#ill set up the blog and stuff later ya boi is tired
hazbinextgeneration · 6 years
My Darling
   Soft.  That's the first thing he thought of...as he connected lips with the smaller demon he held. "Mmm.~" One of his hand gently stroked her back as she attempted to deepen the kiss. One of his eyes opened to peek at the bar where another demon was looking at them with hatred. A fan of Mimzy's that got a little too friendly for liking. -flashback- Spiraled red eyes watched transfixed on the stage as his beloved sang and danced. He especially watched those curves of hers.~ He didn't look up when a figure sat across from him. "Hello, Ally.~" "good evening, Angel. *sigh* Isn't she lovely?" "*whistle* Wow. Mimz, is really rocking the joint tonight isn't she?" "Yes she is. And she's mine tonight, too.~" Angel gave him a nudge." You lucky b-st-rd." He chuckled." Well it's like you say.....The way to a man's heart is his stomach. But, the way to a demon's is to rip it out and fill it with your own sins and desires.~" They both laughed. "Oh, boy. I almost forgot why I came over here." He leaned over the table between them. "....A little birdy told me that Mimzy's number one fan came by the hotel tonight." His smile faded a bit. "Oh? Abd who is this demon?" Angel pointed a hand towards the stage. Nothing looked out of place. ".....I'm afraid I don't see your point." A hand grabbed one of his antlers, pulling him across the table a bit. He pointed a hand at the far left end of the stage. " Right there. The dude with the horny face." At first, he didn't see anything...until he spotted a particulary mangy looking mutt. His fur was messy and from the way he was acting, Alastor could tell that he was drunk. What he REALLY didn't like was the look on his face. His tounge was hanging out, getting slobber all over the table, with glazed over eyes. His smile almost completely vanished. ".......Thank you, Angel......I'll handle the situation from here." Angel stood up." Glad to help. I'd love to stay and watch the fight but I promised Vaggie we'd spend some 'quality time' together tonight.~ Good luck, Al." With that he turned and walked way. Leaving Alastor staring at the mutt. -5 minutes later- The last song ended and everyone clapped. Alastor included but he was still eyeing the drunken dog. Mimzy was bowing and blowing kisses at the crowd. Walking backwards until the curtains closed, hiding her completely. Many of the crowd had stood up and walked away except for a few. Like him and the mutt. He slowly stood up....and walked towards the entrance to the backstage. A vampire bat stood guard at the door. "Hello, Titiana. What might you be doing this evening, my dear?" She looked at him. " Arackniss is doing some business inside. I'm to stand here and make sure no one gets in," she answered with a slight Russian accent. "Might I be allowed inside?" ".......I don't know." "I asure you that I only want to see Mimzy. I won't bother Arackniss at all." ".......Alright. But, just this ounce." She stepped aside. "Thank you, my dear." He walked passed her through the door. Walking down the, he heard a couple of gun shots. No doubt from Arackniss's little business meeting. He stopped when he was in front of a door. Knocking ounce, he went in. The place was brightly lit with dresses, make-up, and pink galore. "Evening, Ladies~," he bowed to the hotel's show girls that giggled back. "Hiiiii, Alastor.~" Hello, Ally.~" "Are you looking for Mimzy?~" "Indeed I am. Is she here?" A glomp to his side answered that. "Darling.~,"she cooed," Come to surprise me at work?" He purred before lifting her up, making the show girls giggle more."Don't I always?~ What say we go to the bar for a little treat?~" "That sounds just fine. But are you planning on carrying me there," He turned around." Why not?~ You seem tired from all the dancing. Have a good evening, Ladies.~" "Byyyye, Ally.~" "Give 'em a kiss for me, Mimz.~" He proceeded to carry her down the hallway, through the stage room, and into the hotel's bar. He set her down upon a bar stool before stepping back. " Ill be back with a drink or two." "I won't do anywhere. Don't worry.~" He walked up to the bar where two cups were already waiting for him. "The usual Alastor," the bartender stated," I had them made as soon as I saw ya." "Why thank you, Bill. A fine brandy would be just right." "Uh......Al. Did you expect Mimzy to have any visitors?" "No. Why?" He turned around and froze. The mutt was back! And the drunken idiot was flirting....WITH! HIS! MATE! Mimzy was giving him a dead pan look. Looking between him and the bite marks that was clearly visible on her shoulder. Male demons claimed their mates by bitting them on the shoulder or arm. And this guy clearly didn't care. "........Bill, hold the drinks will you? I have to save Mimzy from a humping dog," he said before walking away. "I-I *hic* really did enjoy your performance, Miss Mimzy," he slured. "Uh-huh. Thanks, sweetie, for all the compliments and....all the other stuff you said....but I'm not interested. Besides I'm already taken." "Really? Where is he?" "Right behind you, Lad." They both turned to see Alastor with narrowed eyes and a strained grin on his face." I'm afraid that's my lady you're talking to." "Really?*hic* Where's the proof?" "I marked her shoulder." The drunk looked at her shoulder before looking back at him. "Well how do I know that it's your mark?" "......." "Why don't ya*hic* prove it?" And that's exactly what he did. -flashback over- The drunk got up and walked out, leaving the bar. Thinking his job was done, he attempted to pull away...only to have Mimzy wrapped her arms around his neck in a vise grip. He inwardly chuckled. The evening just got interested. Ounce he broke free, he looked over at Bill."Bill, have our drinks ready and waiting. We'll be back in two....." Mimzy scratched behind his ears making him purr. "........M-Make that three hours." They left without saying another word. 
Request for my friend @neons-trash-blog. All mentioned belongs to Vivziepop.
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