#ik twilight is the mc but in the grand scheme of equestria she's not the centre of the universe
flutterflora · 2 months
"i hate that twilight became an alicorn because now all her friends are gonna die and she's gonna be alone forever" ‼️ WRONG ‼️
you can have your thoughts and feelings on twilight becoming immortal or having a much longer lifespan or whatever all you want but objectively she will not be alone. for one, celestia and luna retiring doesn't mean they're dead and gone, they will absolutely still be there for twilight and will still help and guide her. secondly cadence is not much older than twilight and will probably rule just as long as her and will be by her side the whole time, along with flurryheart. dragons are confirmed to live thousands of years so spike will be with her for a very long time too. and in the end even if all that's left is twilight, there will always be discord.
i understand that mlp is a series that primarily focuses on the mane six but we see in the show time and time again that their core friendship is not the only important one and i think twilight as the princess of friendship knows that better than anyone. it would obviously be extremely difficult for her to lose her five closest friends but she would not ever be alone.
personally i really love the idea of her becoming the mentor of all the next generation of element holders and making many weird and wacky and interesting and cool new friends along the way. but maybe that's just me lol
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