stars
Ignavus the Racing Clouds
Iganvus the (afterlife)
Ignavus the sky rites
Ignavus (kings)
Ignavus (queens)
Ignavus (nobles)
#Ignavus the Mongrel Republics - posts relating to the largest mongrel predominant societies in the world
Tags within this tag:
Ignavus the Sunflower Republic
Ignavus the Ochre Republic
Ignavus the Iris Republic
#Ignavus Nomads and Drifters - posts relating to the neutral members of the world that spend most of their time travelling or in small groups as they move around
Tags within this tag:
The United Caverns
The Untethered
The Choir and Nightingales
The Stretch Territories
The Marketplaces
The Courier's Outlet
#Ignavus Mercenaries and Bandits - posts relating to groups of individuals hired for muscle and groups that make their living by stealing and attacking other groups
Tags within this tag:
The Cult of Havoc
Bandit Groups
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