#im a vtuber in the same way that barbie is the president. in my own magical world it's true. but if you saw me stream you would say: no way
businesscatfelix · 11 months
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Stream schedule for today, description in alt text. All times are in AEST, I recommend worldtimebuddy.com for converting timezones (not sponsored, I just like + use it)
In depth info regarding the streams below the cut :3
The Wednesday stream is tentative because I'm getting a deep tissue massage on Tuesday and sometimes they set my chronic pain off. So it may be cancelled, won't really know until Wednesday morning (sorry)
Friday's art n chill stream will involve traditional art, likely some sculpting and painting this time as I prepare for an upcoming market.
Pokemon White stream has been delayed multiple times and I just wanna do it. I just want to play pokemon. We will play pokemon this weekend. I will do whatever I need to, to make it happen.
I have a server! Where you can get updates on streams + art. It is not required (i think), but if you find you are missing out on streams or you're not sure what's happening with my stream schedule I recommend joining.
[link to server here]
Thanks once again for all your support and for the warm welcome back to streaming on Friday, I hope to get back into the swing of it this week. :3
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