#im also pretty lucky in my friend groups here bc it's frowned upon to be on your phone in company
how did you make it out of being on your phone all the time? any tips?
ooof. yeah. it was all in steps bc i was very very addicted and didn't even want to admit it at the time. so first i turned off almost all notifications, apart from essential ones like texts. then i deleted tiktok. and in my latest move, which has made an enormous difference, is that i put books on my phone so that if i'm in a situation where i wanna have stimulation but don't have a book (like during breaks at work (aka on the toilet lol) or im on a train or wherever) i read instead of scrolling. it took a lot of adjusting at first, bc i was very addicted to being in the loop, most of all. reading every discord thread, checking my tumblr notes, scrolling the dash as far as i could..... but then i realised that the friends i made would still be my friends even if i didn't see every convo they were having. or i would still be a fan of the things i liked even if i didn't know every little detail about the newest update (i think i'm not alone in experiencing that feeling).
most of all i became very aware of how phone addicted i was, and i still feel too dependent. so now whenever i'm in public and i grab my phone to check something i judge myself. it's a bit of a harsh tactic but i'm mentally slapping my fingers so that i'm not some screen addicted zombie roaming the streets as if i can't.. walk around... without stimulation. im aware that i sound so old rn but i can truly tell that i've gotten a clearer head and i've slowed down a lot thanks to these changes. and now im crushing my goodreads goal lmao
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